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4 Day Canoe Camping, Cooking, Fishing Adventure


Jiva Website: https://www.jivacubes.com/product/coffee-sampler-flavored-coffee-cube-set/

Amazon page for US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FKBNOSE?th=1

Amazon page for Canadians: http://a.co/eP4OaCd

Coupon Code : Barton10

Please visit our Website: http://bushcraftbartons.com/

Visit Josie's Cooking Channel:https: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5OoblQezfTqzBhnIJLWmnw/feed

Amazon Store: http://bushcraftbartons.com/outdoor-store

Music: Youtube Audiolibrary....Sugar Pine, Firefly by Wes Hutchinson

Tags: fishing adventure,camping,fishing,outdoors,wilderness,forest,amazing,canoe camoing,awesome,best,greatest,must see

Video Transcription

Oh what well and the strain is not stopping at all since you've been at the campsite and even after it's just a non-stop rain we're trying to collect some wood right now and actually there's not that much close by and when it's raining and all that good stuff such a joyful time okay hopefully it'll stop raining so we can cook because we're getting hungry


see that tree dangling there Paul and Jeremy are motivated even though there's a whole bunch of black spruce there's not that many dead ones surprisingly but a big piece there for sure would did I mention the black flies it's nice like hopefully there's some fish moving it's moving well there you go it's a pretty big tree watch there's no one in the back

if it breaks Oh well you guys can do a little more sawing it's a pretty big tree oh wait they'll get it it's a little bit in the water but these guys are working hard now you must be saying the guy behind the camera is not working at all he's just filming well I got my trees out I'd done my share well let these youngins work a little harder if the branches are in the way cut them off because they'll get hooked everywhere okay now look at these Lumberjacks Oh Oh watch out nice now the the other part will be a little harder because you're you're on the hill okay and you're in a bunch of alders there well we should be good for tonight

oops that's a big tree fellas I see some big muscles too oh and almost a son ouch pull yeah that's that fall come on nice [Applause]

my two favorite Lumberjacks now we need to buck this that's a good eight ten inches in diameter maybe okay okay so I think we have enough for tonight hope slowly clearing up slowly hopefully it's over and we have mr. our cook here I hired a cook and he's good and not too expensive to are here about four days I guess we could call it a canoe camping trip without doing any portaging or stuff like that just doesn't Lake will be here for four days so I'm a pretty big lake I don't think it'll be impossible to do all of it impossible

impossible they rained pretty much all morning and now we're in the it's 3:30 it's stopped

hopefully tonight he'll be completely gone this thing is let me straighten this thing out of it mm-hmm hopefully tonight it'll be gone now this is an area I'm very surprised I mean it's it's pretty wild but man we're very small tiny trees black spruce and hardly any firewood man we had to go that big one was close but we had to go get the others pretty far so we're gonna get that started hopefully tonight we're gonna prep up everything and try a little bit of fishing tonight and hopefully catch something if not well we got plenty of food so we're gonna eat that for now we're just because we're all wet so for now we're just going to chill out it's not much we can do right now and have a little snooze and continue and we wake up so that's the plan anyway [Music]



or moose in bear country Wow well nice to get out of the tent still raining now it's finally stopping as you could see hopefully that's the end saw clearing it with air at the end lake well by the way that's a very big lake well you what you just saw is just the tip of it I mean it goes all over the place so unless the wind I'm in not of a so much of a wind area right now so you could hear me but the winds still there are things really wet as long as it stops raining it's six o'clock we have about two and a half hours of daylight left not sure those clouds are moving fast we could be showered on again so I'm not even sure if we're gonna be getting a fire going there's nothing processed I'm kind of lazy to be honest wait I need this it almost feels like the morning isn't it [Applause]

and those black flies er so anyway unless it really calms down I'd really like to go fishing go and try it out not sure if it's gonna be a fire or not but anyway yeah that wind so our first day is ruined


