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Tags: billy,can,stick,zebra,cooking,boiling,Outdoor Sports,wilderness,forest,nature,pot,trick,tip,how,to,Camping,Food,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips,survival

Video Transcription

remember in my last video I shall showed you a short film review of the zebra Billy camp I told you I'd show you how to make a simple tool be able to pour it this is the Billy can obviously if you have gloves you know you can just pour it or you can use a piece of stick to pour it or if you're good and balancing it we'll be able to pour it this way as well but the problem of this is the handle is in the way so what can you do to simplify all this just a simple y stick and we just put this together for a second simple why stick all you need to do is put create two notches do something launches at the end one here one here and one at the back - let the in here the hook on your lid or the rim I mean and the other one is to go and hook on your hand to let the top let the ground here it'll be easier for me to do this we looked at two at the bottom and one of the top you could just hold it make sure your notches are well made you know square or doesn't slip and if it's the first time you do this well always be careful this is hot water you just you know when you do coffee or whatever just pour it and see if it works

but it works very well and you don't have to burn your hands if you don't have any gloves so this is a most beautiful thing was waiting for a day like this for a while

I love winter but after a while it can go away so I can enjoy something all right that's it for this video thanks for watching look what I found coming back sissie gardener snake completely harmless he used to catch him all the time when I was a kid this big one just by the size of her looks like a female

she's about 2 to 3 feet long I was actually there so not harmless and whether when I was a kid I'd used to take it and I'd let it bite me they don't even have fangs what they have is like old hairs very sharp hairs and while it was biting me when I was done with her biting me had made about oh maybe 10 to 12 holes little tiny holes in an oval shape but they're completely harmless right now she's warming up happy that spring is here just like I am so I'm gonna let her rejuvenate or whatever she's doing and keep on truckin if you can see the colors from here just a second

you can't see the colors like like I'm seeing them I'm sure okie-dokie gotta keep on traveling

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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