7 Days Of Wilderness Adventures


Please visit our Website: http://bushcraftbartons.com/

Visit Josie's Cooking Channel:https: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5OoblQezfTqzBhnIJLWmnw/feed





Music: Youtube Audiolibrary....Sugar Pines

Tags: bushcraft,adventure,outdoor,wilderness,canoe camping,hiking,camping,hunting knife,carving,fishing,forest,woods,must see,awesome,amazing,best,greatest

Video Transcription



all right so this is our first set up for the first night we're here six nights I think seven days tomorrow we'll be more on the night after I think we'll be in what they call boreal tents there's some hikes we want to do and also we got four days of canoe camping so that should be cool [Applause]

perfectly square it dip [Music]

want to



yeah it's the last one [Music]

okay so we're back with Josie a lot of people who are wanting to see you so they'll be seeing you in this video and now she's cooking as usual garlic gonna be very careful heat but right beside yep


garlic and onion you know the fondue type okay


I like this side better good job boozing bring you anytime try and get this going because we just had a nice good shower and it looks like it could rain again just want to make sure this fire is going nice and hot before so if it does drizzle and this is nice and hot and won't matter let's hear that cracking sound once you start hearing a cracking sound that's good news that means your wood is burning it's going well I mean well you probably didn't hear it I just did so we should be okay do that when you hear cracking like that means your wood is cut and of course this is hard wood takes a little longer doesn't you know crack as much a soft wood or the evergreens because of the resin but you can still hear it and you find the waterfall so it's always refreshing so any good reddit I follow you because I can't seem to find it okay look at that beautiful big this is blueberry heaven right here and this area we're in obviously there's lots of bears so this would be a good feeding ground I'm sure there's blueberries everywhere here Organic

they've got bear boxes everywhere to make sure we put our food away and I know why they've got the food here man [Music]

nice show you here look at the size these beautiful healthy awesomeness of blueberries look at this bunch here bears will be passed in the air and having a feast you just show you a little bit more it's so full we could fill up buckets look at that this is that's all blueberry look all the way over there never seen so much let me just go up this little trailer I don't follow that all blueberries blueberries Evan oh my goodness no barren space here yet that's for sure look at that look so full of it Wow so that's Josie's breakfast well it's much more than that she's eating mouthfuls of them berries more healthy breakfast a little bird for us on this side so this is day two and we don't have much time today we got to move camp so we don't didn't really have time to hike these types of places but we still decided to want to explore this is like old logging or hunting grounds I guess

still wants to explore so we have to use the car because it would be impossible to come back to move camp but at the end there supposed to be a lake so try and not make too much noise which is hard with a car but hopefully we'll see a bear or moose something like that yeah if there's an opening it's because of hydro big towers but the road is pretty rough I mean it's not you know but I can't go any faster than you know five kilometers an hour so it's taking us forever to get to the lake but we're seeing some nice scenery so far the wildlife oh there's a bridge over there [Applause]

hey mr. hawk you're so beautiful again look for food right here of course I don't have the Sun on my side almost feels like coming out okay let's check out the lake beaver house but it's just an inlet of the lake a good-sized entrance is just there oh we got the Sun yes was getting cold their view of the mountains maybe no mr. Sun okay let's check out the lake just beautiful need to zoom in so you can see so we're at the other complete other end of the lake and it's just awesome now I'm sorry the Sun is not it's probably see dark there but right here we perfect place for a nice cabin lots of firewood lake full of fish full of moves most tracks everywhere it's nice and flat and you've got a couple of beaches there I mean water source I'll try and give you a little better look if I can surrounded by awesome now see a nice flat land it's about I know maybe two feet do a three feet higher than the lake

beautiful Lake area nice birch forest and of course around by mountains ice mountain there in the back too I mean who wouldn't want to live here Wow I know there's some wouldn't want to but between us a beautiful mountain there check out the peak see you bear up there I don't know anyway it's just beautiful and gorgeous what can I say just awesome okay I guess you've had enough of this we are going to stay here and have a lunch okay so


