Hiking to a cabin In The Mountains


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Tags: adventure,bushcraft,cabin in the woods,hiking,tough hike,wilderness,canadian wilderness,axe,splitting wood,fire,cooking,nature,fishing,chaga,woodsman,Canada (Country),Camping,Holiday,Family,Survival,Cabin,Survival Skills (TV Genre),Fun,Weekend,Outdoor,Summer,Outdoors

Video Transcription

good day folks the weather has been pretty strange this summer so far we haven't seen much of the Sun nice our cool but let me tell you don't let the Weathermen stop you from going out

because before you know it summer will be gone

I know what most of the time the Sun comes out anyway so anyway we rented a small refuge no camp you know what I love the smell of old camps and just being in them it's not an ancient camp but it's old enough to have that smell now call me weird but that's what it is so it's not too much of a big hike but it says you know now it's about two kilometres and after that we can do some other hikes to visit but we're here two days anyway thanks for joining us suppose you can guess what that is keep an eye out doing okay there my wife well we're a mountainous region and we're climbing so good exercise but right now I'm anxious to get and find that camp so we can unload a bit and then go for other hikes be a little bit more likely

I see it let me show you the camp okay so let me show you the inside the cabin while we still have some light nothing fancy but exactly what we need little table hair bench oh you could easily sleep at least eight people here sorry for the focus okay another bench chair table less leftovers and yeah can't you smell that smell of a campsite and it's even got some visitors yes sir and most importantly even though we're in the summer it's got a wood stove which I'm gonna need because we need to dry these okay let me show you our poof Center a little crude but it's maybe not for everyone better than eating a whole look check this out yep

that's what she is all the bags and part of the night coffee is served then you probably can't see it little trick real quick do tripods and both sides put a piece of stick and you can dry your your stuff and now I got socks I gotta hang my shoes and he's going good already can't see anyway we got clothes hang on both sides socks in the middle and our shoes will be hanging pretty soon Oh

sometimes when you take a minute to do something proper to draw your stuff and double is the time for drying of course I have to spare then when my socks are dry I'm gonna do is use my laces and time over here okay so we decided to go get some more wood because I didn't want it right now before it gets dark we have a lot of stuff to dry we have some here that was already here a nice pile there a nice little pile here and things this is the wreck very simple but it's gonna dry quickly like that and of course pants is drying right there so we're pretty much set up now we're going to relax so if I'd be out collecting chaga I'd have a lot to bring out but I don't need any so I'm leaving them on the tree with a lot a lot of you have been asking me about chugga and you know you can find them pretty much anywhere but what are the main places where I find nice big ones is on slopes where there's a river and you got birch trees mainly find them on you know the white and yellow birch but this is what I mean by a slope

okay you got a slow slope like this got a whole bunch of birch trees and you got a creek there so if you walk along the creek and check the trees and you have to make sure if you're going down this way

take your time you gotta go around like that as you go down because it could be on the other side of the tree and you're gonna miss it so I found quite a bit but this chunk here is not the biggest I've seen so far but it's a big one okay that now in the camera probably won't show but this that's about the size of oh at least at least two soccer balls and there's some going all the way up a little bit there a little bit on the right side there and you got a nice chunk there too now this here is a nice mature yellow birch a couple years ago we saw this company Quebec made company doing these dehydrated meals and I never thought of it you know much of it back then but the other day I decided to take a few and you know encourage our Quebecers and it's supposed to be really you know I won't say really but let's say it good and healthy but anyway I just tried the spaghetti with the pulled ton of sauce now let me tell you this is pretty good so you guys in Quebec or even Canada happy ACT check that out they're probably on in there in this maybe sale and then Sam sale and outdoor stores anyway show you what it looks like

there you go and even comes with Parmesan cheese so way too far very good

you want you guys want to smell just a little bit very good smell it so anyway just like just thought I'd share that with you because I'm gonna try all of them and so far well spaghetti big eight out of ten where

razor about


pretty much not every night but one of the nights I like to drink a last team more of a purple tea I guess and my favorite is peppermint tea but the only problem with it or any other team for that matter for me anyway is this thing I make me go to the bathroom a couple of times before I go to bed so because of it I decided to call it the TP goodnight

that's right

with wet yesterday was a little tip you guys going out hiking for the first I always have to you know be careful where you're walking and step yes Lee

but you want to avoid any type of group all the time every step aboard the route if you can they're all recipient purcha back

skies are blue though should be a nice sunny day today so anyway this is going to be probably the last scene I won't be filming today cuz I want to join myself a little bit more we all know it takes a lot of work you enjoyed having you guys you

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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