1908 A&F Cook Grate




The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,David Canterbury,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,The Pathfinder School,Archery,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Primitive Skills,Fire,Water,Shelter,Navigation,First Aid,Search and Rescue,Signaling,Prepper,Preparedness,Self Reliance,Survivability,The 10 C's,Knives,Axes,Saws,Bow Drill,Ferrocerium Rod,Ferro Rod,Tarp,Hammock,Canteen,Cooking,Longhunter,Trapping

Video Transcription

morning guys I'm Dave Canterbury with self-reliance Outfitters in the Pathfinder school and I wanted to show you a mock-up that I knocked up this morning of a 1908 Abercrombie & Fitch catalog item that was a folding accordion style camp great and I made this one out of 3/16 by 1 inch flat stock the one in the catalog was 5/16 by 1 inch but I thought 3/16 was plenty heavy and it came in four sections six sections and each sections depending on how much cooking you wanted to do how many were in your party and probably the type of conveyance so I went ahead and stayed in the middle Road made a six section accordion and it just lays over the top of your campfire over two logs to create a set of grates for you to put pots and pans on it so all I've really done here has taken this accordion that I made in the shop earlier laid it across two sticks then I put over my fire pit and that could have been logs with a trench dug in there but I already had a fire pit here with a keel in it so I just adapted this to that anybody who worked on the ground as well but it's more stable because the pits a little wider than the accordion is by having it on these sticks and it's easy enough to move the stuff around adjust it where you need to because everything folds up completely in one package so you can stretch it out or push it together whatever you need for spacing to be able to put your pots and pans on your kettles and things like that and it works out and very well for that so I'm gonna go ahead and get myself some edge cooked here with some meat in them alright that looks pretty good a couple eggs roast beef and some blue cheese great great recipe for a round camp that's so good I can't stand it it's gonna be sorry state almost morning okay so we've got six pieces that are 3/16 by 1 inch I've got them clamped up together and they're all exactly the same length we take them over to the grinder to make sure of that because when you buy this flat stock in three foot lengths it's a little over three foot so when you cut it 18 inches you're gonna have three pieces that are a little bit longer so I just ground it off to make sure they're even now while I've gotten clamped together like this I'm going to drill the holes in here to put the pins in okay once we get our holes drilled on both ends now we're going to need to cut tens or rivets that we're going to heat up and peen over and I've got the same size pin here that I used for my drill bit now an easy way to do this to eyeball them and not have to have a bunch of stuff measured out in these little small pieces is just to give myself enough stick out on the one side

like yeah

and then laid out on the bandsaw to urge that small piece missing on the other side the couple claimed oh just like that that gives me my pin and I can knock that outside of the side and though that I'd have to do that five times okay so now we're ready to start the assembly process and we're gonna need a ball peen hammer - penis over with and I just got it set flat with the most stick up on one side obviously because the other side is flush with the anvil and I'm going to use a torch to heat this pin up okay so here's where we're at right now they've got five pieces on here and we're gonna put six on they came in four six and eight size of grates so I want to stay in the middle with that I've just got to trim this off now and then I'm going to add one more piece to this end and that'll give you the complete accordion camp great

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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