NSB Gathering 2017


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Tags: best,greatest,outdoor event,gathering,fun,wilderness,skills,bushcraft,awesome

Video Transcription

good day folks this is the beginning of our three-week camping trip of course we'll be having different adventures and all that good stuff but the first video you'll be seeing is the Nova Scotia bushcraft

gathering now I'm not going to film all kinds of stuff because you know there's all kinds of people that may not want to be filmed I completely respect that so you're going to have little bits of everything so this is going to be the first video our three weeks we're planning a few things they have fun d is the place I always want to go the highest tire in the world is there also we're going to do part of the bay of fundy trail of the fundy trail after that we have a 90 90 kilometer canoe trip about three four days on a pretty wild river after that we want to climb one a well a big mountain for us anyway we'd like to achieve I know if we will but that's our plan anyway so this is our plans pretty much for the three weeks there's probably more and sometimes it changes but for this time this is the Nova Scotia bushcraft gathering so I hope you're doing [Music]

all right so I forgot to show you a little bit we're in a beautiful place red pine forest or it's ten set up for four days and they're noun Seng for beautiful days so I'm very happy about that

well the next scenes well you'll soon find out just with water you don't get hurt Jennifer yeah what's just plain water you take off the dust and whatever and yelling and I like to use it the cheese great and you have to be careful with your knuckles and just scrape it on you don't take a lot of pressure in it we already know the neck oh yeah protein with enough yeah that's it we can add 14 athletes and that's the way I like to do my Brandon Roland and rest of the hella factors once you try these so I tried one of the rock kicked myself a tire bought the other brands around for a couple of years until I could get one for my son so after we got the gun one okay I ended up having where weekend up in the nerdery in Cape Breton I've been involved with the paper my most your weight is in the forward end which makes it easier to cast and depending on what you like for a rod or your skill level this was an ultra-fast rod one of the fastest appear way makes it will take the line it'll fire a long long one of the higher end ones that I use very short keep your rod tip down because fish starts on hold a little bit too soon what you doing there one more time I promise you you're me up forward Hey here you go all right literally said but it's a prevention you know it's really the key you know in a little bit of course that we do is very hands-on very interactive decisional if you will and scenario-based a little blood take blood and new legs and people get to discover they have an acting career within all of that you realize there's some of the fun that we have that you don't want that to happen to you in the middle of nowhere hmm yeah and so who hears that if I would be real fast so there was done some work and boiled on this little problem of giving you can we come over to these guys maybe you guys can explain what it is you come up with all right let's just go around in certain no it's okay so gene number hello you're trying to say is it all right so what do you got here so we thought we would start with survey the scene so you protect yourself first and keys up for any danger it could be electrical wires on the ground and stuff like that so you don't want to get injured then okay being patient making sure she is okay are you feeling okay she's lost a lot of blood she's going to pass out larry has about the scenario changes all right are you still doing okay if we had some clean water we would we will clean would go so would you just say what's your assessment my assessment is that wound is very deep and dirty we're going to need to clean that wound okay and we're going to need to get her to a hospital she gives a big vomit right now yeah the other situation has now changed she now needs to roll on her side in a recovery position what is my comment you feels well you're going to pass no all right so we have someone that's from where are you from John from the UK England England coming to Nova Scotia how do you like Canada so far four days in and five days in absolutely brilliant oh I love that word millions of trees friendly people cool and with a lot of people with a common interest right on I see there's nice flags behind yeah yeah especially the white and red one is pretty nice if you explained to me that purple one okay the purple one is the World Organization of the Scout Winston's okay yeah good so I'm bringing in two Scouts in in the UK so I thought fly the flag for scouting right on so then we get Canada and the next one is like it's in tundra so Scotland Scotland right Nova Scotia yes and then we turn to Nova Scotia flag oh that's a Nova Scotia flag oh this last one I mean just happens to be the biggest it wasn't me yeah hello the Union flag of Great Britain yeah see I'll just from here you guys can see the difference between the flags and it's pretty big right so anyway we want to say hi a Sebastian hi Sebastian he's got a son who's about 4 feet tall no no no Sebastian 6 foot tall and he's only 13 hahahahahah seen in December Wow cool ok well thanks a lot John my pleasure

