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Tags: wild,green,edible,fiddlehead,cooking,in,the,forest,fire,making,bushcraft,skills,survival,woods,outdoors,camping,nature,Food,Fun,Summer,Gone,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips

Video Transcription

all right many of you know about these in case you don't these are one of my favorite green wild edibles fiddleheads we're a little bit early but they're starting to come out I found some right here now there's you know like any wild edible video you know guys just make sure you're a hundred and fifty percent sure that it's well identified before you eat anything now there's another type with the fluffy white stuff and the round stem they're still edible it's just that you have to take everything off the white stuff and if your stomach's not used to it you know if you're looking for wild edibles this is the guy the top now fiddleheads you can clearly see why all right shape of the handle of the fiddle and there's nothing on top at all no fluffy stuff no white stuff

it's a lush grain and the stem there's you in it goes like this all right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pick some for home and I'm gonna pick some also because I want to show you how I prefer cooking them so don't go away so all I do to harvest them I just collect the top of them because it's the it's the part that's the most you know tender this is delicious so just to give you a little example you see this all right there this one here I'll just collect them with that that's how I pick him anyway all right so first we are going to I put some oil and some butter wait for that to get hot melt and after that we're gonna throw in sorry about that and I throw in the fiddle heads oh I can hear that oh yes she's nice and hot so after that

at this time don't put it right on the fire just cook slowly okay fire burn a little bit too much I brought the buzz over that time just let it simmer slowly in here and I'll show you when it's cooked so while we're waiting for that to simmer a little bit cook up show you guys the cooking spoon I made for my wife this one is a much thinner one little longer and she says it goes well and of course you wanted a maple spoon so I made her this little maple one as well to eat yeah just a little bit more showing off the spoon guys so alright so just about done now usually what people will do is boil them in the water and you know then just add your water or your water your butter and salt and pepper and that's awesome it's great you can even Stephen but this way is the way that I prefer doing it because it's my preferred way and I want to share this with you so now it's pretty much cooked and the way that I see how other cooks you know you don't want them to become too mushy or you know too hard either so you see they're starting to fall apart a little bit now that tells me she's done so next we just add a little bit of what I add is sesame seeds right now you don't want to you don't want to burn them you just want to roast them a little bit that'll give an awesome taste let that cook just a little bit and of course your typical little bit pinch of salt and the pinch of pepper

feel like I'm doing the cooking show now Josie there you go my assistant oh now you just have to roast the sesame seeds yeah that's a little bit this is what it looks like so far look at that well let's just roast it a bit I'll be right back alright so now it's pretty well done you know what I put the sesame seeds after because you know I still have a little bit to cook with the fiddleheads so when everything is done it's pretty much done so

now she's done anyway you can see it from there probably hopefully it's gonna be a little now we didn't put much you got a another batch we just wanted to keep it for home but what we're gonna have with that that's why there's some water boil in there we're gonna try this backpackers pantry it's a little cheaper than the mountain house but we'll see how it tastes like it's the - Jamaican barbecue rice with chicken and my wife is what is it Mexican rice with beef so Jamaican and Mexican and creation alright I give this off the fire and we're going to wait till that water boils and it's going to be some good chow hey I can be a good cook too you know you see the difference I mean if you're used to eating that you know eggs if you're boiling water it tastes it's very good it tastes like I don't know maybe a little bit spinach but you know the texture when you boil something it's good this way it's a little bit crunchy

I left or some guys don't worry me a second here this way it's a little bit crunchy it even looks like seaweed almost a little bit of olive oil a little bit of butter salt and pepper and sesame seeds


go try it this way nice crunchy salty little bit peppery from the oil and butter keeps it nice and moist at the same time you ate it all that's what happens in the woods we can't wait for this meal to be ready now Mason

well this is why I've done a little link to the back you know I know this is solid enough I put some supports yeah second well that meal is cooking I put some supports this way this will never move one at the other end here now I like doing it this way more than your typical y branch because the Y branch is Nevernever a solid as one piece like this because what they're like this you got pressure on both little branches and it can bus either way okay this way you can't go wrong and I didn't saw it like this because I know what's going to snow and this is gonna get heavier so for now it's gonna stay like this Josey started building a little wall on that side but what's cool it keeps the wind off from this way coming in on our backs it could be a sleeping area it's nice there or I can even you know stack some wood so we're gonna wait till the other meals ready and give you guys hang out to see if it's any good or not

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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