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  • Winter Solo Overnight/2$ Shelter/Wool Blanket/-10C,14F/Storm

Winter Solo Overnight/2$ Shelter/Wool Blanket/-10C,14F/Storm


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Waterproof Outdoor Bible: https://amzn.to/2DfESSF

Camera I use : https://amzn.to/2x3csWl

Cast Iron Skillet : https://amzn.to/2Q0mm3u

Snugpack Sleeper Lite Sleeping Bag: https://amzn.to/2QUf1Dm

Snugpack Basecamp Air Mat: https://amzn.to/2CjZmrW


Karrimor Sabre 45 Pack: https://amzn.to/2QNj4Bj

5.11 Rush 12 : https://amzn.to/2P52Imo

Max. Condor 2: https://amzn.to/2OqMt5G

Reflective blanket: https://amzn.to/2QkPfH5

UCO Lantern: https://amzn.to/2IuuLZC

UCO Candles: https://amzn.to/2RbdLvD

Firebox Stove: https://amzn.to/2Ol25Id

Firebox Nano: https://amzn.to/2QhzYa3

Trangia Alchool Stove: https://amzn.to/2DJEKvI

Trangia 0.5 liters Alchool Bottle: https://amzn.to/2DJqrat

GSI Kettle


Kupilka large cup


Scandinavian Forest Axe


Wildlife Hatchet


Coghlan's Pack Grill


Agawa Canyon BOREAL 21

(Bucksaw) with Crazy Horse Leather Sheath


Teton Camping Pillo:


OLIGHT H1R Nova 600 Lumens Rechargeable LED Headlamp:


Music: Youtube Audiolibrary....Sugar Pines

Tags: Gods Glory,Jesus Lord Saviour,bushcraft,winter camping,winter adventure,open fire,axe skills,knife skill,bushcraft knife,bushcraft axe,survival shelter,wool blanket,cooking steak,forest,woods

Video Transcription

are you seriously kidding me right now Mamma Mia what's going on winter is here and it seems like it wants to stay for one month early [Music]

no but seriously winter has set pretty quick this year at least Oh a foot of snow already it's cold probably more snow in other areas it's because I had other plans before the snowfall concerning videos but I guess we'll just have to deal with the snow look at this snow and yeah it's here to stay this is you know this is Christmas time snow time not middle of November but it's beautiful though very nice nice big deer tracks here not fresh fresh but ok I think we found our spot [Applause]

all right so for today we shall use an emergency

camping shelter yeah that's going to be our home for tonight I was trying to figure out what I'm going to do with it well you know what let's do exactly what's in the picture I look good to you guys it's eight feet long yeah anyway let's check it out all right so someone asked me to show them I did my first in my last video of my shelter a tarp video he wanted to know how I tied my first knot now I know there's millions of very good knots out there and I am no expert at them at all I don't practice I mean I use maybe three four knots pretty much everything that I do and most of the time I don't even know their names anyway but this is a very simple I guess we call slip knot I hope you can see so I go around the tree like this and then I go under the main tag over okay I'm under this piece is under I go over and then I come right through this side of the main tag but not completely so I have a loop so I could oh you can see this yeah so it's a quick release so I need to do now is tie it firmly on the tree now if you want to be even more secure you

cannery loop it you know or just put a branch a strong piece like this and that's not coming off of there okay okay so I just put my rope at a certain height because I'm not sure might be some adjustments

oh cool even provide cordage well that is always useful thing else in there okay let's see what this looks like it's shiny that's for sure well what is this hey getting it it's pretty cool

it's stuck together here if you want to use it as a what do you call it tortilla why not

but right now I don't use that it might be a pain cuz it's a stick everywhere now


okay so let me play with this because I'm gonna be quite a few adjustments I'll get back [Applause]


so this is very rotten dead tree but I don't really care there's not many choices to anchor that down you can't use ten paise cuz that thing a little rip but I'm going to use the snow to help me anchor this so I'm going to use maybe two poles one


so I rolled it up put some snow step on it a little bit and once the snow settles down it's going to be well anchored for tonight anyway there now do the same on the other side now this is not meant to be fancy actually it's very delicate so meant to help you out a couple nights one or two nights hey now I need to clean the inside and make my bed yeah make my bed now you may be saying it's not too big inside of here not much of an entrance if you're thinking that you are correct because it's not made smaller it is easier to keep the heat but I am not quite gonna use it like that but we'll see okay so at the same time I sealed it from the inside it's not just for air but that's gonna settle and make it solid there too there we go so yeah there you go it's about I know three feet wide maybe four high and seven long so I might block one end but now what I need to do which is very important is to keep myself off the ground because all I have is a wool blanket now I know I could use some some pieces of wood which would be awesome you know cut that down and maybe that's what I'll do I don't know but three to four inches off the ground is crucial at least when you have nothing and then you know make myself a little bed [Applause]


