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Tags: bushcraft,hiking,woods,forest,scouting,finding,treasures,outdoor,skills,adventure,shopping,making,woodland,carving,wilderness,observing

Video Transcription

alright guys just a quick video just want to share this with you guys of Cour this is something that I don't feel is what I sometimes do is shop in the woods and what I mean by that is I go out with no plans you know I don't plan on setting up a tarp or building a fire cooking something I just go out to observe and when I do that I take the time to walk slower and truly truly look around and see if there's not anything interesting that I could bring back home now of course keep in mind that you always stay prepared you know you bring your talking all that but don't plan on doing nothing else but observe and wanting to bring back some forest treasures if i can say that way what I usually do is just you know bring a couple sandwiches a little bit of water whatever you know I need and go couple of hours maybe a whole day and just walk observe slowly and try and find stuff to bring back home so I done that the other day so I just decided to show you a little bit what I found I found this dead cherry tree that was not easy to find actually it wasn't the brush and you know I really had to bend down look and go through fighting with mosquitoes and fighting were all kind of stuff but it was worth it cherry tree is a lovely tree you know to find especially when he liked to carve stuff I love cherry wood because it's a good wood it's strong but it carves nicely and what I mean by that is when you do carve along it doesn't split it on you you know it takes the piece that you want to take off and of course the grain is just fantastic so I found one and I harvested that some nice pieces i wanted to harvest just to show you a little bit now you won't see but there's beautiful grain in this it's just a great piece there's all kinds of stuff I could do with that that's some nice up dryer pieces here you won't see much of the grain but once you carve it up and put your your oil or whatever you put you'll see the grain come out nicely this is lovely carving projects and even these little guys here of course it's not you won't be seeing it but it's got all kinds of veins in it that will come out once i put that oil this is the inside now this is not wide enough to carbon spoon but i could make a some crazy-looking i don't know four or something or whatever just beautiful pieces beautiful pieces now if i was out there doing my normal bushcraft i would not have seen this for sure for sure so this is just a little bit of the pieces look at this not here now that's not wrong this is a black dark color that's going to come out nicely in here whatever I decide to do with it probably some kind of a spoon but we'll see that's going to be nice also oops i also found now i know for you guys in the UK this is small but this is the biggest crap balls i found yet where i live anyway if you don't know what cram balls are well just go just you know putting the search in youtube and you'll find out I found these four on a dead alder believe it or not and I really had to look because they were on the other side of the older I just looked around it and poof these four appeared so it's a lot of fun if I if I wasn't taking the time to observe and to walk slowly these things that would not have found as in a normal time in the woods also as I was walking along I found this cool sapling of a mountain ash now of course that camera will give it justice but it's just a nice piece of crooked natural crooked tree or sapling now keep in mind this was a little bit more work to get this out of there but was well worth it just show you a little closer it's got nice beautiful veins in it now I haven't finished the work that I'm just waiting it to dry completely but it's just beautiful and I took my time to cut it at the right places and this of course that want to make it walking stick with it and it's it's so perfect for it if I if you see if I use it this way look at the angle how perfect it is when I walk you know instead of having a straight when I have to get closer the angle is perfect here for my upper side and even though it's at an angle this way the staff goes back straight perfectly now I know you won't see that in the camera but it goes back perfectly so this is going to be a cool thing you know to play with it's almost a gun Dolph kind of stick and of course when Josie sought her first reaction said it's mine so so this was just a you know a quick video inspired it to go out and do it like that maybe you're in your next outing you know bring your friend your friends if you take your family out your kids take your wife or husband or maybe just go along and don't plan on nothing just walk observe and you never know what you may find sometimes it's really fun and really worth it so go shopping

okay just to give you an idea I'm not done they're just gonna do a beautiful grain of cherry I think all this is going to be worth it what do you think go in the woods being observant and collecting some goodies okay this one I wasn't able to best make it full size schools as it wasn't wide enough this is the top of the tree just decided to make a stirring spoon long enough it's always a pain when it's not long enough right so let me just show you that

who look in her so it's going to be our starting school from now on made out of cherry so you guys go out plan ahead keep your eyes open and have fun this is my friend bush shrub artists by you

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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