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Tags: chaga,tea,how,to,make,fire,with,bushcraft,skills,nature,bushcraftbartons,anti-cancer,diabetes,cure,natural,survival,primitive,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips

Video Transcription

all right quick video I'm going to try and answer some questions you know that we're asked the first one of the first things is when you bring the shag of home how do you make a dry where you store and stuff so it's me it's very simple i just put it in a cardboard box like this and you don't want to put you know you want to put them too thick just just you know spray them a little bit because you want them to dry it and put it on a sheet of any kind as long as they're not covered or in anything you'll be okay you poor you know you just put them in a dry location in your home because these still have moisture in them and we know that water goes up so if you cover them well you can end up with molds and stuff now how long does Shagga last Shagga for the tea anyway if it's in a dry place and stuff should last about 24 months two years some other people will make it last longer they'll boil some water make sure they kill all the bacteria the little cooldown put the shy guy in the water and freeze it but I don't do that because I mean mine disappears pretty fast for the fire lighting I mean if you keep it in a dry place that you know there's no limit to how long it's going to last okay I got these in here this camera a little bit okay now in here is my dry stuff you know I use this to experiment and play around with now there's on phoneshag on here I've got you know some some hamidou that I tried to process once upon a time some of it worked some of it didn't but by the way this here is a Madhu this is the part that you want for those of you that don't know about this this is another horseshoe fungus because it looks like a horseshoe but this is another video I just want to tell you people call this follows tinder fungus and this one true tinder fungus but the reality of it or the story behind it is this some guy decided to name this one true tinder fungus and this one false Thunder fungus because it lights better last longer like a coal and stuff and this one so this one was called false tinder fungus because it doesn't light as well as this one but the truth is it's not a false tinder fungus this grows on the tree is not man-made and it's still called tinder fungus both the McCall tinder fungus because that's what they are this one is a minus and this one is Shagga but we still go with the names because people you know it's easier for them to recognize them alright next thing I want to show you guys there's there's actually quality in Shagga you move this back this when you see it very well distinct here between the two the browner pieces that you got are going to be harder and the nice yellow stuff this is all the pieces from up north I got a lot of this good stuff it's amazing anyway here's see the difference it's really spongy just like a sponge rice krispies ok now this is more quality but doesn't mean it's better now for the tea I'm not going to jump ahead on that I don't know if it makes bitter tea or not I never saw a difference so I'll leave it at that for the fire well this will catch a spark a lot easier than this one here ok because it's better quality but this will not last as long as this one okay I'm just gonna before I make a little fire test another thing while I'm here now this question was an ass but I will still tell you because maybe someone will tell me or ask me for the tea do you have to carve out the inside you know to have some discipline site to put in the tea absolutely not you put the whole thing even the outer hard layer here you put it in that's part of the fungus it's not dangerous or toxic it's part of it this hard structure around it is there to protect the inside you know from bacteria weather rain snow and all that stuff but there's still some good juices in here for tea so you put it all all right now Miriah just this a second anyway I'll adjusted after all right so over here I have a nice yellow piece and on this side I have a brown piece okay from the camera there doesn't look there see the difference hi guys i'm back sorry about that i just i had to change my pieces because you couldn't see much of the difference now you see the difference between the yellow and the darker color so as I was saying i'm going to start this darker one first see it

start the other one come on lighter okay and stay in the right position you anyway so as I was saying the darker color will be a little harder to catch a flame I mean a spark but it will last longer for you let me just try and I'll talk about something else you see how much faster that yellow one is burning sorry about the camera now the smoke from these guys is not toxic it's not dangerous it's actually said to even cure some minor headaches when you breathe it in this smell is not bad it's actually a beautiful smell it's unique and it's kind I'm in the house right now one thing that I use a little piece like this for is if ever I know you cook something in the house like fish and some stuff that's smell just like one of these up and you just solved your problem it won't be too long what other question was asked let me think a little second here medicinal properties guys just I mean just google it up it's just incredible you know anti-cancer and kills a you know tumors that start even there's a good positive feedback on diabetes 93% cure high blood pressure stabilized build up your immune system I mean there's just so many things just name it and it's there this is used a lot in China in Russia anyway so you see this one just stop smoking now it's become a coal this one is still going push it so you can see ouch ouch I'm not going to pick it up like last time and blow on it believe me whoa what happened there now we still see the smoke all right little tip I have you guys here whatever you put any amber in a bird's nest this could be from fire friction char cloth anyway in my experience if you want a better chance of your bird's nest catching and catching pretty fast wait until it's caught very well wait until you have a nice amber okay a lot of people would you know let's say light this up like when I live that one up and they put it right away and you like oxygen for your tent for your ember and it doesn't work and it dies on you so whenever you put something in a bird's nest make sure it has a nice you know red amber doesn't matter what kind of you know char cloth or powder or whatever and you won't have any problems you'll start well with it concerning the tea if I'm in the bush and you know I find some fresh shag I'll just you know throw it in there in the kettle if I had decided to bring it at home from home i mean i'm gonna use something else it's just a little gadget but it's pretty neat i'm going to show you

now this is what it is now I know a lot of you know what this is and use it but just in case you don't this is perfect and not just for shaggy have little thing to open open her up it stays there like that just put her in that's not just good for shaggy I mean any Bush tea you know wintergreen or pine needle tea whatever tu make you know just just keep it clean don't need to filter it again it's I'm sure it's very cheap now I know I'm going to be asked where did I get it how much it cost sorry I don't know this was a gift but I am positive that someone out there has bought this and has it and has been using it and if you know where you can get it please I would appreciate if you'd write it in the comments for others to see so that being said that's pretty much all the questions or pretty much any way if I forgot anything you know just send me a PM or google it up but this is good stuff and oh I don't know if I said that already and my memory is not too good anyway if I didn't say it if I said it I'm just going to hit it this last Barton if I didn't say it will I leave it in now people will ask should I collect it every time I see it or should I leave it you know to come and get it after or you know when you see shag on a tree that means the tree is dying now the most part the Shagga will or the tree will last seven years after you see this but the Shagga usually won't this starts to deteriorate and all you're going to find is justice black rotten stuff and it's no good anymore so what I say yes when you see some take it if you're going to use it if you're not going to use it just leave it there for someone else but if you are or if you have too much remember where the tree is and get it next year they'll still be good but there's no worries you're not damaging the tree more than it is and it's good for grabs so that's it thanks for watching

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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