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Tags: fear,afraid,woods,forest,wilderness,fear of woods,fear of the forest,what to do,how to react,Climbing,Mountain,Mountains,Hiking,Trail,Lake,Nature,Wwild animals,noises,the dark,afraid of the dark

Video Transcription

this video we'll be talking about fear a lot of people wanted to hear about it now I'm not saying that I know all the answers because I don't and not saying also that I know all the reasons why people are scared or why they fear certain things because I don't know all the reasons I just want to give you a few insights and specifically being in the woods

now before I start talking about three fears that you will face if ever you get lost there's a couple of things I want to talk to you guys about first but before talking about those three things two things actually want to talk to you guys about in the last video or the lost hunter video a lot of you were asking about why are they scared when they're in the woods especially at night and all that stuff well it's actually pretty simple if I can you know put it in words that are easy to understand it's the unknown for you it's unknown dangerous not being familiar that's pretty much it the cure for that is time plus experience time spent in the woods plus experience or knowledge you can put the knowledge with the experience equals confidence and being familiar in the woods that's what it is the more time you spend the more more experience you gain and knowledge and the more confidence you become if I give you a simple example everyone will understand I'm pretty sure let's say you just got your driver's license and you know so far you've driven in the back roads you you went to the grocery store and maybe Walmart and now it's time to go in deeper and face traffic now when you do start thinking about that fear sets in why because it's unknown it's unfamiliar there are dangers am I going to be good enough am I going to do the right thing so on so again the same rule comes to that as as time goes by you gain experience the more time you spend in traffic the more knowledgeable you the more preventive you become and you become confident and also familiar with where you are you know the territory now once you do gain that confidence and being familiar and you go in the traffic like nothing you know like every day and there's no problems there's no worries does that mean there's no more dangerous absolutely not they're still dangerous does it mean you have to stop being preventive no you're always being preventive you know to be safe it's no different in the woods it's the same thing

so to answer that question of fear during night especially unknown dangerous unfamiliar that's the reason why you feel the cure time and experience equals confidence it's that simple

if you're just starting you know just go out in the backyard or you know get a tent people like tents I like tents because it's like a sense of security you know being surrounded but start slowly you know with the knowledge you have if you've been doing it for a while you know once in a while you go and you're still you know scared go more often again it's the same solution the more time the more experience you gain and the more confident you become now I'm not saying even though you know at times another example if I'm out in the woods and at night I'm in my tent and this big moose passes and steps on a wrist size dried piece of wood and and breaks it it's going to go crack and not because someone has been in the woods 50 years that you won't be scared of course you're going to be concerned but every little day thing or every night you know the little critters you're always going to have little critters don't worry about them they're going to come they're curious they want to know what's there they won't harm you and concerning you know predators like wolves Cougars bears that's a whole other video but if you're preventive

there's no dangerous part so remember this is because it's unknown for you unfamiliar and the cure is time and experience


I know I'm repeating myself I just want you guys to be clear overall what I just talked about eliminate that fear or reduce it at least you need to be preventive time and experience equals confidence that's it and you know thinking about bears and all those big things that look here in Quebec now I know this could be a big discussion there's specific and there how could I say it there are certain things that did happen in the past and sometimes still do but are very rare but in general or 90% you're safe there's nothing that's going to happen here in Quebec we've got them all right all the partners you can think of we have them and we have a large population of black bears do you know how many people died since 1983 reported deaths of black bear 6 since 1983 now that's not a lot and I'm sure if we study those six cases probably the person wasn't preventive or cause something so I can tell you something that you are when you're preventive and you got the time and experience you are a lot safer in the woods than any major city on this planet before we get into the three types of fears there's one last thing I want to talk to you about one last thing I want to talk to you guys about before we get into the three fears what as human beings causes us to fear why are we afraid why do we have to face fear I'll give you a very simple definition when fear comes our way it's because we've lost control of something let me just give you an example out of the woods let's say finances you lose your job

