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Here is a tool that will certainly make it easier in accomplishing this difficult skill. If you need to contact John or watch his video, the link is just below...Thanks.

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Tags: Bow Drill,bushcraft,survival,bearing block,exceptional,wilderness,fire by friction,fire making,Camping,Summer,Fun,Weekend,Outdoor,Bearing (Invention)

Video Transcription

so mr. John from snap-on John 100 send me these wonderful looking bearing blocks of the bow drill which is the top part of the drill just in case you didn't know he sent me to both are made out of aluminum this one has no bearing and this one has a berry there about I don't know an inch an inch and quarter maybe in diameter so if you want to know or you have any questions concerning you know the mechanics or how he done it he's got a wonderful video explaining I mean everything you know he'll probably answer your question just in that video I'll put the link just below this screen in the description and he sent this so i can test them see how they go so let's do that next thing i want to try the first one no Barry going well so friction gonna stop there alright

try the one with the bearing this time comfortable in the hands very nice

there's a little wind going now

people may be thinking well when you learn something it's best to learning to learn it the right way the first time and I agree with that but bow drill I got a different idea it's a difficult skill to learn and a lot of people get discouraged and you know just stop doing it because it doesn't seem to work now when you have the bearing block that doesn't granny friction at the top that eliminates a lot of problems just look at it this way when it creates friction at the top it will create less at the bottom you don't want that to happen and then you're forcing and forcing and forcing then everything else goes wrong so I think it's good to have a tool like this especially for the beginner when he has that you can learn the rest of the mechanics properly and when it's done all he needs to do go in the hood and practice with a piece of wood awesome kit awesome kid Ron all right let's not waste this you want to waste practicing winds changing direction now one turns and one doesn't again join will be able to explain these things to you a lot better than me he created this with a friend and I just love it ok

now don't mind the black flies you see some of the camera well they enjoy your company as well now question is are these for sale absolutely is anybody making money nobody's making money this is actually for a fundraiser boy scouts of america or more specifically true 94 in new york nobody I mean no money goes to anybody but to them this is so cool so small an effective so if you're interested in these if I'm not mistaken the cost for the one without bearing it's ten bucks and the other one is 18 anyways you just check the video of John and he'll tell you everything

both go well I didn't see a difference in any of them but probably the one with the bearing you could probably apply more pressure I don't know any way Jon will explain all that to you guys so anyway join I want to really thank God for your generous heart it's actually inspiring me to do more for kids as well now you know what

kids need hope in this kind of a world is not much hope and you need hope to live by this is just a tiny little piece of hope that we could give them you know I rather invest in seeing kids learn stuff in the bush and to see them in the streets

so anyway

this troop 94 these kids they have the will but they lack the means so if you need this you know it could be for you the beginner it could be to put in your kit just in case it could be buying it for a gift this is your chance only if you want to encourage a kid that is in need all right thank you so much for your awesome support and John you're the man you guys take care this is mike for bushcraft part by you

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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