4 Day Fishing Adventure (2/2)


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Music: Youtube Audiolibrary....Sugar Pine by Wes Hutchinson

Tags: fishing,fishing adventure,bushcraft,outdoors,woodland,wilderness,cabin,best,greatest,must see,awesome,amazing

Video Transcription

video okay


we just came back from there that was a long run this is a long lake then he got the Robinson Lake we just came out there and believe it or not it's so windy this little motor here has a hard time going ahead and of course they've got small motors so you can putt-putt along you know as you're trolling so we just decided to get out of the wind and as we came by here we saw this little trail and I think there's an old an old cabin up there well I know if it's old or not but I thought it would be cool to just stretch our legs and explore a bit make sure this is secure huge hey Bigfoot Bigfoot hey this is an awesome place man I know this must be I know they have a lot of cross-country skiing in the winter goes the tour territory so huge and they also have Wow lady call it snowshoeing but this would and they have a lot of canoe camping too so let's see oh yeah it's a little refuge yeah a little refuge you guys want to warm up during the wintertime through that five-star outhouse got wood shed and of course this should not be locked when we called a refuge if it would oh wow look at that that thing's gonna heat you up pretty quick still some wood here your this stove man haven't seen I stole like that that's that's homemade this stove pretty cool yeah

nice place to relax so I mean there's trails like forever here can't see my face no it's too shiny okay so we're gonna take a little break here I mean why not right wish you guys would be here right now perfect timing I mean there's no bugs yet cuz in two weeks here two weeks time I mean I wouldn't be here right now because of the black flies oh it's called the refuge of the pass cool okay well I'm gonna take a break and go back on the water fishing okay so uh I know I haven't mentioned it yet now it's popping in my head for those of you are interested in this place it's not the first time I filmed I've been coming here for years for different reasons camping and hunting whatever but for you guys I live in Quebec it's a symphony depaul nerf it's something really close to Quebec lots of stuff to do here so I know that I'll be having or getting questions Quebec Canada oh man this is the life right now smells great the Sun is nice and warm we're freezing this morning see we're still in the spring I mean this is 23rd of May so expect strange weather but we're still we're still late at least a couple of weeks man you know what I think I'm gonna take a little nap on my outdoor bed here plus it's got a lead those he's gone for a walk so let's see if this is gonna work who wouldn't stay here all night just to stretch my back it's perfect I need something of my head a little bit can you guys bring me a pillow come on oh there you go oh yeah praise the Lord thank you Jesus I hear there I hear bear someone dragging their feet it would be good at sneaking on people a whole bunch of people looking there is it of their I'm not hearing a voice yet it's a really big squirrel Oh

there's the bear come here bear here or are you gonna tease the YouTube people



come here come come sit we say hey to your friend I know there's a lot of people are we're wanting to see you haven't seen you in a while Thanks


well good morning this morning is really chilly it's above just a little above freezing this morning we're going to wants to call again red cap Lake we got a little hike to do not too long it's our last morning of fishing anyway it's not a big lake which is good cuz and this lake there's no motor so you know there's lakes that they provide motors others they don't cuz the lakes are not big enough anyway so when they get there we'll check it out together beautiful it lake this is that beautiful and peaceful oh man I love it super-nice okay

my fingers are itching even a little island there so right here Hey


okay I know I know I know it's not more seasoned I'm just playing around fishing is really exhausting but when we come out here it's not just about fishing I mean a fish is a real blessing and we love it but part of coming out here in the wilderness

fishing is just being out here that's the main thing I mean each area each lake has a unique a unique form unique area breathing good air I mean this is obviously and I'm not gonna show you but this is really moose country right here and there there's tracks everywhere just enjoying your time here relaxing you see you've been a couple hours on the water every time we find a nice little place like this just come out explore we're gonna take a little a little hike or walk that way check out the island also have a little snack it's just beautiful if you can only see or just be here it's awesome


feel like you're really hello actually there's another lake over there I just know just beautiful see it better now here's our ride for the day there's a song right there okay you guys breathing that fresh air man it's so sweet and I think I see a moose where's the horns yeah okay let's have us something to eat the Fisher woman yeah she's a nice size it's seven inches



our expert


guys see it mm-hmm okay let me dispose of L I forgot my chain so just do it the old-fashioned way

now that's probably I know you guys fishing know about this so simple it's probably the second thing I've learned when I was very young besides cleaning a fish is carrying it because you know we go out in the boonies with hardly any equipment but we need to carry it back and something something simple as it why branch goes a long way