well it's not ruined but let's say it could have been better and I'm gonna be honest with you guys and don't tell anybody here okay to yourself this is probably the worst campsite I have had in about 40 years seriously I mean I'll leave it at that so it's a good thing there's a lake and hopefully there's fish in it and hopefully we'll catch some


we're gonna need those small branches give me a second [Music]


finally the rain stopped finally right now I'm just enjoying this canoe ride I'm just trolling the boys are in the back and it's okay if there's no fish actually it's just beautiful oh well that's man bring it so they're starting to feed so all right for me to hit there hopefully I got the right lower well I don't think this is good for three people it's still nice though so nice [Music]

hold on hold on busy getting bigger now stops blaring my face huh me hurry up and find turn this canoe around so go the other way just hurry up short folks the color of this one arm B people might just jump behind you Jeremy just jump behind you

oh there you go get over here there you go

can you see it yep going back Oh pretty good I have to keep we got it's nice sighs anyway so oh gosh give me a second folks be patient now we'll dispose of it don't get mad at me that's uh Oh maybe 10 12 inches there nothing fat in this lake though nice okay oh man the man of the hour how in the world did you get that big thing with you

well everything is extremely wet even the little should be able slowly hello ladies

wait till it flames up we're gonna put some put some wood all around it so we can dry up like one base it's gonna take a while to get her going but hey all night plus no bugs we shall be okay first course of the night we have steak marinated and eat that with some pita what's it called Paul what Greek PITA with butter and and butter and butter yeah I've been cold all day you know [Music]








well are we I think we're 20th today of June 2018 that's at least 10 you know 10 Celsius maybe 50 the wind I don't know when I change it I hope it changes today we have a I oh my if it's a little cold but as long as we have the Sun man you guys know what it is when it's all wet and raining you have to work on that it's not fun but the day ended up pretty nice so I take back my words so I need you'll be out there that's going out these kinds of trips doesn't matter if it's a day two days two peaks as a matter if it's 40 years you have experience in the woods things never go your way never it's like I never get used to it I know it's not gonna go my way but there's still that Oh a little complaining right so I apologize for complaining it's just part of being out here and as part of the adventure you know adapting to the changes you need to make to make things happen you know make your stay comfortable and there were pretty cool challenges in this campsite right now we caught four fish yesterday we kept some and this morning I think I'm just gonna you know fillet a few because we have lots of food eggs and bacon

you know you guys love to see coffee so there you go without me showing you another coffee later on today which is even better than this in my person so I know it's pretty windy in there you still hear me ten-four okay talk to you later any other wind obviously is already a nice bonus and easier to talk to you guys [Music]


thank you Lord for this coffee okay so what's the plan for today you know usually when I come on fishing trips it's like fish fish mr. Earley fish and I'm always on the lake but today I'm not first of all it's too windy waters are too choppy and I don't want to be caught like yesterday so we are going to have ourselves a hearty breakfast after that we are going in search of the famous firewood might even have to use the canoe and trying to get some somewhere else and if the day changes and the wind dies down we're gonna go exploring now this Lake goes like it's impossible to do you know in four days and they could do anyway but we're gonna there's a little passage there to the right and there's another big inlet there we're gonna go over there maybe bring our lunch to do a little bit of fishing and just explore that's it nothing very special just have fun relax it's not all about work hear me Mike Barton relax so uh yeah then we're gonna come back here and maybe and of course all the woods gonna be prepped maybe have a little snooze do the of the evening

I need another sip of coffee do the evening fishing when they feed and have a supper I have another beautiful campfire a little bit of music and just relax so nice or apply in any way seriously it feels like it's gonna snow okay so I've walked quite a wide wide you know that's not how you say yeah I guess I've walked quite a while on both sides there's no wood so we're definitely gonna have to use the canoe just wish the Sun would come out maybe it will it should let me show you something pretty I mean it's not fabulous but it's kind of wild what little area here [Music]

all kinds of my natural colors is beautiful just a little pod to dead trees there but I'm not crossing the pond or any water to get it so canoe it is I'm gonna wake the boys up a little earlier this morning we got a little bit of work to do well I found a couple anyway one here another smaller one there [Applause]

