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Tags: wood,carry,fire,making,bushcraft,skills,camping,hiking,Way,wilderness,forest,nature,woodlands,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips,survival

Video Transcription

now as fall fast approaches and especially winter time and you're the type of person that likes to spend some time in the bush I know 23 days you know that you're gonna you know need quite an amount of fuel to sustain whatever your needs are there's many ways of being able to carry the fuel i'm going to show you just one little way you can you know there's a couple of ways here that people normally do that still work but take a lot of energy just like this now those ways will work but takes energy and there's a minor chance that you may hurt yourself so let me show you this way that is very simple and effective alright so the simple way that I will use any way I always search for simplicity obviously and I know there's other ways but all you need is peace rope and a piece of wood hardwood you know would be best you don't want this to break in your hands and the length well I've got a six inches here it depends on the size of your hands and cordage now what I usually use is paracord but I decided to redo it so you can see it and I used white again so you can see it better very very very simple you just make a loop about the size that you'd like because this is what's going to happen now you normally know the size of the fuel that you would carry okay you should know that anyway so the loop should be according to the size you always make it a little bit bigger because you'll be obviously carrying something like this okay so now my normal size is about like this and it's important you'll see not to make it you can make it a little bigger but not too big so all you do is cut yourself a piece

and just tie yourself simple knot so that you have a loop like this right yeah next thing you put it around your piece of wood you want to carry take your piece of wood and you just twist it now you can't I you know you could tie it the way you like you can make a knot this way or make and make another knot on your other piece here but that's how I do it I find it a lot simpler so you just twist it until it's tight like right now there she said let me place the camera i'll show you what this does all right so this is pretty much what it looks like ok held here in your hands like this and you don't want to make it too short so that you have to lift your arm like this because you're on will get tired easy you want to leave it so it's a you know about a little higher than your knees right when you drag it again you don't want your arm to be coming like this because you're going to get tired so now all you have to do is just pull it

so very simple piece of string piece of wood this way it doesn't take as much energy actually big difference at the same time the higher you carried the wood could be in your arms like this weird your chest or in your shoulder there's more of a chance you'll be hooking on branches and stuff and it's a lot easier to carry now the second thing well there's less chance of getting hurt as well and another little thing that it does every time you do get a piece of wood and you bring it you're going to create little trails y'all depending on your environment you're going to see like right now the trail I've done this was very simple you can see the piece of wood dragon all over the place now these things will create little tiny roads for you so whenever you do need some wood you have your little trails and you get wood on both sides you know what I mean and also less chance of getting lost you have a trail to follow so anyway I hope you enjoyed this little tip I hope it helped you a little bit and if you use it you won't regret it I use it quite often especially if I'm out especially in the fall and winter where you need a lot of fuel for cooking or keeping warm thanks for watching this microphone bushcraft part by

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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