okay so this is a large don't worry this is not gonna kill the tree obviously you're going to have one branch smaller than the other one you want to be careful



do is just clean it up no bumps easier to put your fish it sharpen one end now you want to get a life tree cause when you carry it when you bring it back and I know won't be bringing like 5050 trout's because we're only allowed six more so just get a small Y branch and you want to get it on a live tree which is a little bit better just because when you carry it you're gonna okay fold it like this just carry your trout and most of the time if you get on a dead branch this could break and you could lose your well not lose them but your your official fall off okay let's get the fishies now hey so arranged that your fishy how the mouth I know for some of you this is like but other people who have probably never fish before could be a good trick it's a really nice one it's the last one Josie caught beautiful colors you still alive you sorry about that you guys but sometimes it happens so there you go put that other one in here they're starting to have a nice sushi and when you leave you get actually even you know use whatever cordage tie it up to make sure it doesn't open up on you you're all set

what I was just making a video come here I just making a video out of this well let's continue the video okay beautiful one look at that that's almost like 10 inches super nice okay I'll dispose of this one better this time off camera god I love the sound of loon anyway okay so now I am no professional Fisher by any means we guys out there that just do that and they know what they're doing but I know in my see my last fishing video quite a few people were asking me what exactly I used well it depends where you are it depends what kind of fish you're fishing but over here in Quebec anyway and these leeks right here where I'm at and other places I use pretty much the same thing I'll use different things but I'll mostly use what I'm going to show you in a second this is for lake trout okay speckled lake trout it's a Toronto wobbler and I always use blue and silver okay I've got others that I've caught lots of fish with but this is my main go-to you got your typical swivel you can go to two two and a half inches you know depending on what size trout's you got and then I have a 24-inch fishing line okay these are pre-made you just have to put it in it's really easy I don't know the real term may be for this but a 24-inch fishing line with a simple warm ok so what this does obviously it will attract the fish they'll think it's like a spool of minnows and smell or whatever they do see the worm and bite it I've had lots of success with this tons of it actually well most of it there's always with this but typically blue and silver will do it now of course it depends if it's sunny it's cloudy I know there's different types but I always used the same one see the other day when we caught about twenty we've got 23 in about two hours we finally found that spot where was rainy and cold and miserable they still use this one and it's sunny today and the other days and I still use this when I still catch them so anyway if this hope this answers some of your questions just in case you were curious of what I was using Josie is using pretty much the same thing except she's got blue silver and she's got some little purple lines there I wanted to say like a perch but anyway little purple lights on more exploring you know what the black flies are out finally well I'm not happy about it but happened see the black flies man see if you can see them no camera doesn't capture them anything on that side just don't roll down yeah who else is here likewise go there's something else like there but now it's a little too dirty to have a nice view here so send them uh another mountain up there so we'll have to go back all right well we didn't come here completely for nothing you see in front of me

that's all Labrador tea look at that horse it's not fresh from this year but it's still good for tea it's full of it well this is the type of weather we're having in the spring almost freezing and now it's nice and warm black flies are out Jozy still fishing okay so one other thing I was wanting to point out to me anyway being that this is God's creation I believe that God created the earth and everything else you know sometimes people wonder why they feel so good well God created us we're his creation - so there's a connection you get a small glimpse of who God is and if you want to know him in a more personal way Jesus died on that cross for our sins so all you need to do is to repent from your sins to ask forgiveness and ask him to come and save you to come into your heart and that's a total completely different relationship now you'll have with him so now you have a purpose and you also have the assurance of eternal life a purpose of why you're here now I know there's all kinds of people right now thinking all kinds of stuff that's fine but at the end it's still gonna be the same truth so what's stopping you from giving your life to Jesus something else that happens to me when I come here I'm a type of guy that always has to move but I've got some health issues that slow me down that stopped me but I still move anyway and it always drains me when I come out here physically but mentally oh my gosh doesn't drain me at all it actually cleans and clears and refreshes just like how could I say it illustration just like oh boy what do you call those just like a as if my head is a dirty filter and when I come out here it just cleans it all up so anyway I think I'm gonna stop these videos I mean for this video we still have a whole day and a half but I'd like to leave the camera at the cab because that takes a lot of place so remember enjoy the wilderness and if you haven't given your life to Jesus Christ please do so now you will never recommend it and that's an eternal promise this is my crippled chef Martin's I know but you need to say goodbye to know to the people [Music]

hello Lake we'll be fishing on [Music]

last night





About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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