Camp Makeover (2/2)


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Tags: shelter,campsite,wilderness,tarp shelter,outdoor,outdoors,open fire,woodsman,raised bed,survival,bushcraft,best,greatest,amazing,awesome

Video Transcription

okay so big going to be good filming you know just putting trying to put a tarp on nothing interesting there but we've got two tarps I got my first one in the back which is the shortest one make the wall lean-to it goes over let's sign up and I use the big tarp to cover the whole thing and as I thought it's too big so I couldn't you know tighten it to make it nice and tight for water and snow to slide easily by it's going to have to do let me give you a little look okay so that's the inside that's the green tarp that's covering the back okay and it's going in first and it's tied up there and then you get the big blue tarp over it now because it's too wide obviously I could have folded it right you know between the two trees and pull it nice and tight I could have done that but i was wanting you know some walls on both sides a little bit not too much because i don't want to completely close this I don't want to get choked up here's my bench that's not going to stay like that I'll be using this in a second but it makes it's a pretty big area now I'm going to leave my old fire pit over there again it's going to hold the bottom because I know in the winter a lot of snow will accumulate there and I hope it's going to hold on i'm going to have to really come every time there is a storm because it's going to accumulate everywhere it's too wide and but that's okay hopefully i'll have time to do that so there she is and i want to leave that open you know North West is that way and it's our predominant wind and hopefully fire pit is going to here not too much smoke if it doesn't twist so that's why I want to leave these two sides open I'm going to block these two corners though one there and one here now I need to create my fire pit so I'm going to use some rocks and some sand a good eight eight inches to protect the roots make sure we don't have any underground fire so that's what I'm going to do today fire pit and try and block these two sides here oh and I've got another support here in the middle that's tied and anchored down both sides for the middle part you know for the snow because I know that the snow is going to accumulate for sure rain there's no problem but snow is going to accumulate now I just put that there for now because i had to loose it looks horrible but it's going to work now for rain is no problem but snow I'm afraid it's going to accumulate here I don't have to come and really clean her up during the wintertime but ugly looking thing but it does the job okay so that should be good folks at a good eight inches and this one make sure you got a good base not too many holes so big holes can fall down between the rock small coal there's no problem no pro all that and of course you want to leave a three or four inch distance to accumulate your coals over at the top as well you don't want to put too much just pack this down a little bit everywhere their fire pit done so be cording some wood here lick myself a place easy access gonna stay dry and okay even though it's a the fall it's still a warm day today sweating bolts as they say anyway okay so fire pit is done my wood is almost all in so give you a look here fire pit fire pit is a good three feet a good three feet from this end here which is what you want it's a good four feet from the top so we'll keep our fires not too high there's the wood we've got some around till the back I got some bigger pieces they're a force I'm going to need to split but they're short so they'll be easy to split especially when it's cold so I can split them somewhere inside I got plenty of place also when you have cross beams like this horizontal it's always nice because you always use it to hang whatever you need to hang right got stuff to dry stuff to cook now in my tripod i had this chain okay so i brought it here and now it'll be available now I can move it I can put it down but for now it'll be available to hang stuff like a coffee probably i'll be doing later and it's not quite in the middle for the simple reason is that sometimes I need a cooking fire so as I'm cooking over there with the coals I can still bring some far on this side to boil water or you know whatever it is so Josie is working very hard and the saw girl so almost done after that I'm going to work on these two corners to block these just take some trees and later on we're going to initiate this place and start our first fire so my goal here is not to completely it's not to completely close the corner and make it all nice and waterproof ah just want to just making it simple lista keeps the main cold air coming in I want to leave it out just in case you know the smoke and stuff leave some holes in it but it doesn't show but just something like this will keep some cold air off of you now I need to make the other corner I already have two trees that are right there and that's going to be really easy Josie's taking care of the bed and what you want to get is just the tip small branches small fir branches for it to be comfortable you'll want to cut the big and anyway I'll show that later ok oh that's good enough perfect don't need much more than that and you know with the snow that's going to come it's going to help fill up the gaps it should be pretty good okay okay so for the kid link I don't need to accumulate anything guys I'm in a you know spruce and balsam fir and all the bottom branches as you see you know about my height down or dry and they're not too far from the campsite as you can see so I do need to accumulate them I just come and get them fresh they stay dry they're