now they're all dead and I try to you know pick the ones that are ready for the picking and then long enough so that I can just solve them in two instead of you know

sawing too many trees and of course obviously keep all the branches because they'll be part of my firewood kindling anyway okay so I'm planning on they want to make the campfire close to that obviously I don't want to make holes so I'm planning on making it here absolutely no danger of trees following my head tonight but you see what's up there though yeah that's gonna drip on my head so now hey do not attack my shelter okay so there's one up there longer stick get a longer stick

okay so I didn't have to make it that wide but it's fine it's a little more than two feet two and a half my logs are between three and four inches so that's a good base now obviously I could have made you know a better bed but I'm not planning on staying here two weeks that's just overnight you know raised bed and all that stuff it seems it's nice and maybe more comfortable when you know how to do it but that'll be just fine now I need to put some boughs and what I'll have a through that is a tarp and I'm going to sleep on top of that with my wool blanket so at the same time well I got all the kindling morning enough don't have to go back for kindling just need to process it okay so I have about between 8 inches to 10 inches and where you want to concentrate the most is from your waist up to your top of your head keep your core temperature as warm as possible and as I go towards my feet I have about 6 inches which that's fine cuz I have some good boots and socks anyway I'll explain all those things later but I'm pretty much done so as I was saying I'm gonna be putting a tarp over that you know to keep some air cold air off of me and then just sleep over it with my sleeping bag sitting thank you if Maya will blanket now I want to tell you right away this is for video sake I'll explain all kinds of stuff later but it's gonna be a real pain to get in there so but it's doable okay the best way if you don't want to disturb you know these branches well my head's going to be here I don't want to be going you know putting my feet and dragging myself in there because I'll be pushing all the branches away so the best way is to go from the other side crawl again slowly okay and I'm gonna have my wool blanket over me all dressed up and as you crawl you're not disturbing too much and you lie down and you just go to sleep I think it's time for a break right I saw you yeah thank you so much I'm digging a break so they're trying to get the best light but it's hard because the lights over there but you can see I'll be got for about 10 inches I'll come back down to four when I squish it so I got a big 8 inches between the ground and my body so we should be okay [Applause]



okay so as I've mentioned before this is the wool batt blanket I'll be using now it's not pretty it's not the nicest colors but it saved my butt many times not not an emergency but you know sometimes I was chilled and that's why I'm using this one cuz it's really nice and thick okay have some animals come in so I'm going to untie it but I will not unroll it because remember what you have to do or what I have to do I'm going to have to put it on me when I crawl in and then just hunker down so I'm just going to put it ready see you there sir this is my pocket and I have this is the you know cheap tarp reflective tarp that I'm gonna put on top of the bed before I lay down but at the same time I'm going to use this when I sit by the fire tonight so I don't have to you know sit directly on the snow yeah okay now we're going to talk about three things well let's just be patient with me I just want to mention a few things three actually concerning what I'm doing here tonight seriousness and reality of a shelter like this first anyone watching at this point that are young and don't have any experience in the outdoors much please do not do this not because I'm claiming to be an expert okay that has nothing to do with it hypothermia is a real thing and a real killer if you want to try that out go with someone who knows what he's doing and always have a plan B see right up to Z to make sure you have a comfortable night you know bring a sleeping bag just in case you get cold all that okay I have to warn sometimes I don't think and I do things and there's kids watching but this time it's serious you know it's cold so please don't do this you're with someone who knows what he's doing okay a second thing I want to mention now I prepared this the bed you know even once squished I'll be at least eight inches off the ground I have a tarp and I have a wool blanket but also you have to remember that I'm very well dressed okay remember I always tell you that your first shelter is what you wear now right now I even have my winter pants which have a their doubled with a thick fleece and some long johns - thick long drawers fleece I got very warm socks these pens or I got them at the you know surplus store got a fleece I think police under this wool hoodie this is the boreal shirt from the US and plus I have this big thick jacket that I got at the surplus store for 30 bucks it was brand new it's warm and I don't care if embers come on it I've got a very warm hat that covers my whole head I've got a neck warmer I've got two hoods okay now I'm gonna be in that alright all night long so consider this like a walking sleeping bag

