In The Wilderness! The Dark Woods!


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Tags: bushcraft,dark woods,wilderness,cooking steak,open fire cooking,hiking,winter,adventure,custom tomahawk,hunting knife,wilderness adventures,best,must see,greatest,amazing,awesome

Video Transcription

oh there's a nice sized deer track not fresh fresh but right beside know you got your typical squirrel that's what I love about snow you see everything no one can pass by without being detected prints anyway all right so my Creek is frozen over don't know how thick it is good enough to support the squirrels and the deer a lot of traveling here so let's hope it supports me well that's at least 150 160 if not more pound probably a doe so I'm 180 so could be no problem that's one way to test of course you'd be crossing a lake I would be testing it la better than that you need at least four interest to be safe go on yonder well first hello we are going to see some dry stuff here anyway we're gonna be spending some time today and what I personally call to the dark woods now it's not because there's anything evil in them I don't bring you there often cuz it's actually I never brought you there I think just because it's dark and it's not good for filming it's because we have these uh mature trees mostly spruce that grew together spread their branches and you know they're bulking the canopy of light from the lights I mean but we've got snow on the ground so that should help for today and I'll try and find a clearing anyway so as soon as we get there I'll open you back [Music]



okay so this is a very well tapped out squirrel trail Euler that they really travel hard here I'm a minute you'll see it better like this no here don't see it but it's all deep stuff right here look at the wall they create that's pretty cool who out of shape hmm of course it's not easy walking when there's snow and grass and all kinds of stuff under but still they what's going to be a beautiful day

okay so this is the inference line from what I call the dark woods I won't go in too deep because it gets too dark but that snow is gonna make all the difference it looks nice and clear so I'll try and find the spot seriously I'm filming right now okay thank you so I'll try and find the spot so we can you know do like we usually do relax a little fire Emile a little chat and just enjoy yourself so stick with me okay did I also tell you that the traveling and these woods because no one travels this kind of a pain there's branches everywhere so you got to watch yourself but this is a very clear area so I'll be able to fill a glass I got plenty of dead wood yeah I got some nice senior moment cedar that's some nice cedar I think you'd be pretty much set here what do you I think might clean up a little bit but it'll do plus when you walk there's these swamps of water a little bit everywhere so you got to be careful but it's not so bad it's broken


all right here it's good I think we'll stick and stay right here yeah I think I picked the perfect spot not too many trees very clear I think what I'll do is in the spring or summer I'll just bring you guys along and show you you know before the bugs bugs are crazy here but show you how it really gets dark in these woods but right now we are well set up awesome all right now what I'm going to do is just do a little bit of clearing at the same time it's gonna it's pretty wet and rotten but anyway good stuff and it's gonna make room for me and when I set up my fire there usually this would not be an area to set up a fire in the summer especially but now the ground is frozen I'm close to this I'll call it a bald swamp the area would be a nice place to put up my fire and Leave No Trace and all that stuff nothing will show so [Music]

pretty big pieces here these fat spruces this is a red spruce oh two and a half three inches diameter at the base here so they'll make some good firewood right now I'm taking take them all off because I won't need them all just the one over my head anyway with all these pieces nice and well keep it clean even though no one comes here if I need some more wood I mean there's plenty around okay so just to give you a little bit a little lay of the land I've got a nice little water source right here not too far which is awesome and that's where we're set up right there there's a nice clearing there that gives a lot of light that's some wood prepped up and this is the bog I was telling you about

that's all ice and right under is water from close to two water sources and just a little tip if you don't want to work too hard you want to make yourself a nice base especially when you don't have a nice flat ground just use the branches you broke and interlock them these things are you know I put them in a way that it will move so when I get my fire going it'll stay put okay now we need to find some tinder right here we have a very very dead you know it rains and then it freezes and it's moist but we'll try to figure out something hopefully I can find a movie hard here maybe not try and find a balsam fir and hopefully the bubbles are not frozen resinous bubbles to help us get this thing going for a fire so try and make myself a nice little bundle oh yeah I think it's frozen wet and we'll try and find some resin to try and help me out to get this fire going that's okay you know what I got to stop sharpening my knives so darn sharp I just grabbed it like this to put it back in the sheath and my thumb here just just touch the edge here just a little bit now I've got this problem so take care of that just give me a normal plaster wipes wipes and a plaster that's all I need tried anything close yep that's something this will be perfect come on you hey anybody you want to help me out put this bandaid on so anyway you know I could have fixed this with some resin and just wrap it up but I mean come on just bring yourself a small [Music]