off the ground but if you're careful okay now of course the best thing when you have a campsite and you know you're going to be here for a while is get yo go as far as you can and get some firewood and come back as you go but if you're careful I've been here for years I've been in this campsite oh I know 2010-11 maybe five or six years I've been coming here and look I'm still able to use some kindling close to the campsite it's just simple just use what you need you don't need that much to get a fire going now as you can see it's all cut equally what I need I've got different sized branches so I get a little pile of smaller branches okay don't need that much then I get my bigger size and I just have a bundle bundle about this big to get my fire going now the firewood that's a different story okay but for kindling if you're careful you'll have some for quite a long time and this is just one row I got other rows that I started no problem and plus you know it keeps the area clean it doesn't kill the tree actually it makes it it'll give it a boost once I get all the nice branch then branches off of there so all the power can go in the good branches anyway just a little tip that's all I need to get my fire going just a little bunch like that and this is the other size that's it so doing that each time I start a fired hardly shows here so as you can see Josie is doing an excellent job of the bedding or sitting area as I've told you I mentioned before you want to get just the small branches not bigger than this okay if you can see it but anyway and you just there's a way of doing it but if you put them all equal nice and fluffy now i'm not going to go afoot here we're going to go about eight inches and it should be enough if you use the bigger branches of course it's going to go up faster but it will be comfortable if you don't have a therm arrest or anything like that and you just want to use that those branches are going to poke you in the back at night and you will not have a nice sleep so i highly recommend and plus this time of year I don't mind picking these up because they will last all winter long and what i will do i think after that is i haven't I have a tarp that I know what to do with it and it's the perfect size I'll just put it on top just for an extra layer so that'll be ready and then hopefully we'll get a fire going coffee okay so right here my pot hanger I'm at I can't go any further this way because of this Ridge Pole but it's pretty much on the edge far edge of my fire pit but then if I want to move it for whatever reason I can so you know it's completely adjustable just show you from the bottom ok so that's where i'm at about i can always move it like i want wherever distance i need it to be this way and i can always bring it back up by adjusting it from the top so very simple but very useful ok so Josie is going to get the very first fire of the new campsite ya going and which is using is well birch bark scraping it yep goes well for both keep it up the other way hop gonna get it you're gonna get it you're gonna lose it you good oh no remember that fire climbs yes so try and do it more like on the edge and you won't have that problem on the edge of the birch bark yeah I don't worry it happens to me all the time yeah if you scrape it on the edge boys and girls you shouldn't have that problem instead of doing it in the middle okay bring it up oh nice Hey okay very first fire well done so so far the winds go in the right direction important to put your shelter that way Northwest but of course that can always change a little bit but I think we should be okay it looks pretty awful like that right now I see it just switch sides so let's go see from the inside if we're going to choke to death or not just a small fire don't need anything big that is big it up we're just planning on doing coffee but Oh smoke in my face really nice comfortable warm don't eat too much of that heat today but it's pretty cool all right now we're waiting for coffee here you go darling thank you Oh coffee cheers my good friends yeah okay so we're pretty much set we had to make some modifications I thought this setup would be long enough and wide enough that I wouldn't have to do it but we had to so just to show you now when the wind was blowing no problem no smoke when it stopped choked I'm choked I'm so okay new I'm not going through that again so remember the walls we head down well we have to take him up even this one took it right up here just left it to protect the wood a bit and problem solved I had no choice and you have to realize that this tarp is very old I mean look it's been patched everywhere so I don't really care about it but it's too big for anything so I don't really care what happens to it in the winter I hope it's going to tough if not you know what I'm going to do I got this frame here that can stay and I got the other good tarp that covers my head and covers my bed so all I'm going to do if a does rip I'll just cut it right in to keep it at an angle to protect my wood and that's it I'll just deal with the snow and shovel it where I have to shovel it I don't care but I think it's going to be a pretty good place okay so this is going to be the end of this too little part series of well makeover camp sorry i guess i'll call it we had a lot of fun especially spending time out here it's always fun so anyway you guys enjoy the wilderness and why don't you before the snow falls go out there and use whatever they can build yourself a little shelter an old fireplace and it'll be a nice project thanks for watching this is mike and we're gonna keep this one in the video is gonna be funny okay you guys take care bye

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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