I'm very well dressed and I know we'll start going any lower than - ten there's no winds so I know I'll be fine I know probably around three or four o'clock where it gets you know the coldest at night any any any day actually you know give or take that's where it gets the coldest I'll probably have some chills a little bit move around but that's fine I know I'll be okay with this so it's not like I'm 20 miles hike away from my car and the most important thing I know I have fire so if I wake up during the night and it's a little chilly I just go I'll just you know move around get that blood rushing create heat body heat get some wood start a fire and get warmed up so I'm not worried at all whatsoever now a thing that you need to realize for those who do not know going to bed when it's cold like that let's say I'm going to bed like that don't worry it's not going to kill you the cold will wake you up before any damage is caused to your body but then you need to do something to keep that body warm if you stay in that state you know once the cold wakes you up and you you're lazy or whatever the case may be you stay in that state and then you start shivering which is you know the first signs of hypothermia and then you go into second and third stage and you do nothing about it it's gonna be even harder and then if you fall asleep like that you're not waking up so it's very important to realize that there's no danger in going to bed and being afraid to wake up I know that there's all the people concern about that but you know be well dressed and that and if you do get chilled you know what to do lastly now I'm using this shelter $2 shelter emergency shelter survival essentials I call what you want for the fun of it like this but in a real situation a real emergency situation where I know I have to stay at night or two I wouldn't use it that way at all what I do is I'd obviously try and stay away from the wind and make myself a nice bedding okay to keep the cold off of me from the ground you don't want to sleep lying down just comfortable like in the fetus position grab some wood make sure you go you gotta have wood all night long and take that thing and wrap it all around you even over your head cover your whole body to try and preserve body heat plus the fire and you'll be fine until rescue comes so anyway these are just little tips I know we're having fun right now but I wanted to put this on the table in case somebody you know has other ideas about this and gets hurt when I get myself a quick afternoon fire going on I've got plenty of kindling this is not my night fire just to melt this ice boil a little bit have myself a coffee so what I do well you've seen me do this before I just build a fire not on the top of my thing but that's not to waste wood and make sure that my water boils quick it's only the afternoon oh wow okay it's it's two o'clock I still need to get some still need to get some firewood for tonight I won't have it all night but part of it anyway and I will wait for the coffee well we're almost there I can see I can see the smoke well the steam coming out anyway

also I forgot to mention that I have very warm mitts and the main reason that I told you about this shelter how to properly use it to wrap it around you something else which is more reality right now there's no wind and it doesn't really matter how you tie this up if there's a big wind in that specific time where you need it in an emergency it's gonna rip to pieces so that's another reason being wrapped all around you will still protect you man I can't wait for that coffee hallelujah yeah wait till this dies down we're good hmm so this looks like a perfect natural shelter got your lean-to or anyway but here in Quebec I am talking specifically here I would never ever camp under one of these unrooted trees for a simple fact that it's always wet I've never seen a dry area since I've been born unless you get a very dry spell like it's a very dry summer you might find a few but most of the time it's always wet especially during the wintertime when it's full of snow now there's not enough snow here that fell I could see it but you know people don't see it and they throw their stuff there start making a fire and it's not too long there's a river under under them which is one of the reason why it's unrooted because of the water that passes under it the weakens the soil and when the wind comes it just flops so make sure you check anyway in Quebec I know there are some in other areas where it's dry there's no problem it's a perfect shelter but here big no-no

now there's not a lot of snow so it's easy to see but when there's a lot of snow you don't see this any longer you think it's a nice safe place but stay away from it this is the reason why and sometimes you don't see these water sources just right under okay so tonight I'm going to use my flint and steel kit made by a friend of mine Josh at dirty leather he made this for me some years ago and it's an awesome kit I just love it made in Canada so everything's frozen obviously that's in vacant if it's perfect

this is a striker from Peter la Paix awesome made this for me maybe a couple of years ago but char cloth we're not gonna need that today because I feel like doing something else so what we're going to do is I brought piece of chaga remember from that one of the other videos now obviously I'm not gonna use this whole piece but I like to have as much surface as I can to catch a spark so let's get this going we now brown cow Oh Oh

the wind is picking up which is gonna be the best way to do this maybe if it jumps I'd have a flatter piece it may take quite a few tries because be honest woman's just put that there somehow it's a round piece let's just give it a try see what happens this way it's not like there's not any sparks going on it let me turn it the other way got it

this thing is annoying is it Josh okay so

so you can let me just bring it close to you oh gosh see how it's burning nice well I'm hoping you saw that anyway okay I'm not gonna use this piece that's because there's gonna be way too much and that's burning so I'm gonna make like a kind of law funnel this way and just let it live become a hot now I'm privileged with chaga because you know it it doesn't burn too quick

still not quite hard enough just be patient this this birchbark obviously was you know full of snow and stuff and well just kind of let it really get warmed up by the edges I could probably not even blow on it just leave it there and it would start see how this thing is smoking just tells you humidity that's in here well I heard a crack I heard a crack folks


