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Tags: cabin,The Bush,canadian,wilderness,hunting,nature,forest,river,lake,hiking,bushcraftbartons,wild,animal,bushcraft,Camping,Canada,outdoor,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,Survival tips,survival

Video Transcription

hey everyone just a little introductory video and a little heads up and what you're about to see will probably just one video I don't know I'm not sure but my wife and I didn't have much vacation this year so we decided to take three days off and we rented this you know cabin in the woods for three days so just as introduction I'll just show you what it looks like right first get the wood shed team here's split some wood for tonight just getting Cheerilee there's the camp so on this view propane it's all fueled by propane stove fridge and lights looking at the over here wouldn't be surprised to see it moves tomorrow morning

anyway there's a thin layer of ice on the lake then lay your vice on the lake I'll show you a little bit camp let's light from the front something like that let's take a quick look inside and want to take too much too much time because I can't plug it in can charge my battery this is a little view boat porch okay that's my wife Josie propane propane propane fridge pretty neat actually propane lights again wood stove get a fire going pretty soon table couch and you won't see it there but there's two rooms in here okay with two double beds or one with a double bed then another way to go outside here closet in there whoa missing some light anyway bathroom there's a light there it should light her up but anyway kitchen there's even a little shower let's see if I can't light her up here don't you guys move alright get Brighton no time let's see it better

alright so that's about it guys that's the introduction and that's the nice little view we got for three days so keep you guys posted alright guys just to give you a little idea where we are what's going on we are in these areas like we are it's you absolutely need a topographic map if you're going to venture in the woods now quick look we just came from here we love you know down south of here then we took the trail over here turned came back across the river and we're right here

now all these rip red lines over here everywhere you see on the map are the main roads the black the black roads that you see are trails right of any kind you know Lumberjacks whatever and you've got another type of color here which is orange these are secondary roads and obviously you've got your legs and your rivers and stuff but this is our zone here our area ok inside the green there's we've got a territory right there of around 600 square miles and you know it just continues on and on if you go outside of the map more west-northwest

you're going to have Hudson Bay and then obviously the r2 you can go right up to the North Pole if you want but just in this area that we have here we have 375 lakes of course 3 days is not enough not even close but there's a lot of land a lot of water that's absolutely essential to have a topographic map in Quebec in the province of Quebec we have over 1 million lakes and rivers that's a lot that's actually the most fresh source of water in the world we have it actually I think it's 16 percent of the whole world is in Quebec so we're pretty blessed and with rivers and lakes and woods and stuff and that's not counting rest of Canada Ontario has I think around 400,000 lakes and so on so I just wanted to give you guys a little view now we're right here ok this is the lake we have and I think that tomorrow we are going to because I'm going to go hunting a little bit we're going to go play around here alright well these trails it could be animal trails too you could be all kind but these are trails we're going to play we're going to play around here another day we'll go play somewhere else so just want to show you guys this map hey guys just a typical example of a Widowmaker take that up on the trail come here a sec look at the hole that made get the whole that made get that on anywhere in your body and you're going to be in big trouble so never you're in the woods walking always keep your eyes up much as possible this is an old chorus that has old old trees and I'm always keeping my eyes open just I've come to all right

looks like there's a beaver dam right there we'll pick it up we drop some recently you're frozen

is a damn need to fix it for the leak this is untouched nature beautiful

let's keep on tracking found another late guys second destination I want to get to it's just beautiful calm peaceful almost tempting to go fishing but fishings over out here for a little hunt and well we're just so excited just exploring these can't get any wilder than this that we can't show everything that we see guys is humongous trees and stuff that I don't even know what is but it's just beautiful

actually if you remember on the map there's no more towns no more villagers nothing there's only you know a few settlements like we have the Cree here and the Inuits besides that it's pure wilderness


well never get tired of this cabin life waking up to a view like this every morning I wouldn't mind at all just got out of the bush spending on half a day had a great time there's just so many things to explore out here that's something to eat and now there is nothing better than to carve absolutely nothing out of a piece of wood to relax just beautiful guys this is why I wouldn't be afraid of drink

you know if you can see it from the camera

these are you always discover beautiful stuff from your

walking in untouched unque country course you can find this on the other blade place everything else here is not frozen there's this fish so there has to be a couple of nights there that it's totally hard best popsicle in the bush okay

you bought huh supposed to be out here hunting and oh just excited and just looking how beautiful everything is like you know exploring like little kids our mind is off hunting and found this little river here and to me I know with the camera what if you can hear it the bet is the perfect perfect sound that a river can give for a lullaby you know peaceful and all so what my wife is going to do is just zoom in closer to the river and hopefully you're going to hear it's hard to say it's not it's like the river is not too wide it's not too narrow it's the perfect size perfect rocks anyways it's hard to explain my wife is going to zoom in at the same time I think the sound rooms in and hopefully you'll hear what I'm talking about for about 10 seconds [Applause]

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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