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Carving, Steaking & Relaxing in some Rain


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Tags: bushcraft,survival,outdoor,outdoors,cooking steak,open fire cooking,wilderness,woods,camping,tarp shelter,shelter,fun,amazing,awesome,best,greatest

Video Transcription

okay so it's been raining the last few well four days exactly so everything is soaked and I'm wondering if I should put a tarp there's on the fifth day it wasn't supposed to rain but maybe I will just in case need to get a fire going pretty quickly

can already feel the chill in the air now this tarp has been smoke so many times god I love that smell right

okay so just in case you're asking I know there's some of you that are new to my channel this is a tar-bar Pat I got on eBay used many years ago it's about 7 by 8

not a big tarp by any means 7x8 but it's good enough for me as long as it keeps the wind off my back that should be good oh it looks like you may have a son all right keep this very simple No

just a simple setup nothing fancy yeah that's it now to get a fire going okay so as I said it's been raining for days and even the little twigs and there the trees are wet and I know I should split some dry wood get the inside but I don't feel like doing that I don't feel like chopping today so I know it's gonna be a little struggle already to get a fire going when you do look for branches under the trees I'm talking about your balsam fir spruce all that good stuff usually the bottom part will be wet so you got to look a little higher and you'll have drier ones I'm still gonna have a little hard time getting it started but it won't be that bad you go a little higher you'll find some see I got quite a few here that are half decent anyway and this is all dry that's not and even Oh

even though these are twigs see the dark color that means it's soaked but because it's small it's gonna be easy to dry but among the soap you'll find the paler colors there you go see the stem there's a little bit wet but these are dry so that's going to help dry the bigger pieces and eventually you get a fire going and you can get your smaller your kindling at the same place [Music]

take your time pick up what you need dry go around each tree and you don't keep an eye on pale colors that's what I mean I got a nice pile here also what can help if you do have like balsam fir or spruce you can use the needles if you got dry needles it's even better and even if you don't they contain enough resin to give a boost so I'm going to go and show you all the struggles you can go through when you're lazy like me especially the myth that birch bark burns well when it's wet well it's gonna burn until it dries Vern's well right doesn't burn that well so the inner contains the oil the outer is like paper so when that's wet it just stops from advancing so you just struggle to get everything lit but the small of the pieces this is like as if I just soaked it in the river so and of course if you're in the hardwood forest well it can be lazy like me you're going to need to get the need to get the inside of a dead standing tree and of course I could use resin I could use all kinds of stuff but I just want to show you this at the birchbark doesn't burn that well even when it's wet that's not even catching needs to be dry first


so there's one myth taken away you don't believe me just take a piece of birch bark soak it in the river really good use a lighter and light her up see if it's going to burn that will so eventually it will be dry enough to catch so I want to continue separating this and once it's well separated we'll try to get so while you're playing around with it it's gonna have time to draw a little bit better and hopefully now even if this catch is I'm still not out of the woods

got thinner slices thinner or fibers yeah

it's going to smoke a lot because of the I'm not out of the woods yet these are wet so they have to I take time to dry as I said help you out a bit this is green that's wet but it's full of resin I could put a whole bunch of that and this would be started in no time but I don't want to do it that way or you can take some dry wines if you if you do and put it on it's going to smoke for a little bit you want to put some more smaller ones we'll see how it goes a mixture a small big wet hopefully I put enough in there you find old pizzas put it on let that go for a little while and then we'll hopefully we'll have a fire started maybe not maybe I'll have to start over

well I think we'll be okay I didn't have to touch anything I still gotta keep my eye on it though now if you recall I do have some pieces of wood already cut under here but before and that's the last time I forgot to put a tarp on top go they're all wet you know if you can see that but once that's going I can start putting some pieces mm neat right around it and slowly put it on the fire and they'll burn pretty well so while your fire is finally getting hot and you have some pieces that are very wet soaked beside you can you know start putting some on top once in a while that piece there's going to take you a little bit it's gonna dry enough because the heat under and it will finally burn and you won't run out of wood even though your wood is pretty much all soaked at the same time you just keep on adding around just dry them up a bit so now we're really good so today there's nothing really special my vacation was cut short nothing wrong just just had to get back halfway I haven't been at this campsite for a couple of months so I decided to come down just spend some quality time I'll make a fire and cook me some steak right and do a little bit of carving have a spoon and I need to start so I'll pass the time down here hopefully the rain so now just put two bigger pieces one there one there there it's really wet it's gonna start smoking but I put them at the bottom where it's hardest but not too much on the top where the main fire is so that can keep you know that fire is going well but at the same time this will be drawing even quicker being that it's there's he's starting to smoke there by the time this fire starts got this this these pieces here will be going well so I just add like that a little bit at a time so I can have a continuous fire even though I just have wet wood or damp wood oh the view of the inside of my home today yeah that's got a few holes here and there but it's managed quite a bit this tarp so I'm really happy with it oh boy look at those I hope that it won't rain


I think this time I'll make my spoons I always try and make him perfect in the sense that a nice straight hanging handle and a perfect bowl but this one I think I'm gonna be more messy about it artistic no I'm just gonna let the wood decide where it goes as we would say and this is going to be a small pack I wanted to make this one smaller so it's easy to pack so far that's where I'm at of course I'm going to finish it at home there but eh yeah not too long about five inches maybe give or take five to six inches long easy to pack I still have a little bit of work to do quite a bit but I'm gonna let it go you see how it's not straight it goes in and then goes back out I'm try and leave it like that just continue taking off the wood that needs to be taken off now this knife here has I like to use it on the finishing because it doesn't take off much material just a little bit so I don't make

okay so I try not to go straight a little bit crooked so that's an improvement to me to see you with so let's say send it down I've burned a few things on it I look good she'll be ready any of the fire on both sides okay [Applause]

so she's grilling they're just realize I forgot a plate anyway one

there's two folks No

my stake

oh well

still cooking


ray needs to stop leave I know looks looks kind of strange but it's keeping some water off of my fire well hopefully this won't last too long well I think we'll be okay even though this downpour is not helping me we shall survive hey hey come on heat [Applause]

should be okay I think this one's pretty done the way I like this one almost just a little bit more heat please well at least I'm dry and I'm very happy I decided to put up the tarp even though the Sun was well supposed to come out been raining for days the fifth day was supposed to be just pretty nice day mmm downpour downpour weather people and I think my steak is gonna be just fine praise God lose my fire though everything's gonna be wet again oh well let's check the state guys ready let me just take a second get up put my other glove here I'm gonna put a big piece of wood gather my coals hey almost drop that gather my coals in the middle take this here this lovely piece of wood put it on the top on it just to protect a little bit of the coals left okay so let's see oh gosh yeah that's that's very well done actually [Applause]

looks pretty good doesn't it thank you Jesus

oh wow

oh my goodness this isn't take too long to cook I thought my coals weren't hard enough but even the thicker part is well done well I'm usually a medium-rare guy but I was distracted by the rain but it's still very tender marinated very good Cheers



it doesn't look like it's gonna stop anytime soon select a bit very good so I can't stop eating come on video so if the rain doesn't stop this will be it for this video and that I wanted to have a coffee still have some pretty nice coals under there we'll see but for filming with the rain like that about great my camera's not water food it's actually getting noise back but also even though you know what's going to rain you can come out here prepared and still enjoy your time of course my tarp up would have been a little longer I could have protected my fire but that's okay but one good thing about rain when it comes to coming in the outdoors nobody else so you're that type of person who likes to be alone a lot where I rains you know this is it thanks for watching enjoy the wilderness and we'll see you some other time just make them look up bar this thing I sing still filming [Music]

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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