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Building a Discount Bushcraft Kit Part 3 (Food)



Tags: Pathfinder,Survival,Bug Out,Bushcraft,Scouts,Scouting,Primitive,Primitive Skills.Traditional,Archery,Bone,Stone,Tools,Self Reliance,Navigation,Orienteering,Tracking,Trekking,Camping,Backpacking,Hiking,Tents,Campfire,Fire,Wool Blanket,Kit,Emergency Preparedness,Spear,Hunting,Cooking,Fishing,Game Cleaning,Meat preservation,Nature,Naturalist,Trapping,Traps,Primitive Traps,Handdrill,Bowdrill

Video Transcription

one of them Dave Canterbury pathfinder school welcome back to segment number three in our discount bushcraft kit exercise we picked a couple items up today I want to go over with you I want to show you a couple tips and tricks and I also want to talk to you a little bit about food in this segment so we're going to get a fire built to cook with and stay with me we're gonna have a nice chat today while we're getting our fire built up here and you ready show you a couple of things that I bought for this kit and some of the things that we're going to use to cook with here I want to show you something real fast I if you notice yesterday I switched out those six inch needle nose pliers to a pair of six inch blunt nose pliers and they work much better for a handle for this for one thing because they'll sit and hold it up or I can turn them the other way and it gives me an upright handle so they work real well for that the other thing is they work a lot better for constructing snares and things of that nature that I'm going to do with what I'll use a multi-tool for now I want to show you something else real quick I picked up this saw blade today for a dollar and the way these saw blades are made they have a notch cut out in them right here that's made to lock up into the saw on most saw blades like this or made to cut in this direction forward pushing forward alright so they're a pain if you're going to try to use them for a survival saw but what you can do is if you look inside this pair of vice grips there's a slot inside there and if you slide that notch into that slot and then adjust your vise grips to lock that in like that then your saw blade will not move up and down on you at all and you don't have to do anything else to it and what that gives you is it just gives you a quick little saw that you can use for notching or for whatever and it cuts really well I mean you can abuse it you're not going to hurt it any it's made out of a high carbon steel to make a good striker the backside of this thing is good for stripping bark just like this