we have a little bit of luxury tonight actually for two nights we call this a boreal tent or utopia there's many names for it it's pretty much fully equipped but I still had to haul all my gear here not with the car because we got to figure out what we're bringing for a canoe trip we'll be gone for days you guys know it's different gear so minimize as much as we can a beautiful area right by the river we just went for a quick swim to wash off a little bit it was a very big day I don't film everything because I mean it'd be probably five hours maybe more we're trying to do the whole park not all the activities but to be in all the places the nice places that exists and so far were we're up we're up the game pretty much tomorrow tomorrow is going to be our biggest challenge and hopefully we're gonna make it or climbing this mountain and the level is extreme or intense now don't worry it's not Mount Everest okay but for a couple of middle aged people like us it's going to be a tough one now it's a thousand forty eight meters high which is not the end of the world but it's about six kilometers to go up and obviously to come back he's saying this is the cherry on the cake when you come here if you can do that pretty good so hopefully we'll try and do that two more early okay I'll get some footage up for you then the knee the back and the energy Tufts it and hopefully okay let me show you my favorite drink of 2018 I'm not gonna try and say this but it's made in Italy it's lemonade but we call it

sparkling lemonade very good actually they have this one and my my other favorite is pomegranate so if never tasted this it's a little bit expensive but it's very refreshing it's awesome




so this is gonna feel pretty good after a big day mushrooms onions tomatoes curd cheese I can't remember anyway weed these this garlic paste like this


hmm talk I have some cheat a little bit my oh my my fingers hmm there hmm that's gonna be good okay give you a quick look inside I know some of you want to see how it's done basically they have do polls and the one in front one two in the back I mean two in the back to the middle and two in the front and one support beam then they have these metal things that hooks up to the top so please forgive me the mess there that's not all my stuff by the way it's all that's my stuff there at the top and a bag there so you got a kitchen area for water more of my stuff or you can eat four or five here so that's pretty cool and you can sleep up four comfortably and there's a separator between the two it's a nice little place especially when you have a view like this yes Josie - oh we're right by the river just cool okay so the type of forests were in is the four is type of forest that I love above all forests that exists in my neck of the woods anyway because of the variety of species that are important not just for firewood but any kind of material we've got paper birch the yellow birch we've got maple you know in the hardwoods I even see some poplar which is a lot softer for anything else there's some evergreens like spruce other species also of a maple tree I'm not sure what it is but I know it's a maple right there those here I can't remember which one it is but anyway I mean someone that has a piece of land with this kind of forest is very blessed and even though the paper birch is very you know we like the birch bark and all that start fire and it's it's a hardwood but in the hardwoods it's not very hard it's not very dense that's why people like to use it to carve the maple is very dense burns a lot longer and hotter but when you think of the yellow birch and there's several over there even though it's part of the birch family it's as dense almost equal as the maple so it's an excellent wood for burning and you know building chairs and tables stuff that are solid yeah this forest is just awesome sometimes I just sit down and I look around and this would be my forest right here oh and by the way not to miss inform you when I said that this utopia or boreal tent whenever they call it is full equipped I don't mean that it has electricity or running water or toilets and all that stuff because it doesn't but what it does have or provide is bedding and you know utensils pots and pans so for anyone who doesn't have much gear and wants to try out some camping you know very first time or whatever basically need is your you know your sleeping bag and some food and personal stuff hygiene that's about it so that's what I meant by fully equipped okay I don't know if you've noticed this fire pit is full of rocks and the reason is because these fire pits are very well not made I know I understand they do it to keep fires low and you know protect forest fires but it's not enjoyable it's way too deep and when it's way too deep it has no oxygen it's hard to get going if you want to cook anything on the grill it's practically impossible unless you got you know lots of flames cuz it doesn't show from there but it goes in well more than a foot deep so you have almost two feet thereof oh yeah two feet easy so we put rocks to be able to have a fire you know at the at the normal height

superb thing just happened I'm not sure it didn't look like maybe a baby eagle

you just dope right in front of me right there

and that's with the fish cool

for those of you wondering this is the Malby River pay in Quebec Canada

the park is old gulls won't go I definitely

I'm happy about this part very satisfied

customer service is great we've got some weird rules but that's fine but most of all the river and the mountains I haven't showed you everything does you know I don't open it but sometimes it feels like you're in another world like Jurassic Park or something [Applause]


something interesting there's salmon in this river

and of course I'm not allowed to fish salmon when I do fish on my canoe trip in two days it'll be for trout [Applause]