all of a sudden fear sets in because you're wondering how am I going to feed my family how am I going to pay my bills etc you're fearing because you lost control you don't know how you're going to get the money another thing health got some bad news from the doctor and well it's not very good fear sets in why because you've lost control of your health the list can go on but the main definition is losing control of something and you know what it's no different again in the woods it's the same thing now we'll talk about that a little bit later now let's talk a bit about the three fears so

always remember that what brings fear things you lose control of now let's get on with these three fears that I personally believe you will face if ever you get lost in the woods we're going to be talking about three types of fears first one natural fear second calculated fear and the third one critical fear so let's I'm going to talk just briefly about this so you guys have an idea talk about the natural fear first now all of us have natural fears and if we listen to them and if we obey them they will keep you safe and they will help you make some wise decisions again I'll bring some examples let's say I'm walking in the woods and I have a fear of bees now I'm walking on a sea this bees nest or beehive my natural fear is going to tell me okay you go around that now now if I listen to it my natural fear it's going to make me safe I avoid unnecessary bee stings and what can follow after and my natural fear helped me take a wise decision to go around and instead of going in and poke them through and see and getting curious so that's just one example I could bring up okay let's bring another example fear of heights in certain situations can be good

let's say you're on this cliff and you need some water there's a water source below and you know it's not going to take you long to get to that water source if you go down the cliff but the fear of heights will keep you from may be doing that mistake because you can injure yourself you know you can be in all kinds of dangers so your natural fear of heights will say okay go around it safely yes it's going to take longer but at least you'll be there safe with no problems now what did this natural fear tell you or make you do it kept you safe and it helped you to make a wise decision now I'm not talking about experienced hikers and all that stuff I'm talking about the normal Joe as myself that would be lost so natural fears are very important to follow and obey they keep you safe and again they will help you make the right and wise decisions we'll talk about the second one in a minute but first I need to get a fire going because I'm getting a little chilly and of course I need my coffee

well this certainly feels good alright so we talked about the natural fear second fear I want to talk to you about is critical now I'll talk to you about that last let's talk about calculated fear

now there are times when you're stuck out there you're going to need to take some risks so I should call it more calculated risk to be able to go on now these ribs are not should not be life threatening to you or whoever's with you that's why it's called calculating but it's still a risk it's still a fear if I get if I give to you another example okay let's say you're finally set up you're on this Ridge or just below the ridge you got a nice fire going and you've got nice shelter you got a problem though you have no water so you're going to need need to take a calculated risk now you're at the top of Ridge or just below and you know right below I know maybe a couple of miles that way there might be water in that valley so it's not a death threatening risk but if you go down there and you don't find water it's going to take in a lot of energy and you know you may get injured and so forth it's calculated because it's a need this risk has to be taken or you're going to die you need to take water

if you find water well good for you your risk was 100% positive you just have to come back up your campsite or bring your campsite below at that very moment whatever but calculated risks are going to be very much needed another example I don't know okay you've got a river to cross now where you are it's barren land on the other side it's wood you got cover there's lots of dead wood to make a fire and build a shelter you need to get out of that wind now you're going to need to take a risk and cross that river but it's going to have to be calculated you just don't cross wherever you can or want to and get all you know drowned up so you have to take the time where is the best place to cross you know you calculate your wrist now that's going to bring some fear but it's calculated I hope you guys understand what I'm saying so we've got natural fear we've got calculated fear and we're going to talk about the last one as soon as my water boils for coffee okay so the third fear I want to talk to you guys about we saw a natural fear our natural fear will if we obey it help us take wise decisions and keep us safe second we've got the calculated fear or calculated risk

