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Journal of the Yurt 37 Stock and Trade



Tags: Dave Canterbury,Survival,Bushcraft,Pathfinder

Video Transcription

morning guys welcome back to the journals of the yurt can I thought I would do today is this weekend you know we actually shot that survival adventure Network shoot over the weekend and then I took a couple of days over the holidays to spend time with friends I had two guests in the year here all weekend

Tony Daniel and Ryan ease both instruction path under school and we took some time for some R&D and we shot a video on our D using match heads in place of black powder or shotgun shells and and we just went around and we did some things I'd like to do a video that I'm going to call stock and trade in it you have to realize that you know back in the day trade networks were huge you know anything from you know the days of the woodland Indians and before that even you know all the way through the frontier era trading and trade networks were huge so going out and trading with people and going out and finding things that you can buy at discount prices is a big deal when it comes to self-reliance and so this weekend I spent a little bit of time with Tony Daniel and writings and we went out and we did some things that were related to you know finding resources on the cheap basically and also we did some training and I got some nice stuff and we did a little bit of work on a shotgun I wanted to show you a trick that Tony Daniels did to one of my shotguns and I picked up a new shotgun as well into a gun show we did some trade in there we did some scrounging there and buying there I kind of want to show you all the stuff that I've kind of picked up this weekend and tell you what you know I paid for it things like that so you can see how cheap you can get the things that you need for self-sustained living or for self-reliance so stay with me I'm going to go over here on the bunk I got it all laid out we'll look through it one piece at a time okay guys I'm going to try not to get in the way of this stuff and overshadow it too much got a lot of stuff laid out on this bunk from the weekend so first of all let's talk about some of the some of the stuff that we did as far as trade goes okay and now let's remember first of all when we talk about some of the foodstuffs that are here that there's a difference between what was called groceries and what was called sundries okay sundries or anything that you could get very commonly so flour salt things like that those were sundries okay groceries was really fancy stuff that was stuff that was imported that was hard to get that was higher end you know import/export type stuff sugars sugar cane Muscovado spices those things we're all considered a grocery because they were harder to get so don't mistake those two terms when I'm talking about what I'm saying here as far as foodstuffs go you know I've got some friends who live out of state and it came in this weekend to visit me they brought me some of what I would consider groceries for my area because I don't have immediate access to it now honey with the comb in it I can get it okay but it's not immediately accessible to me where I can just go to Walmart and pick it up I would have to go find someone who raises bees I know some people that do but they don't have any honey right now so they brought me some honey with the comb in it that would be considered a grocery for me and a great trade item and I really appreciate that they also brought me some pork side here that's been smoked smoked pork side I can open this up and it'll be okay she's been cry out in here and sealed for right now but again another great trade item and for me this would be considered you know a grocery not a sundry because it's not something I've immediate access to you know for me I've got chickens I've got rabbits I've got goats I've got a guinea fowl I've got dozens I've got quail but I don't have hogs so to get pork like this for me you know I can't go buy smoked pork sides at the grocery store all right what they call the grocery store which really is a store full of everything from Sundays to groceries but I can't get this so to me this is a grocery and another great trade item for me and I really appreciate you know the Eve's bringing this stuff to me um these cinnamon sticks are Central American cinnamon sticks so they're really good cinnamon they're not the junkie stuff and these were a dollar ninety-nine cents at a discount store so I picked these up as well there's a lot of cinnamon that can be ground off of those sticks so while we're on the subject of that discount store let's talk about a couple other things I found there I found these marbles at the discount store a hundred for a dollar you can get them at Walmart sometimes for that price too but 100 for a dollar is to get price and I never passed these bees for everything from slingshot ammunition to shotgun ammunition I found these candles and we burnt some of these a little bit this week messing around with them but these candles were 2 for a dollar I don't think you could buy that 10 for 50 cents anywhere off the internet and it had a soy candle in it that seems to burn for hours on end we've got three of these we've been burning in a yurt for probably three days now and they're not I mean they're worn down but they're none the worse for wear they got a lot of time left in them and then I've got the tin when they're done and these three candles were 50 cents apiece so for a dollar 50 you can't beat that okay oh one more thing I want to talk to you about the discount store real quick was fabric you know we found some fabric at the discount store this is just kind of a tweed tween cottony stuff right here with some felting in it and ryan made me a couple nice pouches out of this stuff and he kept some it for himself and that's kind of how you do things you trade back and forth pass on the skills and so Ryan made me a nice diddy bag pouch he made me a pouch for my headlamp that actually has a compartment inside the pouch to hold a set of spare batteries right there which i think is really nice and then he also made me a pouch just for that actually fits an Altoids tin with a flap on it so you could actually put you know a square spool of Bank line inside this and then have like you're fishing and snare and trap and kit inside this Altoid tent and have that in one container like that I think that's what's good about these outdoor tins for specific kits they're good for an all-in-one kit and not so good but for you know a fishing kit a you know a trapping snaring type kit an emergency fire-starting kit I think they're good for that so I appreciate Ryan making this for me they turned out really good and again you that's one of those trade things you know I do stuff for him he does stuff for me and that's how you do things to become self-reliant Tony Daniel actually made me this river cane candle mold and split halfway down or three cords all the way down to the node down here and you just you know hang your wick inside there pour your wax in there and then you just open it up and the candle will split right out and you pull the candle straight out and just wrap it around with string to seal it before you pour the candle into it so real nice little handy candle mold that I can keep around the