first aid kit I never leave home without it

okay just to stop the bleeding and doesn't get infected especially if you want to stay out here a little while okay this is going to stain now

now time for the plaster you first responders and nurses and all that right now must be saying what is he doing and you're right I'm kind of uh okay stay there so okay that's why because you do not want to put your now I learned that from nurse and it's obviously very logical but we don't always think of that you don't want to put anything where you're gonna put the because you sterilize this but then if you start putting your thumb where you gonna put the band-aid on it's not really good is it okay so let's try and do this that's why I was made that way be cool now I get some good band-aids I know there doll or store and all kinds of that junk man I'm done with those trust me because you keep on working out here or doing whatever you're doing in the woods and those things they're not state stuck to your wound I know how many times I had those cheap plasters and hmm all of a sudden you know you're working you don't notice it but there's blood everywhere again and your clothes just cause of a little plaster that left but now I got some good stuff that's stay in there looking good isn't it just left a little okay so bring your first date okay there's nothing wrong it's actually very wise and smart it doesn't matter if you've spent twenty days in the woods or forty years there's always a chance you'll cut yourself it's normal you're playing with sharp things okay that's enough let's get that fire going well look what I found in the middle of this a nice balsam fir we are saved now let's just hope that they shouldn't be frozen I don't think so it takes more time to freeze resin of course than water we've had very cold nights but I don't think so what I'm gonna do is to wait I'm gonna use this bundle here that I scraped finally and I'm going to put some resin because this is damp and really spread it a little bit everywhere so the resin is thin the rezident is thin on the fibers you don't want it to stick because it's gonna take a long time because this is a cold in this summer no problem this is cold so it's gonna take quite a few strikes to get it going but when you mix it up nice and well with the fibers it's a little bit easier so I usually do the cut under here there you go yep she's thick but she's not frozen yeah

okay so what I'm going to do next I don't know if you see this I know you've seen this before in the video I'll pop a few more and should be good so hopefully got a firesteel with me usually always doing this alright I got just a little bit of resin here use the fire steel I'm trying not try and not mess it up may take quite a few tries because everything is cold the resin is cold I can do it a different way here there you go

Finley I mean when it's not thick and you got fibers sticking out and just slowly put some small sticks man that smells good go ahead and tell you that much

see how that burns nice and hot there just keep adding I think we got her folks now that that resin I showed you from the balsam fir of course I have a video somewhere I did quite a while back it's got some awesome medicinal properties

