Poplar Dough Bowl Part 1



Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,David Canterbury,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,The Pathfinder School,Archery,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Primitive Skills,Fire,Water,Shelter,Navigation,First Aid,Search and Rescue,Signaling,Prepper,Preparedness,Self Reliance,Survivability,The 10 C's,Knives,Axes,Saws,Bow Drill,Ferrocerium Rod,Ferro Rod,Tarp,Hammock,Canteen,Cooking,Longhunter,Trapping

Video Transcription

let's see if I could get this thing held down in this combination bench I may see how good it worked for a clave stop - for bolt carving or whatnot it'd be pretty good this tool that I'm using is a North Bay tool I got this thing at a place in Seattle called hardly swap shop they've never heard of that tool company before they had a couple really nice carving type tools in there yeah just wanted to have another smaller one for like spoons and whatnot so I bought both of them try them out and you know after you get after this thing with the ass for a little while this thing right here really cleans things up unless you get in there take out some nice chunks for sure what I've done here is I'll just put my cheese block basically inside my bowl the bowl turning around here to where I wanted stuck the cheese blocking the bowl and just lock it down like that now I've got this curve tool I need it to be able get this work done when I can manipulate this bowl however I need to manipulate it in here again I like it it's the flint knapping because it's like you're running the flake and then you're going on that Ridge and pull another flake it's very very similar what now you can see I'm creating the ridge every time I take one off I create a ridge and if I come across that Ridge it's real easy to take another flake off yeah pattern of taking chips like that gives you a very primitive looking bowl in your dog if you decide not to sand all those out of there you

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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