good for making small scrapings and shavings and things like that help you start your fire if you need to and it just gives you a saw blade that's not going to move around on you for a little mini saw like I said for notching for building traps and things like that where you can't use the buck saw and you can't afford yet to buy a good folding saw don't go out and waste your money spending ten bucks on some Ozark folding saw that's a piece of trash that's going to fall apart on you budget kit doesn't mean it has to all be garbage kit okay it doesn't have to be that way we can build things we already paid for these they were a dollar eighty eight another dollar 288 and I've got a good saw right here that I can use and I guarantee you this thing is going to hold up a lot longer and stay sharper longer then the Ozark saw you buy four six or eight dollars it's not going to be as good as a Laplander but it doesn't cost $30 either so bear that in mind when you put your kit together and this is a really really nice little item I paid a dollar for this saw blade now real quick before we start talking about cooking and food and things here while I'm heating up some water I want to talk to you about a couple things real quick from yesterday one of the things was I want to talk to you guys about these utensils okay I had a lot of guys or I had a couple guys question me about this and say you know hey why didn't you just get these lexan utensils or you know you could have went to Burger King or whatever just got a spoon and a fork a plastic one yep you're absolutely right about that they would have been free I also could have spent $3 instead of $1 and bought a light my fire spork okay but when you're talking about budget kit and you're talking about things that have to really really now truly be multi-purpose and multifunctional the dollar that I spent on these metal utensils is going to pay off in a big fashion if I need it to because number one I can use a spoon to dig with just like I talked about yesterday so I can use this for making dirt hole sets and cubby sets and things like that for setting traps if I need to I could also if I had to I can smash this thing and flatten it out and use it for a spear point and then back to this fork same thing you know a fork is easy enough to manufacture and so is a spoon in the but this is a metal stainless steel fork and if I flatten this thing out I got a frog gig you know a little bit of fire work in here on these prongs and I've got one heck of a frog gig that I just paid 50 cents for so metal utensils like this are really good buy if you are trying to strive for a good budget multi-purpose kit there's nothing wrong with these utensils for sure so bear those things in mind when you're building your kit now there was a couple things that I kind of splurged on today when I was out getting the things that we're going to talk about as far as cooking go and one of them was this little steamer right here this cost two dollars at a Dollar General Store two dollars all right but it actually sits just perfect inside our stainless steel I mean it's it's almost a perfect fit inside there and when I can use that for I can open that thing up like that put my wild edibles in there and use that to steam wild edibles set it on the fire close it up so that I've got this thing hanging out here so I can pick it up out of there when I want to and doesn't take up any more room in my kit because it's already inside this bolt so it doesn't hurt anything for two bucks I got a lot more versatility with my cooking now because now I can steam things as well as boiling them and it just it works out really well for that and for two bucks I thought you know what the heck so anyway now what we're going to do is we're going to fill this up with creek water I'm going to go ahead and crank my handle down on this bad boy it's like that ain't going to move go get some water in this dude and heat it up we'll talk about what we're going to have for grub okay so we got our pot on the boil here with our handle snapped onto it let's talk about food for a minute okay there's a couple things that you need to understand when you're eating in a survival or short-term self-reliance or long-term self-reliance situation you need to understand how the body's metabolism works and breaks down food and what foods will do for you you know a lot of people carry Clif bars and things like that in their backpack and those really are not the best foods for you especially in a survival situation it's going to last more than 72 hours or self-reliance situation or even when you're just out camping in the woods sucks sitting around eating Clif bars I can tell you that for personal experience I'd rather have meat any day of the week so you're not always going to be able to secure meat right away and it's good if you can carry some things out to the woods to enjoy a nice meal with you and if you can do it on a budget you can do it cheap and it lasts for a long time that's great so one thing that you need to understand with food is that your body needs some complex carbohydrates most of the things like chocolate bars and energy bars and things like that give you quick energy they have a lot of sugars in them which are non complex carbohydrates and your body burns those very quickly which is what gives you that quick energy boost that you get from eating things like sugar so what we need to think about is complex carbohydrates that are going to take our body longer to break down and give us long term energy and those things are pastas and proteins from meat and breads and things like that so let's talk about for a minute here let's talk about what we can do cheat to eat meals like that all right so let's talk Dollar General okay this is a package of beef ramen noodles these are six packages for a dollar and 15 cents so that's less than that's right at 20 cents per package and there's enough there for a whole meal without a doubt and they're pretty good by themselves I've eaten a lot of them but if you can put some meat with them they're even better so let's talk about that this bag of beef steak tenders which is just like beef jerky in a ziploc bag it will last as long as you want it to for the most part or long as you need it to what's three dollars but there are several meals in here if I'm just going to add a few bits of beef to my beef noodles so if I have six of these in one package of this I can get six meals out of this now I just got six meals for four bucks that's enough to feed me for three days on four dollars if I don't want to eat anything else find a couple cheap candy bars too that maybe or a dollar bag of muffin mix desert or some you know $1.00 Farina hot cereal you know four six or eight bucks you can eat for a week in the woods and if you catch anything or find anything it's a bonus so what we're going to do today is we're going to cook up some ramen noodles and some beef steak tender here I've also got I picked up a box of Snapple black teas and the whole box was a dollar and fifty cents and there was like 24 packets in there so that's 24 drink mixes I've got for that dollar and fifty cents and that's what I'm going to drink today with my meal now I've got to boil this water first because I got out of the creek so I'm going to go and bring it to a rolling boil and then we're going to cook it up and have some good food while we're talking now if you're not familiar with these ramen noodles they couldn't be any simpler it's just a package of dry noodles and I'm just going to break this one in half and then break it up into this water now smash the other half up you have a packet of flavoring that comes with that that you just tear open and pull right in there and you mix that in

and of course you can burn your bags they don't take anything out of the woods and shrivel up to nothing and if we open our beef jerky up here alright so if we just open up our beef steak here just take some of these pieces and tear them up they're going to rehydrate in there anyway and it looks like there's probably I don't know 20 pieces in here I want to spread this out over six meals so I can use three in each one of my meals so I'll just break three of them up pretty small and put them in my cook pot and just gives me a little bit of meat protein you can use beef jerky for this too I just chose steak you could use beef jerky Z enough my fork out stir this thing up you just got to let it sit there and boil till the noodles get soft and that's all there is to that then we got our water for our tea boiling over there so we'll go ahead and throw a tea bag in there and again you know if we can burn this it's just paper that's not going to hurt anything get our tea bag down inside our water here eat our string over on this side away from our so then fall in on us with my fire that burnt up we're about ready to have a really really really good meal here guys

