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Making a Bushcraft BBQ in The WOODS! Cooking Moose Burgers!


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Tags: bushcraft bbq,cooking in the woods,moose burgers,hunting knife,bushcraft skills,survival skills,mors kohansky,adventure,survival,barbecue,axe,gransfors and bruks,best,awesome,amazing,greatest,fun

Video Transcription

and where's Billy here yeah just you to reduce the river it's a beautiful river he is like nasty oh yeah it's just big huge beautiful snow yeah nice and cold well heads get a fold yeah I'm hungry Billy I know I got it right here you're going to say that I know you have an idea for you let's make a primitive barbecue nice Roger oh that's it I don't believe you let's do it

okay you guys want to see that yeah okay so this is a wood scrap kitchen I guess inspired by Moore's plan ski main goal is to bring it up high to the waist make it flat for put it up with earth then put to cope with the ridge coat the hanger pot and we're calling it the outdoor barbecue primitive barbecue you name it like you want I think it's going to be pretty cool it's a lot of work though but we're having fun taking a little break trying to dry up a little bit warm ourselves up all right so we're almost done we've got our right height got a ridgepole and didn't even have to bang in that's just a little trick didn't even have to bang in the post here just put it tight there it holds well we're just going to use one hook because we're just going to be cooking on on coals here Billie's putting the last remnant of oh maybe not a little bit more pepper former so we have a nice bed and we'll just you know make a fire and whatever you cook what's fun about it it's at the right height and you can adjust now we just I just you know I just done one pot hanger here but that's just for water but the rest will be you know cooking on a rock or something like that so we not probably going to use all of it but anyway that's what she looks like right now I think it looks pretty cool except for the guy with the show.i what no you're right you're right in my frames get out of there man you're ruining my video

you know what much you know what it's snowing again

it doesn't stop deserts men were stuff snowing winning oh yeah it's the third day we're here four or five days and it doesn't give up well at least it's not staying we don't have a foot on the ground okay so here we go last look of it I think it's going to be very functional great idea by mr. Kowalski now we have to lie up and cook there we go man keyboards so we're gonna create some coals our little table is made all I need to do now is wait and then cook and eat rolling boil you know I really love this idea yeah it's a lot of work once it's done it's done though nice controlled fire no danger of you know if you're in a zone where you can't make fires on the ground there's a under fire you know that type of stuff and it's at the right level where you don't have to bust your back and all that neat coals lit there cook something else you're going to be cooking on a rock I mean the setup is just perfect great idea see this is what happens when you're getting old

the youngest drink coffee and I our way

well then

okay so we have the finished product this is the last time you will see it because after that it's going in our mouth and belly and Billy I would be checking the toast at this thank you very much I forgot about that that's yours so this is the finished product

ladies and gentlemen of the YouTube land oh man I'm hungry so that's enough let's see hopefully it's my scene not your I do I do but no night looks better yes I'll just show you game

oh yeah well okay anyways this was a fun project it wasn't as you can see it's pretty big now this would be good for a group okay get into the woods you're three four or five people spending a week whatever you can feel that and you have your barbecue all week it's pretty cool perfect hi you just work at it without being a pain I mean it was great alright oh yeah what so anyway we got to finish eating this because a skull that I'm not even in the scene that's because in a power hey Gordon meal you know I try it out it was good oh yeah just a big T you know and please just I'm trying to finish my thing yeah don't want to you're the only one laughing again yeah I know no this is what is just fun you know we have fun get on it he just took me off yeah yeah oh man so remember we have so much fun you know all the side work you're super so much more in the nature you know our drug is God's creation yeah anyway you guys I challenge you try it you're going to love it okay and we have to go right now but don't forget Billy I'm going to leave the link to his channel at the bottom of this video make sure you subscribe you will not regret it thanks again my friend oh yeah maybe a thanks to you guys for watching you guys take care this is Mike from push off buttons bye


About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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