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  • Cooking Steak, Chanterelle, Pasta With Pesto Wilderness Style

Cooking Steak, Chanterelle, Pasta With Pesto Wilderness Style


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Tags: cooking steak,open fire,outdoors,bushcraft,survival,wilderness,bushcraft knife,survival knife,eating,outdoor cooking,nature,harvesting,mushroom,chanterelle,must see,awesome,viral,best,greatest,fun

Video Transcription

so I heard that the chanterelles were out early this year now where they're out early is warmer than where we are so not sure if we're going to find some usually it's a you know in the month of August more but we'll soon find out [Music]

I see you yeah

okay so we might be in luck Josie just spotted some maybe not be tons of them but we'll go check it out nice clear water been raining so the creek is full of it okay so it is for them to come out they're not very big mind you so there's some there

oh look at this here is a field of them again not big but I think that there's a nice bunch here whoo you want to step on it so we won't be picking any to harvest or just picking just enough so we can have our meal which is the most important and we'll come back in three weeks or so or maybe a little longer trying to harvest somebody looks like there's some going up here too it looks like there's not as much this year but of course again we're very early I'll be saving it with this tarp go into the garbage



I'll be able to save on quota quite a few rolls of this bank line which is great okay

you hold

note our

for those that are new you're probably saying why are you throwing that tart well it's because I've had it for four or five years full of holes it's so weak it rips so right now it's summer all is good very hot we need the breeze are as dry as I can anyway they're to be exposed

better than be exposed out here they're here and I'm going to leave this is a far from home because it's dry instead they use an old tarp to cover that just you know to keep the water off my wood right now I just hit a beautiful and smash carpenter that you

sorry buddies but you can relocate somewhere else

big black ones alright so right now it's not so bad well it's fairly hot I'd say I don't know maybe 25 26 maybe in the 80s I don't know Fahrenheit but pretty you know they're announcing 32 so it's going to be hot and not complaining here just that I have to get that fire going I'm not crazy about making big fires in the summer but we got something to cook and it's going to be good and plus we're going to have fresh chanterelles and of course let's not forget the coffee so let's get to it like in when I play with the water and coffee like that though I lose the coffee no even when you're sweating bullets and it's hot right so you know what I used to tell people when it's really hot

why in the world would you drink coffee ah you got to be not from this planet or something something wrong with you somewhere I'm drinking coffee that's pretty hot so don't ask me why the taste the caffeine or maybe it's just in my head



ladies first right right my viewers will agree

see that cheers or what sorry folks Oh as you can see or you just saw I was you know just fooling around with a knife just getting the feel of this one I'm just playing around with a would bear knives from Andrus so it looks like fit and finish on this thing is right on it's about I don't know five thirty seconds maybe thick so the grind is a little higher which is good makes it a little bit more of a nice slicer see is logo there of 1:8 not one eight-foot not sure anymore maybe it's 3/16 not stock but anyway solid knife and the grind is at the right height so it makes it a good slice or now the scales stabilized Ironwood if I'm not mistaken and a very very comfortable grip just with playing with it right now a little bit not really any fatigue or any hot spots nice lanyard hole those of you like put lanyards very nice and it's your typical typical would lower tip is strong it's a I won't say to convex because now it's all mixed up but I will say a convex not convict sorry scandi with no secondary bevel whatsoever right as you can see it's nice and sharp now first time I see a knife with hardly any ricasso and there's a little bit there but not much see that now usually my my average is 1/8 not more or less usually that's what I prefer but he's got about 1/16 which I find it to be not bad and actually a good idea because you have well I mean 1/16 you don't have that much more cutting edge because once you're here but it it looks good on the knife looks good you know I don't like those quarter inch ray castles were but this one looks really nice I find it cool anyway so so far of course just my first day playing around with it but it's a good solid night for sure and stabilized wood well you can't really go wrong nowadays when it's stabilized not afraid to play with water and all that stuff mosquitoes and deerflies whoo okay where was I yeah stabilized was it's just like your micarta or your g10 practically but it's still wood and no swelling no water can get in make it move or crack and all that good stuff so it's a little bit more expensive but if you like wood I would absolutely go with stabilized if it's possible for you and your budget because I've had wood and I'm sure it's happened to you crack open up crack even in the middle here you know it's wood it happens but stabilized pretty cool so anyway just a quick little overview of this beautiful wood bear knives okay so I think I'm losing it a little bit

I show you nice and my mind is all over the place right I didn't even talk about the steel which is probably the most important duh

okay it's oh one tool steel and it's very well tempered because I played with I was an on video but man there's some pieces of spruce and even though it's softwood it's all twisted up with knots and I beat the living daylights now I don't normally do that I don't like the tiling

