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Tags: winter,cold,buscraft,skills,survival,tired,fire,making,frozen,wilderness,outdoor,flint,and,steel,coffee,native,forest,nature,Survival Skills,Snow,Camping,Weekend,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips

Video Transcription

so you can learn quite a bit concerning animals now this is obviously a rabbit and he rabbit den right there right he's right under the branches there let's see if if anybody's home I don't know it's pretty deep in there can't see anything but it's definitely a rabbit rabbits home no something else I want to show you guys now the camera might be focusing in there it's not enough light but anyway this is a squirrel I wouldn't say it's home but maybe it's a food storage storage place is if you look here just a minute I'm gonna see some cones in there the whole bunch of cones are there some are open some are opening and some are not but he goes in there too let's check it out come on camera oh yeah

definitely some squirrel activity see if I can zoom in there see all those cones opened up well the thing is what I'm wanting to tell you guys is one good way of you know figuring out sometimes how to build a shelter is just observing the local animals are in your woods I mean it's their homes and they have to live there a year long and sometimes it's good to just observe what they do now obviously this is not a a home for the squirrel unless the tree up here is hollow and he climbs up because generally squirrels don't like to stay on the ground long but that's where he stores his food now one thing are a couple of things we can observe about this first of all is that he's smart he didn't have to build this storage facility it was already there he looked for it and that's where he stores it that's pretty cool that they know about these things and I guess that's a good message for us too if you are out there and you have to build yourself a shelter well you know keep an eye on things that will be already made for you or you know half mate or even a quarter maid would be great

same as the rabbit down here which used the bottom branches of eight was this a balsam fir and made himself a home in there now again he didn't have to work hard maybe just a little bit you know put the couch in the right place and the TV set another but you know he just used what was out there and didn't have to work too hard something else about this squirrel home that I'm serving is that there's a lot of snow fallin and we all know that in the woods the you know winds tend to shift all the time but he chose a place where there's hardly any snow in sight so he can eat in peace and of course I destroyed the little bit in front there but you know he's secured from the wind he's well oriented the same as for the rabbit right there so just a little something to realize if ever you go out in the woods sometimes you just sit down relax check out your animals that are around see what they're doing see what area they're using how they're using it what kind of material you're using and you know it'll give you an idea maybe on your next shelter guys remember that snare video I made just before this one well just to show you there's my stake how obvious that will or would work of course I took the snare off there there's my stick but take a look at how this squirrel travels like everyday here okay and what did he do he's using my stick as a bridge to walk up the tree there's no tracks below around or under so just to give you an idea that this squirrel does take the easiest way whenever I doubt that any tender is a little bit humid what I'm going to do is take it put in my hand let me back this up take it put it in my hand close it and put my mitt on the heat my hand is going to you know take any humidity out of this tinder which is right now the bark of a cedar tree alright remember this guy guys the mark 1 made a like a short review on it remember I was telling you that I found that you know I had too many attachment points one here one here and you've got the Kydex sheath let me put this a little higher there so you've got the Kydex sheath here now if you take this one off completely just these two the top strap here and the Kydex retain retaining system here that's plenty

I mean it's secure hmm but while I was playing with it I noticed that while you know you're at camp and you got chores now just the retention on this is good enough right it's no problem there but while you have this at camp and you have to do your chores well you can do with this trap is just turn it inside the sheath here turn the other way let me just do it there and I'll show you because camera thing is inside just snap it in right so instead of being outside I just turned it and snapped it from the inside so now it's not in the way and if you want to unsnap it will you just unsnap it very easily and you tie it off when you travel as such so just thought I'd show you this I was playing around I found that up

having been this cold in the longtime Native American said once Indian make small fire and sit close white man make big fire and sit far away right now I like the Indian know what I like the white man's fire sometimes guys I don't really think when I make my videos little warning get out of your face a little warning especially for the young viewers out there now what you see in these videos doesn't is not as simple as it seems right you should never ever go out in freezing temperatures well actually let me tell you something whenever it's really too cold outside never go out right never go out if it's not so bad make sure you got someone with you who's got some experience and don't think that you can go out there with a knife and a wool blanket and survive that is not true you will not make it and that's for sure so go out if ever you do with someone who's got experience and if it's too cold stay the house you got nothing to prove and that's the same thing with all my videos sometimes I think of videos I make and I never think of the young viewers that are watching and I apologize for that so anyway

cold temperatures is never never a thing to play with see us - hi 20-something without the wind maybe thirty and sometimes I I wonder where I get myself into anyway thanks for watching remember guys this is no joke alright young viewers Smike rose bush red buttons

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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