I think the resin contains 30% oil so basically what it does is I could have covered my wound and the minute the medicinal properties in the oil kills the bacteria and there is the resin on the outer stops bacteria from coming in now you can cover that with Oh old man's beard it's about anything you know what to keep the resin there but it's pretty sticky so I could have done that but I didn't feel like being old kind of you know sticky so it's it's very doable actually that's exactly what it does when it gets injured if you notice when you cut a branch off of pretty much any you know conifers resin will come out you know to kill whatever is on the wound and stop more bacteria from coming in so it's pretty cool feels good though so because the wood is pretty damp while my fire is hot I always put more than I need so that takes care of you know drying up the piece that's damp so I don't run out of fire you know you don't wait till you're at down your coals and then add the damn pieces of wood and then you're gonna have a problem but like this it's it's fine you just go ahead now I know you can cut down a tree and get the middle dry part and all that but this is not about that you want to keep your fire going at the same time and produces some small coals so on and so forth I even take time to break that branch to pieces I'll just you know burn it as it goes but that's what you want to do anyway so at this point I'm in no rush really for a coffee but when it's time I want to be I want to have my hot water so I kind of waste at the time this now these fish mouth spreader spreaders or whatever really saved me many times as you saw them on my last video now I don't need this actually for my pot because I'm not hanging in it but still I'm putting it close try and put it cuz there's full of bumps try and put it so it stays kind of stable so this thing here is not okay can't see it but I can grab it quickly it's out of the fire I mean it's all good I love this this fish mouth spread out dirt really nice so let that warm up a bit right now I'm going to relax it so I think water is pretty hot still not gonna take the coffee just going to get out of the way must be wondering why you don't see me doing too many overnights well I certainly do miss it that this moment in time I can't this is not to complain by any means but I'm still stuck with this bronchitis not getting any better I mean you know how it is it comes and goes and it's really it's not fun but anyway hopefully it won't become an acute one I've read a little bit on it now I'm no doctor but from what I read your tube hey I know what the name is Kroenke whatever you can laugh of that one oh I think we good but this - that brings air to your lungs as a natural thin membrane that has mucus on it and that's there to protect your lungs you know if dust comes in all that stops all those to go into your lungs well that's inflamed that's why it's called bronchitis in cold air your body will naturally you know when you breathe cold air will naturally produce even more mucus you know to keep the lungs at the right temperature so it's not good for me in the cold to sleep and lie down and breathe in that cold air all night long because then I may wake up and not have a hard time breathing anyway so this in case you were wondering that's why I can still come out here once in a while enjoy myself as long as it's not too cold when it's too cold then I really need to breathe by the nose there's one morning I came there well every breath was like coughing so okay so we have my preferred meal in the woods on the menu today and you know what that is some good old steak but first I'm going to sip a little bit on this coffee and just relax add a little bit of wood keep this fire going and of course listen to the beautiful plains that pass by like this one right now should be good for my relaxing time and cooking the steak so anyway we'll see you later okay so some of you may be asking why do I use a wool blanket it's bigger it's heavier why not use just a tarp or your ground sheet tarp go for a few reasons one I'm not afraid to sit by the fire even though coals go on it it'll just you know if they're not too big it'll just stain it a little bit I've got some bigger ones that made a little hole but that's it won't catch on fire second it's a lot warmer I mean I'm on frozen ground okay so it doesn't become wet it stays dry because I'm on frozen ground and my body doesn't bring enough heat to go through to make it wet you know to make the ground melt and make the bottom wet so it's warmer and more comfortable when you sit down or lie down on it so those are the main reasons okay so there's my two beautiful pieces of steak and this is going to be pretty tight for this little pan but it's gonna have to do now I didn't bring any butter or oil but you know what seeing this marinade there's oil in there so I'm gonna dip some oil in my pan whoops let's

put it all put it all come on don't be afraid no waste there that should do the trick hopefully now we're gonna heat this up and yeah it should fit but it's gonna be tight let's put this in the fire this titanium fan doesn't take too much time to heat up so somehow we're gonna try and see that bubbling already like titanium but you gotta be careful not to overheat your titanium it's gonna warp on you I lent this not even on it I lend this to a friend once and the left of there so let's try and put these stakes in

hopefully they'll today oh yeah oh yeah come on get over there [Music]


okay so that's the only been like few minutes as we'll turn them around well this is nice and tender let me tell you that


okay couple of minutes on this side three minutes should be perfectly cooked like I and right it oh man it smells delicious

yeah that's enough [Music]

that looks tasty to you guys okay hope I didn't overdo it Oh perfect perfecto El Mundo down the bye oh yes oh yes okay this is gonna taste like a piece of awesomeness look at that look at that I am and so I'm so excited does it show look at that now that's medium rare that's exactly like I like it now I know I know some of you don't like it that way you know what I do okay my hands are oh that's not my blood this time all right time to munch - glory oh you should see how tender this thing is it's just almost feels like melting on my fork you guys cannot believe how this tastes like it melts in your mouth

seriously and it's very tasty Wow I can't be more happier right now fire good snake in the woods coffee there I'll just put it back close when I'm ready

right of course enjoying it with you guys woof


can't have enough of it right take time to chew yeah it looks even better than it looks okay I'm gonna stop teasing you guys for now now don't normally show this on camera it looks kinda dumb but well I still have a fire going let's finish burning up that wood I'm going to curl up in a fetus position yeah and hopefully hopefully snooze for maybe ten fifty minutes I hope before I hike back out so remember to enjoy the wilderness and I appreciate you watching Michael chef Barnes [Music]


About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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