these are risks that we are going to have to take to help us keep moving keep going but they're calculated so they should not put your life or somebody else's life in danger but should be something that will improve your situation without know with minor cuts and bruises and the third one those are the two first ones are the two good fears the third fear is the bad one critical fear now if you remember in that video about the lost hunter that's exactly the fear that John followed critical that fear will set panic in as you very well saw negativity confusion made all kinds of mistakes and he ended up dead now if you follow that fear it is very dangerous that's fear how could I put it in words that are simple if you follow that fear it will make you lose sight of reality once you understand that you're lost or there's something wrong don't go into that fear okay your your situation is probably not that bad if you follow through with that critical fear as John Donne tour you're going to make all kinds of bad mistakes so instead come back to reality calm down take a look at your situation and start thinking what what can you do now okay to make things better right there and now don't think too far ahead or back or just stay in the present and start thinking now if you remember what I told you about what fear wants is to lose control of something now knowing that is going to be an advantage for you instead of trying to face the fear which is completely useless face what causes the fear so if you know what causes a fear losing control try and take control now I understand completely there are situations that you cannot take control of nothing but in that situation being lost in the woods you can take a minimum control or complete control if you do that you will stop fearing because you'll be concentrating on trying to take control of your needs so the fear will dissipate or will be minor okay that way you'll be able to make the right decisions and do the right things to get you out of there again I like to give examples to make people understand water you're thirsty you know you have to hydrate you know if you don't drink things are going to go wrong you're a little bit scared okay what do you do to get rid of that fear put that fear away and take control try and find some water that is your main thing okay as you do it the fear you won't even know it's there

until you start thinking about it same thing for fire same thing for shelter you know you got to get warm you're free that you're afraid that you're going to freeze take control start building a fire go to your immediate immediate needs right away and take control as much as you can and that fear will you know slowly not be there force there's always a little bit so by understanding that it's going to be a plus for you if you ever get into that situation there you've lost your bearings or you injured yourself or all that wonderful stuff that we want to avoid now is there anything else I was wanting to talk to you about okay let me give you a little example with what I just talked to you about this critical fear many many years ago I was a bow hunting moose and I was we were pretty far into the woods now to get to a camp there is a logging road we use with our car and then we need to walk the rest of the way but to be able to find our camp there is only one way we need to spot this great big pine tree that you know too stuck out of the rest of the spruce trees on the side of a mountain once we spotted that we knew that the camp wasn't too far now of course we were in deep moose territory so the trails that we followed you know it was almost Asheville or you know they call it anyway the ground was well tapped or can't find the word right now but that's what we follow and there'd be all kinds of these moose trails everywhere and that's where we'd hunt we'd use it to get to our camp because one trail pass right in front and we'd also used the rest to track moose in to hunt moose so we wouldn't get lost because those type of woods were in was all the same everything was the same so one day one morning I was hunting and I was following this trail and all of a sudden I saw because there's a lot of moss I saw a fresh moose track now the moss had just been broken and I could see it and so I got out of the trail and I followed it for about 15 minutes all of a sudden I start looking see if I could spot the moose because I thought it was getting close fear set in I had no idea where I was everything was the same I couldn't see any Moose trails anymore panic started the heart started to pump right away it's automatic now thank God I didn't go into that critical fear because then I would have ran all over the place maybe get injured just like John the hunter instead I stopped I calmed down now remember that that type of fear will make you lose sight of reality when you calm down you come back to reality so I calmed down and I started thinking things started to come back I said okay I'm just 15 minutes away from that trail now is there a way for me to be able to come back to that so because I calmed down I was able to think clearly so I said to myself if I was able to track that moose right up to here I'll be able to track myself out of here by following the tracks of the moose and it wasn't very easy because you know moss but I took my time and it took maybe a now or even though I was 15 minutes just away from that trail but I got out it makes the whole difference ok time for coffee so I hope you enjoyed this on well not just enjoyed I just hope it helps you a little bit now as I said in the beginning of the video guys I don't have all the answers absolutely not these are just things that I'm out here you know things happen just things that I feel etc I know we could have elaborated on all kinds of scenarios and different things and we would probably gotten lost in those different scenarios anyway you got the main idea I hope about beer in the bush thanks for watching

About the Author



BushcraftBurton is an exceptional bushcrafter: his videos are super interesting and show beautifuls woods in the Canadian Wilderness. His suggestions are very important and every buschrafter should learn from him. He is a very genuine person and likes to join nature in company of his wife.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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