but there's a lot of these freshwater mussels

that offsets the Martin that eats it or Birds or in any way in any case when these become an adult age or they can reproduce

larvae comes out of it which is zoo eggs and say baby muscles and they go on and attach themselves to the salmon so the salmon in this river is very important to these mussels which feet other stuff [Applause]

and once they are strong enough and they're in the right area to survive they'll let go of the salmon and grown to be this pretty interesting man I wish I would have that camera [Applause]

isn't this just awesome [Applause]

no bugs beautiful sound I mean it's not too you know rushing

lovely mountains and of course the camera doesn't do it justice I tried to film that you know sunset kind of thing and of course the plane started crossing I'm gonna stay here I think until it gets very dark [Applause]

hopefully that evil will come back [Applause]

isn't that my chair like I made you a stick so you can poke in the fire Josie likes to poke the fire she's a poke fire master what's that that's a fire one that's not a fire okay okay see if you know the other end no maybe a little hand over cup not too much cuz there's rocks there ya go I told you were a professional poker fire poker

alright so this is gonna be the end of day two because I hope I have enough memory card battery for this whole trip so see you guys tomorrow on the mountain hopefully good night see you tomorrow [Music]




but those mysterious mountains okay so folks we're at the base and there's our peak looks like nothing from camera right I pray that

we're going to be up there somewhere sometime

so looks like it's gonna rain I hope not we'll see up there hopefully I myself is sick I think I'm gonna need it this time I never hike with sticks but step on my pride anyway it should take us we're in the first on the trail it's 6:30 in the morning it should take us about six hours you know back and forth depending how long we stay up there and oh this morning got out of camp and they got a big whack on the head I got stung and I'm pretty sure by the pain get it's still throbbing right there that's one of those lovely black and white Hornets not a hundred percent sure but anyway thank God I'm not allergic to it how's it going down there okay okay so just learn a valuable lesson about this

trail is that starts like this all the way so we got to take her time how's my beautiful wife doing so it's still hot and muggy though slowly and we'll make it it's beautiful Perry taking a little break here but nice spot


now if you see down there that's where we left from that's part of the river a little higher than that is the road and well that's all it does it keeps going really up and steep there's to be expected they did say it was a challenge or as they said intense so I know I'm opening the camera a lot look and it's not a clear day but man the views are beautiful and we're not even at kilometer in yeah 5.5 up and obviously 5.5 down but just show you a little bit here


that mist is not good a haze what everyone thought can't see the beauty there's no not there I mean where is it where is it oh there it's focusing on the branches there's a river okay I can't play around like this too many times unless there's something very extraordinary it'll be just at the top I got to save on battery and also my my card I know the memory for the canoe trip didn't I say I wouldn't open the camera again oh man

telling you a Jurassic Park there's gonna be some kind of dinosaur coming out here soon but I mean just amazing amazingly beautiful it would be a clear sky it would be even more amazing and of course there's our peak way over there it's not clearing up for me okay just enjoy this view then well I didn't know well me and Josie were here those are young uns there you go

okay so halfway mark it's a good climb we're gonna do it right sister just show you a little of course you can't see much but just go drop swoop okay you falling keep it on okay well that's pretty cool seeing there's a lake up here little more than halfway nice take a look at those two trees going quickly sideways from these rocks here now never give up that's I mean that's the message lesson learned okay so we're getting close to the summit you can see the trees smaller and those are the wind they're half dead that's a good thing okay so the first peak main peak is way up there

so when you take a look at where we are if you look at the vegetation that's full Labrador tea and it really looks like kind of Arctic Arctic tundra type it's really cool okay let's do this last part okay so I'll give you a quick look I know you won't be hearing me much but top of the world not quite but anyway so there's a river down below and you see that Dam that's when we're starting tomorrow or a canoe trip and so our campsite we have eight kilometers going through all that beautiful Valley right out to our campsite many kids new dinosaurs didn't come out of there and there's even a lake over there hope you're hearing me I won't focus there okay this is the other side of a mountain on the peak oh look at that what in the world man those are high elevation lakes whoo that is just awesome man that's beautiful and you know they don't see all this camera is old and all the far away camera have to admit though I'm pooped we're gonna fuel and head back down and my battery is dying oh I throw this so there you know it's not a clear day that's too bad we would you know see further away but anyway it's still beautiful so it's actually almost six kilometers we did it in 3 hours and 20 minutes so we're way above average average is three and we did in 320 so that should be able to do it in three going back down so on seven and a half hours it was all worth it so right now I really need to close a camera and no filming going back down [Music]