okay I get back with you now I'm going to move my tea over here a little closer to the fire and I'm going to use the exact same pair of vice grips that I use for my pan and for my saw and for building my snares I move that around on the fire but for dollar 88 I cut pretty handy tool here all right so all our lunches cool them down over here so that we can eat it I set it to the side over here for a minute I want to show you guys a couple other things that I picked up for this kit now I've been looking for a compass that was going to do the job and I know that for $11 I can get a fluorescent green blunt and compass that's pretty good but I can't get ahold of one of those any time quick because I'll have to order it or buy it through my store and we stock keep our stock in Cleveland now so that's you know a couple days away but at any rate what I did pick up today was I picked up this bubble this bubble compass and it's made by Brunton so I know it's not some piece of trash and what it does is it's a floating bubble just like your grandparents had on a dashboard of the hose 'mobile when you were little if you're my age and basically it will give you general direction it's not going to let us shoot Asmus or do any map reading of any kind really for the most part but it will give us good general direction and we've got it on the strap of our pack so we can just look right down out of while we're walking we know what direction we're going without having to think about it just a good little add-on this was three dollars so for three bucks that's a good little add-on it'll be a good backup compass when we buy a better compass later so I did I showed you guys the snares yesterday

the you know the permanent snares that we had made yesterday we went over that and what I want to tell you was you know that was a $15 upgrade to our kit and it was something that's going to secure us larger game because that's a 97 pound weight ratio on those snares you can just pick up 25 feet of snare wire like we saw our website if you go to Lowe's you can get this for about I guess 398 4 bucks something like that and that gives you 25 feet of braided wire a 17 pound test and we've talked about this in some of our other videos and showed how to make snares with this and we've actually caught rabbits in these snares on video for you guys in the past so that's a good little $3.00 add-on to your meat source kit to go with the permanent snares that you have I'm looking right now for a small frog gig to add to this as well as some small fishing implements we'll talk about those when the time comes now I've got this bag that I just found around the house this drawstring bag that I've been keeping my first 8 items in and I added a small dropper bottle that I got around the house with 2% iodine in it for water purification I picked up some BC aspirin powder from the dollar store for a dollar today and then I also got a film canister for free from Walmart when I was there too at the film counter I just asked if they had any empty one she had a whole drawer full of them so I got this for free and I filled it up with cayenne pepper which is very good for quickly Kotik clotting your blood cleaning out your wounds and helping the seal wounds up it's real good for that I was going to get a dollar tube of superglue to go in here as well and I haven't found that yet and then we've got the same items that we had in here yes today as far as the rest of it goes so we just added three items to our first aid like I said I think we need to add some superglue in here and then we'll be pretty well set for a base first-aid kit now I also added a whistle into this kit this is a tops knife company whistle and they give these away free with a lot of knives that they sell but you can buy them off their website too and they're only you know they're very minimal in cost

I think they're like a dollar dollar fifty and I had this laying around the house chances are you can find a whistle laying around your house somewhere fortunately in my house I can find just about anything I want to find laying around but as far as survival gear goes but I think you know any kind of a cheap whistle that you can find will work as long as it's good and loud so I added a whistle to this kit today now our total cost of this kit is up around the in dollar mark right now but realize that the majority of the money that we spent on this kit was for our tools and that's going to be where the majority your money is going to get spent is going to be on tools if you spend $50 on your tools and save $50 for the rest of your kit you're going to be a pretty good shape and I'm going to go try to beat the guy up the army surplus store today see if I can get just a weathered and beat Alice pack for less than 10 bucks from the guy and look at some fishing things and implements and things like that we'll talk about that the other thing that I would throw in this kit very readily and I could have done it today of course I've got them at the house but any set of slingshot bands that you can find even if they were not the heavy-duty slingshot bands would be a very good addition to your kit because it gives you a lot of versatility as far as securing meet sources well I'm Dave Canterbury with the Pathfinder school I'm going to enjoy my lunch here and stay with me for the next video we're going to work some more on this kit just want to give you guys a few little tips and tricks and add-ons while we were out here today and talk a little bit about food items as well so I'm going to go ahead and enjoy my oh man

oh man I'm telling you guys you absolutely cannot beat that for what we paid for it I mean that is some excellent

that's what food long-term energy that's what it's all about I appreciate your views I appreciate your support and I thank you very much we'll see in the next video guys

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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