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Tags: amazing,cotton,ball,dragon,snow,winter,rise,ice,cold,storm,day,fun,bushcraft,skills,survival,fire,making,how,to,camping,dragon ball,summer,weekend,family,cool,wilderness,outdoors,nature,cabin,travel,tent,woods,forest,yt:crop=16:9,holiday,village,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips

Video Transcription

hello everyone.this before you guys started watching this video how to make the amazing cotton ball just a few things I like to tell you guys and also maybe answer a few questions when you look for this gel wax there's three categories of this or three types or grades concerned just gel wax and they're identified with numbers there's number one two and number three right now the one you would like defined is number one number one is the one that will have a longest burning time like the example of the first video I showed you because the gel the oil based gel is the one that's more concentrated with oil and will last longest so look for number one I mean if you find just number two and number three that's fine too but number one is your first thing that you should look for also have this question to where to find it this gel well guys you're gonna have to hunt for it you can look you know local hardware stores not a hardware store but local stores craft stores eBay Amazon you know you got to search for it it's not something it used to be popular for making candles and stuff and but now because of its so flammable that you know it's it's not going out of business but it's harder to find for you guys who are out of the country or not in North America if you don't find it locally there's 90% chance you won't be able to get it and I'm sorry about it but companies won't want to send it to you because it's highly flammable or maybe your country because I tried before and they just don't want to you know send it you can still try also when you make the cotton ball

you're gonna see in the video that don't soak it too much okay if you want to be able to start with a firesteel because the main point when you want to start with a firesteel is that you open it up and you still see some dry spots in it but something else I want to tell you also the less gel there is obviously the less longer it will burn now I know I made that video and I started with a fire still and you know it's good that it does start with a fire still and it's impressive when we do do that but guys there's nothing wrong with starting it with a lighter or matches so if you do you know soak it too much don't throw it out it's gonna last long time as you can line it up with that this is what it looks like okay this in case you guy has never seen it it's a texture a rubberized texture okay this thing floats right it's completely waterproof if you soak it like you're supposed to and something else that's neat about this you can actually dye it okay with a bright orange you know food coloring bright orange bright yellow now I haven't tried it yet I don't know the recipe but this gel was made for that salt would be nice to have these you know when you're in the bush so if ever you lose one or drop it it will be easily seen and if you drop it in the water for some reason this float bright orange bright yellow floating grab it it's easily found so if you do so get too much all you need to do just pinch it a bit use a lighter the winds on this side

we'll start nicely for you this thing will last quite a long time now I'm not gonna listen let this burn I want to save it so anyway is that pretty much everything I was wanting you guys to know anyways if you have any other questions concerning the amazing cotton ball go ahead and ask oh one last thing you might this thing might be a little bit pricey you know because it doesn't sell that much but you can old challenge graciously counted it up for us concerning making these and it came up to around I can't remember 10 or 15 cents a cotton ball to make you know if you go right to the company you know you have to it's not little tubes you go to I think it's a gallon or something so imagine all the cotton balls you can make you know in that sense in a cheaper way it's affordable and it's cheap and it's easy to do when you compare it to I think you can old challenge compare it to what fire which is a dollar or something so it's you know even though it seems expensive when you buy it in bulk or bigger containers it really isn't cheap I would really appreciate it if you could send your video response to this video to guys come back and when he does send it check it out he starts he boiled some water without no stove just a cotton ball and thanks again Jeep for doing that okay enough of my babbling enjoy the video this is Mike from bushcraft putters by video request on how to make the amazing cotton ball so I decided to make a video out of it I feel like I'm on a cooking show but that's not the case first thing you're going to need obviously is cotton balls now what you want to look for in the cotton balls is a hundred percent you need a where is it 100% pure cotton right there okay that's what you're going to need there's cotton balls out there that are mixed up with polyester and polyester well it's something that's fabric that's hard to catch on fire and at the same time when it does catch it burns too fast so you want to find yourself a 100 percent cotton balls the next thing you're going to need is you've seen this before is the gel wax now mr. Tom from the real survival class if I'm not mistaken okay correct me Tom if I am he found this the cheapest was I think was Amazon and I think it was $1.00 u.s. I'm not sure anyways Tom I'd appreciate it if you'd correct me and then write it down so people will know now this gel wax I've taken maybe half of an inch of it because it was here I made up 20 cotton balls at least for my tests so it's worth well were well worth the money guys next thing you're gonna need is the pot now my wife was racist enough to give me one if you use a pot for for the gel wax and when you're done with it don't try and clean it you know you clean it very well this thing is highly toxic okay and you don't want to you don't want to endanger getting sick and all that by reusing it and cooking with it so use it if you use one you'd always the same one you're gonna need

anyways for for further cotton ball that you're going to make first thing you're going to want to do I'm gonna make just two here first thing you're gonna want to do is take your gel wax now this is pretty hard stuff to get I've tried it with a knife I've tried with all kinds of stuff but the best method that I've found yet so far it's just with the big round spoon you just dump it in okay like this and with your thumb stick your thumb inside that and you just pull a piece out at a time and you put it in enough in that pot so you put your spoon in and you just pull a piece off like this it's gonna need a few more oh the other thing I want to tell you put a medium-high on your stove and wait for it to melt you don't want to put it on high because this guy's contained this guys contain this thing contains sorry gel and the gel is oil-based and the oil in it is very flammable so if you put it too high there's danger in the whole thing catching on fire so you just put it on my on medium heat and wait for it to melt once it's melt it close it because again if you leave it there's still some danger for it to catch on fire and you'll have plenty of time to dump your cotton balls in it and take them out it doesn't it doesn't freeze up that easy so I'm just gonna wait for this to melt oh this doesn't take that long but I just want to save on footage now another thing the other thing I want to mention is when you do you know melt it down I don't know if you can see the smoke you know just start your your fan so you don't breathe that in you see it's starting to melt pretty good there's still pieces in it it's only been like a minute it's almost done once it's completely done I'll come back and get to you okay Tibet just wanted to tell you you know kind of a disclaimer you'll want to breathe that in thanks okay so it's all melted in there so now I can close my stove it didn't take a minute okay it's all nice and liquid now what you want to do is you take your cotton ball okay you just pour it like this I mean slap your pot so all the oils at the same place and you just drop your cotton ball real fast

in there and he just turned it once and that's it take it out right away put it on the floor second one turn it around once twice make sure it gets everything and you take it out right away marry it's as simple as that now there's always some left you just dump it back in your pot there's no problem it won't burn anything dump it back and it's gonna seize up in their weight before it's all seized up before you put the cover on now you let it you know don't need to clean this bowls are done now all you have to do is wait I don't know you'll see you can put it outside and put it in the fridge if you want to go faster but once they're cold they're ready now I hope this was helpful to the one that and anybody else I want to know how to make these in the next video now this is a late video request a lot of people asked me to make a video on how to start these because they had problems with them so I'm gonna make a video real fast I'm gonna show you how to start these easily because they can be easily started if you do it the right way now the first right way is not to dump the too long in there because it's going to soak too much and that's where they're gonna have what one of the problems anyways so thanks for watching my cooking show guys now these are not edibles but you can still use them to cook though you guys take care

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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