this guy ready [Applause]


just putting it this way believing that way


well I got one anyway we're still great deep behind you that's got dead birch bark these are always very handy even though they're kind of wet harvest some of this I think I got a nice piece though nice strong piece here [Music]






join up your gloves Paul now they're toasting

okay so if you laid some trout's I wanted to show you the awesome looking bright orange pure color of a wild speckled trout and that beautiful this is gonna be sweet and excellent for the health do it this is titanium so I don't have to you don't have time to start putting butter than the fish and all that stuff so what I'll do cut a piece nice chunk of butter just throw that in this and if you've never tried this I put this on pretty much everything now whoever roasted garlic and herbs it's made for chicken but on fish oh can you smell it smell Oh smells good wool and don't be afraid to put not too much okay hey just a little bit more okay cook this right so you're gonna be holding it with the butter to melt slowly but surely we want to cook it too quick buzzer and three lovely I'm here


Bacon's coming eggs is coming trout is done tender sweet and a little garlicky and spicy ah all right so this is the coffee I told you that I I brought on this trip actually it's a treat this is really really good stuff I think I showed it another video last year or something but these are jiva cubes or Jeeva cubes I believe they're organic 100% sure my memory is not so good but I think they are and the sugar that they use is pure sugar cane so everything is just awesome taste and I can tell you when I take a coffee I usually always need cream but with this guy or these guys I don't need it it tastes so good I'm not a coffee expert but I know enough to tell you that this is awesome and they have several flavors you got your normal black you've got mocha you've got classic french vanilla hazelnut my favorite and caramel also which is becoming my second favorite and if I'm not mistaken

I've been asked in the past if they have a sugar-free one I think they do but I'm not sure you're gonna have to take a look on their website so let me show you if you've never seen this what this looks like that's it the size of this okay this is the black coffee my hand now think of packing instead of this I can have three coffees for one Nescafe right so not only do they taste good they're easy to pack they're lightweight and of course when you're not sure if you can't smell let's say you bring different flavors let's say hazelnut just put it at an H on the top of your plastic and you're all set now I think it needs 8 ounces of water if I'm not mistaken here you can read if you want to pause if you're interested in reading all the stuff there in the back I think it's 8 ounces of water but anyway if it's not strong enough sometimes will I make a double coffee so I'll put two because I got a big cup and let me tell you this is good stuff now I'm not gonna open this one here because that's something what I want I'm gonna have myself a coffee and of course Oh Jeremy I'm gonna choose what they like they're gonna have their own so I have so many flavors but hazelnut is something I like quite a lot let me show you up close what it looks like [Applause]


so it's organic coffee and what's holding it is the raw pure sugar cane so what you need to do is you boil your water and once it's boiled put it in the cup look you they say - wait - four minutes and then you stir or you can stir right away and it's you know ready to be a drink so awesome tastes easy to bring when you're camping out very lightweight I got I mean I got nothing bad to say usually I try to pinpoint something that is weird with something but this this coffee I mean is I mean Nescafe now this is woods coffee this is junk okay this is but I still drink it for the the buzz because I need to wake up in the morning but this is not good I mean for the health or something let me tell that way but this one here is really good so anyway let me boil some water and we'll throw this in and have ourselves a coffee and by the way I'm going to I know people ask so I I do it all the time I'm gonna link all this stuff their website and and they gave me also a a coupon code for 10% off if you're interested it's all going to be there let's have that coffee so when they say let it sit for a few minutes it'll be easier to stir but I just start right away no rush see it's already this small yeah that's simple for a coffee in the morning good taste

lightweight good for backpackers anything anyone

Cheers telling you this is really awesome perfect strength and of course it's hazelnut my favorite [Applause]

are you doing Paul what it's supposed to look like

Oh parakeet eventually can you show how it's gonna look just a little bit so you see the beak oh yeah cool okay I see it nice okay so we're kind of hot smoking some t-bones don't put too much of this by the way I love Montreal steak spice but Joe beef is a little bit better okay a little warning if you use Burt's tree hey I happen to have the birch tree make sure you take the birch bark off before you cook because it contains oils as you should know and these oils are very toxic so you don't want that on your food

