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Tags: how,to,wool,blanket,jacket,hooded,shawl,winter,adventure,keeping,warm,outdoors,wilderness,survival,forest,snow,cold,Camping,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips

Video Transcription

hey everyone this is going to show you a little tip on the wool blanket you know when you're out in the woods if you're the kind of person who likes wool blankets if it gets a little bit colder than its supposed to and your jacket is not enough you know we like to take the blanket and put it over our shoulders keep warm or if you're the by the fire but it's a little bit of a hassle if you still have some chores to do and you still want to keep warm because you always have to hold your wool blanket around you so in this video I'm just going to show you a little tip by the way the credits not mine I saw that somewhere on YouTube once upon a time but I thought I put into practice because it's pretty neat now again it's not pretty but it's a lot better than you know having to hold your wool blanket for a jacket so stay tuned alright so this is your typical wool blanket and I was as I was saying you know I like to keep warm and by the fire you know you just like that keep it on your body but what's nice is when you don't have to hold it and still do what you need to do so first thing you're going to want to do is take it lengthwise like this okay after that you're going to want to put it over your head now I don't it you know ahead of you guys because not to keep you in this video for hours and hours and hours so you're going to put it over your head like this so you can have some kind of a hood right once that's done

put it over you front of you just about close to the next section the neck is you're going to use pebbles such as these you know this is basic stuff you all know about this you just put your pebbles inside and you tie a rope around them now I use Joop twine so that's the first thing all right so right away they have myself a little hood I'm in a storm whatever it's warm now I know it's not pretty but it's pretty good don't you think where are you oh there you are okay so now I want to take the hood off because it's not as cold anymore for the head and I just want to wrap myself up like this if I have to move or anything it's not going to fall if I am cold let me show you another way if I want my arms free

okay my arms free I don't need it anymore I can just have it like this as such if my body is cold I can still wrap it around me like this right and you can get yourself a rope or whatever tie this like that I can still work and walk with it like I please and if I don't need the hood or just the shoulders that's all I'm going to need is this okay and I don't need to hold it I can do what I need to do put that in the back put that in the back and I'm all set I can do what I do I need to travel oh wait a minute you can still use the your makeshift hood cover your neck and still have your arms free you know there it's basically very simple stay there see how pretty is that Wow

fashion show guys so just a little tip lengthwise put the length you need on your hood okay do this again real fast length you need right towards your neck you tie them like this then you're all set take the hood off and it's functional you know at least you don't have to carry it and hold it with you when you want to do stuff anyways just a little tip no expert with clothes as you can see but I like this little method so hope you enjoyed this video see you guys you

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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