I like the taunting it's fun but depends what knife but trust me the temper on this is awesome and no chips anywhere that's not a chip is dirty let me get that second there get off of there they'll think I'm lying okay so let's see I spread the dirt yeah well tempered so at this time I do recommend with their knives by Andres right there may in the USA good night I love it we are going to be having some mistake some pasta with pesto and shine two rows total did you pick those up yes Josie I want a pic of it you only pick the pot that's the best best no oh really no it's like it's fun they are beautiful Wow I think it's plenty for nice and high can I can I can yeah nice and not all jelly and young but hopefully we'll have a nice batch in a couple of weeks and real quick I've said that maybe a thousand times but if you're just looking these are chanterelles and actually restaurants pay a lot of money actually at these right here if I buy it at our grocery store this would be easy five dollars to six I'm sorry but I think it's a local of mine yeah the last time it was seven years is it's really really expensive but anyway if you happen to go in the woods now there's a false chanterelle but it's really easy look for two things obviously you see the golden color white flesh okay the false one is orange so white flesh and these are false gills which means they don't go through see that

like little tree branches there you get the visa at the end it don't go through so this way you're sure and if you've never eaten many of these they're the badass so right now just cooking the pasta and slowly getting the water out of the chanterelles and we'll be putting it in a little bit of what butter garlic butter garlic butter yeah Josie do you like garlic butter you do two thumbs nice thumbs yeah and we got a nice steak it's a Boston I mean Boston and it's marinated on the hah can't remember but you guys in the south in Louisiana its Louisiana barbecue so that sounds good to me all right you guys want to see something really cool just seeing on the bushcraft Barton Channel have a look together look at this bagman look at that just kidding not the bag let's see what's in here oh look at this folks look at this look at that beauty Oh ain't she pretty even with my logo on it look at the carving of this and that's all smoothed out and this was given to me oh my goodness maybe a couple of years ago by my good friend at Maple house knives by the way looking for a nice he's got great knife great talent but look at what he gave me and this is the first time I will be using it very nice look at that I mean talk about perfection nicest fork I have seen oh and you know what this thing here and I'm sure he's pretty happy I talked to him first but his very first meal is going to be that piece of steak okay calm down now I know you're excited okay so here goes the huge Boston Louisiana marinated steak guys ready gosh this is this is a big momma I have a hard time here are you get over there you are going to barbecue it just in the garbage place this a little bit better talk about a stake folks there you go just need to turn here over yonder there this one too wearing your fingers on the rock there this is going to be good this may be a little tricky gosh look at that look at that man this looks so tender it's like unbelievable I've got plenty of wood it's filled up right to the end and well plenty of steak though you guys want to see this that juicy stuff that's going to come off pretty soon okay that's enough and I have all these dead standing here protect it a little bit by the balsam fir so plenty of wood for this summer and even the fall look at that look at the chanterelles

focus focus okay please okay there you go

hey throw on this camera the camera is six years old so I'll give it a break look at that that's mushrooms anyway for me Oh a lot more steak go away and there's your pesto smokey pasta okay time to it folks one last look looks pretty tasty to me don't you think yep

all thank you so much okay


pasta pesto

just know these things right

see this Louisiana thing Oh

you taste the baby I did my first thing oh my goodness tasty and so tender ah

I guess I won't have a choice well what wouldn't I do for you guys right

about medium

beautiful chanterelle just perfectly cook well for me anyway so let's see you ready

mmm it just melts in your mouth and I like that Louisiana barbecue because I'm not crazy about sweet barbecue I mean there's got to be a little bit of sweetness but not too much I mean this one is just smoky anyway it's perfect ah well what a glorious day thank you lord hmm

it is good going to get that's why we came early because it's going to get pretty hot in the afternoon about just a small fire it's plenty


was fresh on Terrell's I'm very well this is not polite eating in front of you like that so I'm going to stop ah


this is okay that's enough penn zer--aaugh


try to go back to that butcher I'm going to get more of it okay so I want to thank brother e for this awesome gift really appreciated brother goodnight I want to thank Maple house knives and bushcraft I won't mention your name just in case you don't want mention but thank you very much I know I've told you before this is going to be my pack now just like my school that works great it was carved by you gosh I got so many people to thank Jason I know I'm forgetting some people that sent me some stuff but if I forget your name please forgive me well you know I appreciate you how all the things you guys send me you guys are just too generous and too kind to me that's the truth and I praise God for you guys so I'm going to stop being impolite and don't pop up your mouthful ever Oh

okay you guys take care make sure you enjoy the wilderness never mind the survival stuff important to be prepared but go out here and enjoy yourself okay

I'm saying that because I get tons and tons and tons of comments saying you don't do that in survival situation well look at the title I'm not in a survival situation I'm out here enjoying myself so you do the same and enjoy yourself this is Mike and you can toggle your mouth will see more polite than I am nosy from me get the big butcher oh okay push back one there you guys thank you [Music]

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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