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Cabin Fever Part 20 Preserving Game meat in Winter




Tags: Pathfinder,Survival,Bushcraft,Meat Preservation,Cabin Fever,Pathfinder School

Video Transcription

okay guys so back the trapper's cabin with our squirrel he's not stiff yet he's not frozen or anything else that's really advantageous to us because it's probably 40 degrees right now but it's not going to get much warmer than that today it is wintertime in Ohio the average temperature is going to be in the 30s all the time so preserving meat it's very easy we can't leave this animal in his own skin we can cut the head off make a simple slit at the center and take the guts out leave the skin on the animal take the tail off we want to to use for something else making flies over the case maybe using for bait for a canine trap using for unattracted anything like that and then we can just hang him up by the legs right inside the overhang and leave them there and let the meat get cold and hard inside the skin all right that skin becomes a protectant barrier for any bacteria or flies or anything like that to might get into the meat and we can just leave it frozen in the fur and then when we get ready to eat it we can just peel the fur off but that gives us an outside refrigerator of source that we can secure this meat and save it without having to worry about processing it right now other than taking the guts out of the animal beheading the animal and taking the tail off if we need to use that for a useful thing for something else so that's what we're going to do with this guy okay guys so all I've done is I've stuck my knife in about where the rib cages at poked in and went up and open him up a little bit and I've kind of cut through the ribs and into the throat area just like this I'm not taking a chance on puncturing any guts that way now I can come over to this side where I've got him opened up and get real shallow with my cut and open up his gut cavity to keep my knife up in the air like this all the way back to the back down toward the vent and just watch watch what I'm doing it's not a complicated process but it's different than just skin any mountain gutting him if you're trying to save him in its in his skin because you don't want to lose some of that stuff alright so there's your all the way down to the pelvis I usually just cut the pelvis just like this just split it just like that make sure I've got the ribcage split all the way up the diaphragm you can cut right through that that's not a problem

pull it open you can see there's some blood in there because obviously that trap crushed his upper area probably his ribs and things like that and then we're just going to reach in there and grab the guts I just busted off his windpipe and I'm just going to pull it all straight down and out just like that now everything is out and right there is the stuff I don't want tainting my meat I just cut that right there at the base throw it off to the side and now I can shot the legs off him whatever the case may be cut the head off and hang him up and he's ready to rock and roll as is okay guys so now that I got all that done I'm going to come over here and cut the legs off real fast right there at the pause

just like that take care of the head just like that the tail we'll probably use that for a track it for a kind of set or box set and then I still have the fur on this animal so now I'm going to hang in this direction so any blood drains out as it coagulates and drive and just put a piece of wire around him and hang him up okay so there hangs our squirrel he's gutted and he blood is going to drip down by gravity toward the head we've gotten hung over nail long as it stays you know in the low 40s we're going to be good to go we got him in the shade so no Suns going to get to him as long as it stays in the low 40s that meats going to be good to go for days no problem through the winter we can eat that meat okay guys well it was just a really quick segment on how to preserve me in cold weather so that you don't have to eat it right away but you don't have to worry about smoking it or drying it or anything like that either you can just hang it out in the cold weather in its own case leaving its own skin like that and it'll be fine as long as it doesn't get warm i'm dave cameron pathfinder school I appreciate you owe me for the video I thank you for anything you do for me for my school for my family I'll be back with another video in this cabin series soon as I can thanks guys


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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

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