okay so we're back so we're going eight hours you know hmm I'm going to be very honest with you who is a lot more difficult than we expected it's like this and you know rocks we have some breaks and all that but that is my limit now I know for some of you would just be normal challenge but for us it was really want to talk about soar we got that but if you have a chance to do it and you're not used to it you know exercise get some good boots and stuff and do it it's just amazing up there I know I said maybe a million times but it's like you're in another world it's I can't explain it you know even when I turned off the camera you know it was there's no Sun as soon as I turned off the camera and I was running out of battery the Sun came out oh man it was just mind-blowing if I can say it that way so anyway this is gonna be the end of day three because I don't want to film anymore save my battery and save some footage there on my card I know how much I have left for the canoe trip so hopefully we'll see you a four on the canoe we got to show you the black box that's where we put our stuff for the bears food anything that has you know the odorant odor cool thing to have now it's not our black box it's their black box supper pug dogs yeah I know mushrooms first time I try that but when you're in the woods is there someone here huh

you just try anything throw everything together because they have to be eaten I don't have any refrigerator on there you know in the canoe and some fried cheese and of course a Sun Chips garlic should be good okay so we're off and we have to I know the camera is kind of weird here just because I don't know place in this canoe for camera much but yeah you have eight kilometers to do I'm going upriver but there's not much current not here anyway

but there supposed to be some pretty fair head winds at a certain place called Inukshuk so hopefully it won't be too bad if everything goes well maybe three hours we should be there and of course they're announcing 90% rain so we'd like to be able to set up before the rain see me in there certainly a beautiful river too can you on course you can't see that in the camera but there's majestic mountains on both sides awesome okay so while Josie's taking your layer off cuz it's getting hot this is the beginning of day four well we're way ahead of the beginning of the four actually 1024 it's raining but not much just some drizzles the main rain is this afternoon yeah that's about it now if you can see just surrounded by all these mountains probably can't see them of course and it's like this trip there's no Sun for me to film in but the next few days Oh talk about a drastic change of weather pronouncing 7:00 this morning tonight so that's in the 40s for you guys and Fahrenheit and a day of 60 during the day so it's gonna be some cool weather to do whatever we're gonna do right Josie I see some thumbs one thumb oh okay that's a big thumb okay so we're going that way note that I'm an expert because I'm not but there's a pretty decent one here was fishing




okay so this before we leave this beautiful place I think that's waterfalls way up there just over Josie's head and those are go pretty high oh gosh where was I okay there sorry see way up there we are part just surrounded by beauty what can I say

I'm so sorry that there's no Sun everything looks dark but even it's in its darkness it's beautiful

maybe not through the camera but I go like this okay so we gotta keep on paddling

a message for the Bears anyone listening to this out there that's a bear oh and then some humans too

okay so it's time for coffee and for the food this is full of food and we are kind of lazy too you know so it's all dehydrated different kinds and we have one major on Quebec that's what we're having tonight Josie will have the you got spaghetti with Napoleon sauce I know this is very good I'm gonna try the shepherd's pie I never leave home with my ketchup mmm waiting for coffee then we'll be all set it's very cold hi Josie my gosh yesterday was 30 and now it's like maybe 10 or something but nothing to complain [Music]


me and who's behind me you can come up to here are you hey [Music]

don't do that at home okay this wood is very twisted giving me a hard time because every time I take a piece off no twist it would take a piece off and it's the twisted part that comes off so big chunks of it come off together everywhere so I'll do my best and try and finish my project [Music]