I apologize it was a little a little slow I have to admit usually it could start a lot quicker than that but anyway chug there's a great thing oh yeah put some snow in the fire that's gonna help a lot so I'm gonna build some coals here and we're gonna cook us some meal some meal my thing goes put this here this is garlic bata put that there put this back here for now yeah I don't really have a proper knife for this let's just well hey stay there I don't want that move this a little bit here oh wow this knife goes super well look at this thin slice Hey stop popping stuff in my food I know this is if you're new your first video that you're watching you'll be asking where you get the knife well I got a video on it just back up a bit it's an awesome knife Hey look at that look at that garlic we'll just do big chunks big chunks whoo this thing is sharp now my grill is not completely on the fire because obviously I want the butter to melt and not burn everything so okay everything is chopped let's put it on the fire just keep a slow no right and yeah you've guessed it you've guessed it for sure I'm gonna have some steak with that yes sir horses no hardwood here sadly because I would have for sure you said it you know wouldn't pop it's my food that's fine that is completely fine [Music]

okay this is definitely starting to look really appetizing yes sir I think I'm gonna take it off and throw in my state what do you guys think yeah do that now half frozen that's fine there's nothing perfect okay couple of minutes on both sides it's not very thick let's add our mushrooms again just to warm them up and our garlic oh this is just gonna be so good I did not have lunch so okay so one last look before that goes in my coming man I'm hungry I am not getting back up okay 20 with a spatula thank you dear Lord Jesus for this wonderful meal on this beautiful day in Jesus I pray amen okay oh man this thing doesn't even need a knife oh wow Wow hmm I know I know it's always the same story with me and steak but what can I say Oh roasted garlic ah oh yeah I didn't have lunch so this going to feel good look at this piece I'm not getting back up but usually I show you but not this time so I have a problem that's my second battery already I'm afraid I'm not gonna be able to do Matt much night filming we'll see but I don't think so oh wow it's freezing right right in the pan what in the world as soon as that battery gets to half I'm closing it I gotta close it if I want to film tomorrow morning I'm really gonna need a third batteries for that camera you know winters here and close don't talk with your mouth full okay that's not polite well I gotta hurry up and eat this which freezing ran the pan I don't know about you but I'm very comfortable right now at this point and it's dark now so I would have made myself a better sitting position here but it's fine it's a beautiful night there's no wind you see I am three feet four feet from that fire and it's keeping me nice and warm I know I say it all the time but man a fire when you really need it is such a blessing but there's one thing I'm sad about is the batteries of the camera for sure I won't be able to film tonight it's gonna get colder and I I need I need some a little bit of battery for tomorrow morning absolutely no way I'm going to take a chance so this may be the last scene for tonight I don't know I'm not sure I know I'm going to probably have to go cut one more tree and I'll be good for the night oh there you go I love backpacks okay well I'm calling it quits for filming anyway and again that battery is going in my pocket and hopefully I'll have enough for tomorrow anyways I got nothing to say there's nothing to show at night so you know it's okay it's a win-win so we shall see you hopefully tomorrow morning



well talk about a rude awakening it's calmed down a bit there but you see the scene there oh she just seemed to win anyway I checked the weather and they're announcing a full-blown winter storm and supposed to intensify like in about an hour through all day maybe 25 centimeters and big gusts of wind so I decided to get out of there early cuz I was not taking any chances for sure but I still want to take this apart real quick and I want to save the the wood that cut I want to you know put it horizontal a vertical I mean to save it for firewood because I may come back here one of these days no coffee



and this thing was very thin when it's folded oh gosh I can't forget my I got all my stuff there - it looks like it looks like we are in oh and by the way this guy here this guy usually I take time to make a nice bedding I didn't take my time and he was a pain okay don't mind if I lift this go like this right lovely snow next time we're gonna need some snowshoes now I'm in the woods right now obviously I'm pretty sure that out there's a lot worse I know what they were not announcing this at all

I mean we're announcing just a little bit of just a little bit of snow you know some nice little stuff this will make some awesome firewood come here [Applause]

leave that there not to sleep again this way but if I want to make myself a nice little you know a comfortable place to sit down

just like Michaels after so you should see my camera you'd laugh maybe the sound is not great I had to use a plastic and tie the plastic around it because there's no way I would you know it's sensitive to any type of water so there's no way I did that go so anyway okay I'm gonna pack the rest of my stuff I guess and head out I apologize that there's not a nice morning seen the biggest bummer is not having my coffee anybody hear that no I don't think so nobody here for sure okay you guys enjoy the wilderness go outside are you still watching me get get out get get




About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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