nice to see Mike no you don't know what right now but I'm already filming ok so I want to present you guys one of the greatest men on this planet he's really cool but I wanted to especially show you his what is it Rob the cool I killed Scottish tactical and that is really cool and it's not a skirt people ok it's man's what a man's killed and this guy is just awesome ok see this if my other hand would be free I could put the other thumb but he is really cool and don't ask me why he has orange hair ok that's that's between him and him ok I just wanted to bring this guy to you because he is our mascot thank you very much sir get at Walmart I'm actually going to pass this around for everybody to take a look at and they're basically cleaning out a piece of leather to get the suede running it through a giant printing press and basically putting on something that appears to be top green if you see somebody driving a fancy car with leather interior or you buy you go to the furniture store and they try to sell you a $3,000 chair that's you know top grain leather chances are it's a split with a printed top grain on it so if you want to spare anybody else has I'm in on Leben or tea please you are a strain of this year in laughter thanks Jackie I haven't noticed it myself usually if it does I'll just put them both in together I'm usually haven't tried that distinctly to try I what I do find though is if I get it at the right time it has a nice little white flower on it I find that hasn't even more for all taste to it so and then the white edge went it's the flower and other white leaves come after it so you get forge alright so we will be smoking some meat we explain the meat we're gonna smoke in a whole hog with two chickens whole hog was around 70 pounds Wow how long does that take about 14 hours oh my all night oh man it's gonna be good though yeah right on man she's starting to turn now you see the dark color yeah you're starting to paint she's all rubbed it Oh little bit of spice now I want to ask you what the spices are I know that's a secret now there's just a mixture of everything okay anything you could possibly imagine great dinner there are some little things I don't tell but that's what salsa barbecue sauces okay yeah exactly

really cool yeah seventy pounds [Laughter]

the right speed for the way temperature okay I'll do the woods and see picked up quite a few places and yes yeah look like I don't but it looks like little black egg up and down like a barn or something I will play caviar Elmo so tiny and you'll just see a pile isn't on the forest floor or in the ferns or something like that you'll definitely be like what the heck is that because you haven't seen something like that so ticks can carry many other diseases as well I put a list of some of them here anaplasmosis studies eos art nila Rocky Mountain spotted fever - Watson virus and pull off the virus can be transmitted in as little as 15 minutes so you really have to be careful I know in the news is a lot of 24 to 36-hour attachment and that's just full because of the tick is feeding on a house that's infected with Lyme yeah it's already in it Salalah

so if it falls off of that house and latches on views can be Instant Transmission so you really have to be aware and educate yourself and they talked about the bullseye rash a lot in the news and a bull's eye rash doesn't have to look like a bulb on a bull's eye rash could be anything that looks like a spider by H or bigger there's a bunch of different diagrams of rashes here and I'm sorry for the small pictures but I went to plan B for this whole PowerPoint presentation base that's a multi-step process almost like diagnosis you know you're looking for certain change the stems certain types of leaves will go into that rather than just giving it to all at once we're not going to memorize it as we come across plants probably need some of for you now usually when I teach these courses there have our home stager to the way back in the woods and I have classes of 12 people and will go for anywhere from 6 to 12 hours non-stop on a run of 4 was done in things we're going to create in a lot two hours many of us riddles what has hands but cannot clap yeah I heard a woman's voice turn yeah over here go oh joy with it okay yeah what is it I've always spoken up an answer once like and you don't have to shut up now yep oh no they're not gonna be all that easy how many months have 28 days Oh kids first order yeah

okay ready over number three what goes around and around the wood but never goes into the wood grow-ops mark the right bar hey buddy no Roger to the egg whites in the year twice in a week and never in a date what is it wait here citizen slices York I'll say it again I know who that identify and he he Larry Larry you see a person here twice in a week and [Applause]

okay what I'm going to get Lauren to do okay is I'm going to get him to draw the numbers okay oh no for left it's on the outside the group and he keeps it fairly honest guy okay must be real good [Laughter]

should you'll be able to call like a last three last three eight nine nine rain but now it's nonstop which is part of being out but you know what yeah we're still eating good even though there's lovely rain coming down all right so so far we're having an excellent time of the gathering I mean lots of good information on all kinds of subjects obviously I could not film I just tried you know to give you a little glimpse but important information especially on you know Lyme disease wild edibles fire-making I mean the whole works are so many things so many events you don't have time to be lonely and a great group of people we're going to have the barbecue tonight hopefully this rain is going to stop if it doesn't we're still prepared but after that it will pretty much be the end of this video if anything else happens or interesting I will make sure to open or open the video back up if not well I hope you still enjoy the glimpses of this Nova Scotia bushcraft 2017 if ever you're able to next year I'm sure will be even better thanks for watching [Applause]



About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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