it's not perfect but for in the bush it's going to be good I need to make a spatula because we need one we are going to be eating some good hashbrowns needs just something to flip it so there you go you have it oh good morning state 5 pretty cool morning if you've seen this morning I think it looked like my eyes are not so good but look like maybe seven or eight Celsius 45 slept good this morning we're gonna have a coffee and then just go out and explore the river maybe do a little bit of fishing I'm gonna try and I apologize in advance because I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to film this is day five there's three with this state are still three more days and my batteries are completely out well not completely but almost and the colder the weather well you know how it is on batteries so every time I close the camera I take the camera off and I put in my pocket every time there's a fire I put the batteries close to it not close enough to burn them but recharges them a bit so I'm gonna have to be very careful with that so again apologize in advance I wish I could have filmed a lot of stuff but I'm gonna have to be very picky it's still a cloudy day but hopefully the sky is going to clear out for us today

okay so we got stuff just in time nice rain coming thank you and of course we got a nice mountain stream that water is so cold I mean we're in like the end of August or something and my feet when you you know you know cold water when you can't stand it it's almost that so we got we are so blessed and we had to of course we didn't have many trees to work with her but to give you a killer look so let me get out of here okay so our tent obviously and I fished a tarp real quick

tree tree and had a nice hooking it to look at that perfect and we have a picnic table what a blessing this is now that's even better now if ever you have a picnic table and you need to lift up your thing just temper it down and jam it and one the cracks and of course put it a sock or whatever we have a glove not took not to puncture it and even though the wind you know even though the wind lifts this up lifts the tarp up it's not going this is not going anywhere because it's jammed in so this is a little trick anyway so yeah there's a nice river thank you there and what else I guess that's it are you a happy camper so far Oh hungry camper okay so we don't need a black box because we have our own our own bear barrel so that's cool we don't have to bring all the food where it's supposed to go so cool and real quick well there's our canoe and the wonderful beautiful river so we're gonna eat and set up our sleeping system because right now it's a mess right is it Hey look Josie I figured out a way a hanger stuff yeah but it works boo beautiful area praise God operation is just awesome you guys don't see that in the camera but so as we're going up the river you just well some pretty nice rap is there there how long seems to be pretty long right in it yeah

stay on the side like that BPUT coming down with graphics they seem to be going pretty far okay let me just turn this around go down


yeah I'm gonna forth here they wanna park right there in the rocks go to the stream you loose and praise the Lord praise Jesus Christ now I was thinking when I was at the top of that big mountain now I know it's not all of you that believe in the Bible but I do I believe in the flood sinking the amount of water that covered all those mountains must have been pretty incredible only a god like the God in the Bible that could have done that [Music]

see behind me rain okay

I've take care of this canoe yeah well think of the rain of being too warm and that's windy and well the degrees 1050 those sights to come back to warm fire and of course what are you waiting for right there on the grill I mean out of wool so I can use it to grab the pan when it's hot [Music]

this thing give me the black bag [Applause]

okay so we actually ordered these from the states where they call again I know whose buds now they're a little expensive but you get a lot of it let me tell you they are awesome awesome Oh horse it's yours huh you see that okay when it's hers you know it's perfection [Music]

butter knife


look at the colors of this you see the colors in sing this is as wild as you can get him you bet there's no Sun because there's the best sorry but it's this way this way it's just amazingly beautiful all right I'm gonna keep this one because it dug too much it's bleeding so I'll dispose of it that's a ten inches at least nice and this table is not so so I decide to really quickly just feel a that small trout this thing to do anyway for now [Music]

so custom spices here garlic and all kinds of good stuff I want to miss on that this is so awesome on fish this time I kept the skin

I'm not worried about that size of the fish anyway and you cannot forget I'm putting it right away [Music]

some lemon



is ready for these serve that's gonna be some nice tender pieces right there okay so super camera I really can't see anything but I promise you that's thirty zero so we're at the freezing point this morning coffee get a fire going fire is always great but what it's really needed it's even greater but crazy weather we've been having right just a couple of days ago this is day six climbing that mountain was like 30 Celsius 100 percent humidity let's say a hundred and 25 100 and the pair and I and now we're down to zero or thirty degrees

hope it's gonna warm up today and go straight up see the mountains it takes a while especially big mouths like this to get some Sun mr. Sun is right at the top there him but right above him his mr. moon [Applause]


