Camp Cookery Baked Rabbit


Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,David Canterbury,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,The Pathfinder School,Archery,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Primitive Skills,Fire,Water,Shelter,Navigation,First Aid,Search and Rescue,Signaling,Prepper,Preparedness,Self Reliance,Survivability,The 10 C's,Knives,Axes,Saws,Bow Drill,Ferrocerium Rod,Ferro Rod,Tarp,Hammock,Canteen,Cooking,Longhunter,Trapping

Video Transcription

guys I've had a lot of people ask me about camp cooking videos videos cooking and I'm not a big fan of going out and buying store-bought meat bring it out to the woods to make a cooking video but I've got some stuff in the freezer from this year I've still got a goose in the freezer I've still got a rabbit or two a couple squirrels off on flintlock kills so today what we're going to do is we're going to make a rabbit dish with a little bit of wild edibles a little bit of stuff that will bring it from home that was very commonly carried along the frontier and we're going to use a little different method of cooking this with a fire and we're going to parboil it then bake it on top of the ground stay with me we'll get started so what we got here is we've got a bunch of wild onion right here let's kind of dig down in here and pull a few of these up we got to get down below the bulb if we can come on we're pretty far down in there see these small bulbs in here these are all little wild onions here so we're going to collect quite a few of those up if we can another one that's going to give us a good start on what we want right there collect up a few more of these then we'll have what we want as you can see we got a pretty wet fire pit here it's got some debris in it that's been burned already I think we just concentrate on getting a little fat wood cut here real quick guess a few shavings ready but these will be like small matches once we get something on fire here okay that ought to be more than enough right there to get things going just pull this damn stuff right in here and not even worry about it then we'll try to find some stuff that's dry on the outside here and stick it in there and tell you what we've got some nice big fat rabbit in here out of the freezer oh yeah soak it in cold water overnight with some salt in there now we're going to parboil this dude can adjust this really easy with her tripod wants to get it down there what we want get adjusted up and down with the tripod real easy so we're going to start off by poor boy leanness rabbit okay as we're getting our rabbit parboil we got that water heating up we're going to go ahead and save our wild onions for the pit baking we're going to take this potato potatoes or something very easy to carry they were carrying by folks all the time in the back was because they last a long time I'm just going to slice this thing up I've got a single potato I'm leaving the skin on it and I'm just going to slice it up into about quarter inch sections and toward the end here I'm going to put that in the boiling water as well because we're going to strain that off the fully pit baked okay the next thing we're going to put in our pot is a sweet potato we're going to cut that dude up again in about quarter sized chunks and put that in there at the end of the part boiling process just to soften it up a cooking a little bit as well I'm going to use about a half of a potato here on this give you a look of what we're at here is we just put those sweet potatoes in there just a second ago okay so the method to the madness here of building this on a wet fire laying all that stuff was on purpose what we're trying to do is we're going to bake this rabbit but we're not going to pit bake it per se because we're not going to dig a hole we're going to use the existing coal bed put some wet debris from our wet fire lay on top of that coal bed put our rabbit on that in some aluminum foil covering out with a little more wet material and then build a fire on top of that and let it burn down and that's how we're going to bake our rabbit and potatoes today we're going to put some wild onions in there of course a little bit of seasoning we'll get to that in just a minute okay so we've got a piece of aluminum foil laying on top of stump here we're going to strain this water off in in a real scenario folks I'd be saving this water for sure this broth so don't mind me dumping it off now and have a heart attack about it okay

now we're going to take our rabbit it's going to be hot for sure take our rabbit we're going to lay our parboil rabbit right here we're going to get our potatoes and we'll dump those out right here on this top of this so they're going to be warm as well we'll just kind of stick them in here let's put them off to the side for a minute get some seasonings in here grab our haversack and our onions okay so now we're going to get some Old Bay seasoning my favorite we're going to season this guy up some little old bay or a lot of old bay whichever you prefer I like a lot then we're going to stuff some of these potatoes in here just like this kind of stack them in we've got our onions here we're just going to pinch the tops off of the onions just like this I've washed them off a bit they're not perfect by any means but they're close enough and then I'm just going to cut them off with my knife stick them in the cavity here as well just like that kind of strategically place them inside the breast cavity and inside the stomach area and these greens parts of these onions aren't bad either so I'll probably cut off at least a little bit of those greens and leave those in as well

and just kind of put those over the top mix them in a little more obey over the potatoes and the onions just like this the whole idea is to seal some of these juices in so what we're going to do now is we're going to come over the top of this guy like this push it down we've got to be careful with any jagged bones that we have from cutting the limbs off we want to be careful not to punch a hole in our lumen employ then we're just going to fold it over itself we've got the thickest aluminum foil right here so this is the part we're going to put on the top because we're going to build fire on top of this with very little in between okay so now we're going to spread our coal bed out a little bit like this get anything that's on fire out of the way put the hot coals on the ground here like this put a little bit of this damp material down on top of that we've got to do this pretty quick before it catches flame put what we're going to roast right there just kind of build this around it a little bit like this I want some of this wetter material on top because my next step is going to be build a fire right on top of this so I don't mind using this damp material to build my fire on top of and my fire will be built right here

and we'll let it burn down now we would never want to cook with pine but this part is not going to touch our food it's actually going to be on top here so I don't mind starting this fire on top of this with pine at all it doesn't bother me so if I make my twig bundle up here at a pine to ignite my fire I don't care about that if I can find its tickets on fire here somewhere or light up another piece of fat would be the one

again I'm going to feed from the outside of my fire where some of this stuff is dried out get a pretty good fire built up on top of there and just let it burn down burn out you can see this fire is really kind of smoldering it's not really flamed up and burning hard smoking a lot that's because I've got damp material in there and that's exactly what I wanted to do is just smolder so I'm going to keep feeding this stamper stuff just drawing a little bit on top of it and just keep its motor I want to hold that heat in that's part of the baking process if I let it flame up and get ridiculous it's going to scorch that rabbit through that aluminum foil I don't want that either so I want to keep that fire almost smothered out just smoldering like that alright so had this thing burning now for probably a good close to an hour something like that now we're going to kind of move this stuff off here and off to the side you can see our layer underneath is not burnt that's a good sign we're just going to kind of move this thing off the fire let cool down a little bit see what we got I want to give you guys kind of an up-close look at this thing as we open it up here you see the steam just rolling out of that dude look at that man oh man now rabbit doesn't take a long time to cook one of those things that if you overcook it it's a bad thing so when I bake something like this what I try to do is to check and see if I think it's going to be done is I'll check the potatoes if the potatoes are soft all the way through and they're done chances are that rabbit is plenty done and the yams or the sweet potatoes are soft all the way through as well you see that so that means that this rabbit is going to be good to go oh yeah that thing looks really really good that thing is cooked just about perfect I would say by cutting that up some of these potatoes up a little bit nothing left now but the taste test fellas fellas I'll see what we got here oh man I think they've got to hit my lips know how good that was chunk a bone there get that out gotta watch for shot if you've killed one of these things with a shotgun a muddler

oh man whoo-wee little hung in there here we go weirdos the longest piece that dark meat man Wow you kidding me that's so good where is it no good no better now fellas at ojas and pepper made a mighty fine lunch

want to take the rest that I have to my father-in-law he loves wild game he's feeling kind of poorly so I'm going to take him some of that like you'll enjoy it I appreciate you guys joining me out here for this quick camp cooking type video cooking up some bacon some rabbit in a fire I thank you for support and thank you for your views I thank you for everything you do for our school for our family for our business for all my instructor sponsors affiliates and friends and I'll be back the other video as I can thanks guy

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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

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