I guess we'll forget about the canoe let's see where you're at with your beak wow look at that man

guitar player and sculptor now you're working on the I yep okay the wind is incredibly strong this is a second time I try and cross the little piece of wood in front there I should have put some weight in the front of my canoe as soon as I get there crazy wind just pushes me so I can get close the tree I have to [Applause]

as I get in that corner below me [Applause]


the front so as soon as I get the corners of the windows we push me back there how many times the shore is not so bad here

well finally on calm waters still windy but not as much what a battle Iwan fals eating again okay so this is a new part of the lake 12 new part for us you turn around

Hey look at that you see the way the wind how it changed that now I'm going towards you

so on our way back even though the wind is gonna be in her back if I have a small lightweight canoe with no weight in the front even though we're going them that way like this the wind sometimes goes like that and if it turns you sideways and at the same time you got a good wave and your unexpected it and it brings young balance right in the water and this water is really cold just just ask my brothers in the Lord right there as the water cold no no no that's not what you have to say your underneath okay let me do this again there you're on YouTube okay you're gonna say oh my goodness it's so cold wind oh you see that a double see that's how it's done folks when you got good friends you just hang on to them and they paddle for you see just holding on here in the middle that's a free ride guys yeah another survival island I saw at least a moose and a deer in this yeah that plenty of firewood too man this is gonna be quite the adventure this island yeah boys gonna live with me on this island okay okay it does again man fireflies the fireflies said Firefly you said that right what do you call them the black flies are out with a really view super double vengeance right now they're lifting us up a little bit man we need a huge ladies fire but we're going to smoke it after come and join the back they chew me up maybe 1.5 million times five seconds you don't like it finally the lake is calm down I'll get some more fish man you are Wyeth can't even hold them okay

good morning everyone this is the morning of day 3 we have all day one more night and we leave tomorrow this is so far quite the epic trip we've had a lot of challenges of course you know when the challenges come it's not time to open up the camera and I know it's tough people like to see but now I almost many times almost lost this old camera six years Cameras Cameras been through everything and well we couldn't do it but anyway we went through I mean talk about cold last night it was cold I was actually cold this morning cold rain wind heat and black flies let me tell you were in primetime black fly season and there's not really one time where we could say we're comfortable the first night were all wet all day and a hard time getting wood getting it started last night I was really cold even by the fire the wind the back it was really cold I'm not saying all this to complain ok but there's trips that you remember more than others but last night we were able to be on the lake just at about 8 o'clock the wind started to slow down we're able to catch you know two two trout so that's not so bad but yesterday what was funny is that the Sun came out and of course when it's raining it's raining right man it's not too much fun I mean there's not much we can do when the Sun comes out then the black flies come out and with the true vengeance so we couldn't be at our campsite it doesn't matter how smoky the fire was they they were bold so the only safe our comfortable place was by the lake but it was so windy we can get on the lake so we were kind of trapped between the campsite and the lake so that's pretty funny looking at each other and just laughing about it I guess smiling anyway a lot of things I could say but we still had a lot of fun not today

I have no idea if this rain is gonna stop or not I certainly hope so but then again I'm not sure I want the black flies with me but if the wind stops and the black flies come out the lake is I'm gonna be on the lake all day if not well we're gonna be in the rain all day so anyway enough of my babbling and complaining I hope you enjoyed this video I don't think this is pretty much done video video incas it's a bit of a pain I mean I enjoy it but I'd like to do some fishing and stuff without having to worry about this is this on the canoe there just a little flip and it wants to go in the water it's not a GoPro this is an old old thing so anyway I go out there enjoy the wilderness be prepared don't be discouraged if you're started starting you'll see once you go through all kinds of nuts struggles but challenges when you get back home a couple of days you'll say you know what that was a lot of fun I can't wait to go back this is Mike from bushcraft partings




About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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