mr. son come on son need to get warmed up


so again bye dear say if you've never been to this park and you're in Quebec I mean the views are just this world the place is just awesome and I highly recommend it doc Nationale okay old goes that's the mouth a river super just a little tip if you want to bring stuff to hang your clothes on these are tiny paper clips and they open like pretty wide and they are really strong and they hold close to your you know clothes line if you want to dry stuff and I mean that weighs nothing to carry so this is our first day since we've been camping canoe camping that is a beautiful sunny day so we decided to go way upriver change now change campsites but spend the day even a little deeper in the wilderness where we'll be completely alone and enjoyed the Sun okay so being that it's our sixth day and we have the Sun today is just a free day we're doing nothing no long excursions with the canoe exploration to a hiking no fishing no nothing we're parked here for the day and that's it okay you guys agree you want to spend that time with us I hope so okay so what Josie is doing because the warwick's is extremely cold we're putting some water in a bucket leave it in the Sun and little warm up and we're gonna wash ourselves once it's warmed up do that a couple of times and we'll be good as new let's test this butter knife I made for Josie yesterday or the day before remember all right here it is I'm pretty proud of this thing you know what carving a butter knife is a lot harder or anyway in a spoon because you got to be perfect and bring it down to a point not so it's brittle but enough so he can you know so now if you're gonna see that but you can't do that and the grain on this wood

you can see that I left the handle last is I even left the snot here okay I found a peanut butter tree oh man I know this is gonna go well look at this of course you know who made it it's just but it's nice and solid and comfortable for the hands yes sir there its baptized full of peanut butter decided to go up river about with the canoe yeah I know not the best thing [Applause]

check it out see some old moose tracks yeah I ain't going any further because it walking in these rocks is not fun but it's beautiful scenery would be fun coming down this river but more in the spring when there's more water still awesomely beautiful I look look what's here you you know you're surrounded by these awesome Peaks nice

just a quick-fire for purify this water so we can have a coffee it's pretty windy so it's taking a lot of the heat I'll try and build it up close so we can have some kind of heat

that's what's cool about driftwood a lot of work to pick it up Thank You Winn good for now okay so this will be the end of this video because I'm pretty much juiced up when it comes to battery I hope the sixth day anyway so I'm gonna put this guy away enjoy the rest of this thing tomorrow and that'll be it don't have to worry about it but I hope that your time wasn't wasted you know watching it I hope you enjoyed it also we have a couple of new stuff but you probably seen in this video like the skillet

maybe the hash browns I'm not sure but anyway this is stuff I paid for I'm still trying to find a link for you guys cuz when I find stuff you know that are quite fun that's not for your you know backpackers that do 20 miles a day the skillet is what five six inches but it's just awesome I was getting tired of those expensive nonstick that unstick you know the nonstick stuff a ton stakes and goes in your food and it's big and clumsy so I'm sticking to that now for a frying pan for you know when you're alone but I think I pay like 24 bucks or something for two so anyway I'll try and find the links and even the hashbrowns I mean it's golden awesome so I'll put the links to that too if we can find them in the description of this video now don't go away because I took quite a few pictures and I'm going to put some nice pictures there pretty cool and you know sometimes pictures are I know have they say if they have pictures a thousand words but it's like it gives you more of an aspect of the awesomeness immensity majesty of the places we were more than filming so take time to look at those I'm pretty sure your enjoy them so thanks again for watching enjoy the wilderness and bye bye well the weather's changed on us [Laughter]

nice white caps yeah got a lovely Edwin heading back this is day seven I did say I went the other way Josie I did say that okay

I gotta take care of business here well you can do it girl anyway we're gonna hit the shore that's perfect take a break here if you want so miss Josie how do you like her we're pretty blessed coming back I mean this has a winner back but now we have the winner backs when we first came and even the camp but now it's like kind of ferocious and then you guys don't well yeah it's a lot worse like there's even Whitecaps

yeah baby who should camp again here what do you think oh yeah who for 2-3 days still

man I'm not a man of my word I said keep the camera closed okay so we're at a point like this that's why there's no win at all we had to take a break as eight kilometers of a strong headwind with a canoe full of gear is not for me need to take a break so that's what we're doing now and my battery is flashing so this is gonna be the end of the shore that you've seen maybe a million times in this video first of all my beautiful wife Josie and then our equipment right there and the beautiful view to finish it off beautiful River the worst is dumb but look what's right in front of us you guys ready

beautiful okay now I know I've said it many times but this is truly the end because the camera says so the battery is flashing okay [Music]




About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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