and it'll do me a lot of good making candles out of tallow as well as beeswax also at that discount store these are heavy-duty quilters pins I mean these are like diaper pins the heavy-duty stuff and I think I got these for a dollar 29 for 40 of them which is really a good price because they're hard to find now and these things can be used for everything from fish hooks to making prongs for your fishing arrows for gigs - you know trap components - first aid I mean you can use them for a lot of stuff so that's a really good price I picked those up as well so now let's talk for a minute about one more thing I got that I'm testing right now and you know Ryan's mom raises alpacas and she brought me some stuff to test we're going to trial it these are heavy boot alpaca socks these are made out of our pocket wool I have worn a pair of these for the last couple days and they're very good she brought me like four pairs of tests and trial to see if we want to sell these on our website again that's how you you know get training and Commerce done and that's how you become more self-reliant you have something that I want you have something that maybe I can sell in my general store let me see what it is let's see what the cost is let's see what the durability and quality is and we'll go from there she also brought me and I'll pack a blanket it's got a few dreadlocks on it that I'm not real fond of right here wouldn't cut those right off but it's a heavy-duty alpaca wool blanket and she's going to see if she can get me something even heavier than this this one is a twin size she's going to see if she can get him in Queen but this would make a real good you know once you cut these tassels off of it would make a real good match coat type wool blanket that's very light I'll pack of wolves very light this one's got a few designs and it's not solid brown but it's all Browns so I like that real well I'm going to try that out okay so let's get to stuff from the gun show we went to we went to a gun show this weekend did some trading did some buying one of the things that I picked up you know this I saw this ammo pouch laying on a table and it's got Japanese writing on the inside of the flap and I looked at that pouch and I was like man I bet that thing with old 12-gauge shells just perfect so I went to another table grabbed the 12-gauge shell from a guy brought it back over tested it out checked it out it's like brand-new condition saddle saddle stitch leather I asked the guy what he wanted for he said $10 and I said you know what I'm not going to haggle with you too much on that ten dollars a fair price first a piece of hand-stitched saddle leather and I got this thing home and it fits 12 shotgun shells absolutely perfect so it's got heavy belt straps on it we can put it on a belt and I just think that's a dandy piece of gear for ten dollars you couldn't make that thing for ten dollars there's no question in my mind about it so that was a fair price to me this stainless steel canteen dated 1953 Korean War vintage era it's got a really good nice ceiling it doesn't stink it's it's nice and shiny guy shined it up real well for me before I bought it ten bucks you know he wanted 12 offering 10 he took it barter and trade you know you just that's the way you do things you know he wants 12 okay will you take 10 yeah he'll take 10 you buy it I'm not going to quibble ten bucks for a heavy-duty stainless steel water container because I got designed bottle costs 25 and this thing is just as bulletproof beyond the shot of a now my hope is that will fit a canteen cup but I don't know that yet I haven't tested it this oil bottle right here from a Mosin Nagant or some type of german weapon these are pretty common find at guns gun shows I picked this one up for a dollar it's a stainless steel container that I can fill with tallow and that's exactly what I did I filled it with tallow that was melted down and then I covered it up now it's not going to ever leak because that towel is solid in there but I can put this next to the fire I can pour the towel out onto a rag grease my tools grease my weapons use it as a coal extender I can use it for all the things we talked about usefulness of tallow for and I've got it in this container that's not going to go bad it's not going to break it's not going to rot it's not going to leak and it's right there you know in my kit all the time in a nice neat compartment so I like that really well I paid a buck for that I couldn't believe I got that for a buck that was one of my favorite deals in a weekend the next thing I found was I found this double-barrel Stephens 12-gauge coach gun here two triggers double-barrel 12-gauge saying good condition it's real nice shape that's got the two triggers on it it's got a safety on it just a heavy duty coach gun but four 12-gauge you know we've talked on the on the videos before we've talked a little bit you know the discussion boards a follow up shots never going to be a bad thing so I thought well you know for good can't defense gun or a good canoe gun a double-barrel is a way to go and I picked this one up in trade I've got a really good deal on it so I'm really happy with it and I said it's a Stevens 12-gauge double-barrel one of the projects that we worked on this weekend when Tony was here is Tony had an idea to put a container into a 12-gauge shotgun so what we did was we took one of my canoe guns one of my 12 gauge canoe guns my H and ours and he actually cut a slot in it with a router in a jig that fits an Altoid 10 just perfect okay now what you have the ability to do is you never have to take this buttstock off because you can put a 12-gauge shell here

a 12-gauge shell here fits perfectly either an adapter on both sides or maybe an adapter in a shotgun shell so maybe you put a 12 to 410 here 12 to 22 here you got a little cavity space here you can roll a bag of 22 shells up right there if you wanted to put this out to a Tim whatever you've got it this one happen to be a fire kit put one of those Allen sleeves over the top of this the holds five shotgun shells to hold it in there and you've got you know 15 or 16 shots right there on your gun very simple so I thought that was a really grand idea we went ahead and cut that in there to see how it look it fits perfect and like I said it comes out real easy it fits in there perfect just like that and all I need to do is put that sleeve around those the shotgun shells for five or six dollars off the internet made by Allen to hold that in there and it's not coming out it's not going anywhere but it's always there when I need it so it's kind of like a little extra kit on my gun so I thought that was a pretty cool idea so we did that this weekend as well but I wanted to kind of share some of that stuff with you guys and share a little bit of what I call stock and trade this weekend that we did we had a really good time we enjoy ourselves I'm going to get back on these journals of the year directly I've had my vacation now it's time to get back to work so I appreciate you guys joining me for another video

I really appreciate your support and I really appreciate everything that you guys have done for the Pathfinder school for me myself and for my family in 2011 and 2012 promises to be a better year of learning and passing on the tribal knowledge so thank you very much you

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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