Rokon Winter Packout


Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,David Canterbury,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,The Pathfinder School,Archery,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Primitive Skills,Fire,Water,Shelter,Navigation,First Aid,Search and Rescue,Signaling,Prepper,Preparedness,Self Reliance,Survivability,The 10 C's,Knives,Axes,Saws,Bow Drill,Ferrocerium Rod,Ferro Rod,Tarp,Hammock,Canteen,Cooking,Longhunter,Trapping

Video Transcription

morning folks I'm Dave Canterbury with self-reliance outfitters in the pathfinder school and what I thought I would do today is I've had a lot of folks ask me about the Rokon and I've also had a lot of people ask me about kidding the Rokon as far as taking it out on a truck or a scout and what kind of emergency supplies I carry on this Rokon now generally in the summertime I don't carry a whole lot other than a backpack that's on my back but in the wintertime I do put a little bit more kit on the back of this Rokon that we'll talk about in a minute as well as carrying my normal backpack that I would have for a truck or a Scout so I've got some heavier duty emergency type supplies because I have conveyance and that conveyance offers you more comfort items that you wouldn't normally be able to carry on your back so we'll talk about that real quick and what kind of lay out what I've got on the back of this Rokon and you'll see that it's really not a lot more than what I normally carry my fire starting and utility items would still be in my pockets in my haversack belt pouch what have you but I'm going to increase my comfort level by adding things like a more robust shelter and heavier tools stay with me and we'll get started okay so what I do here is I've just got a cargo rack that's an aftermarket rack on my Rokon and it has a set of tools on it that are on the outside so I'll get to them the quickest that I can carry away from the Rokon because I have a shoulder strap and it's basically just a camp craft absent saw bag that's got a strap on it so that I could carry those tools away so along with my belt knife a buck saw folding buck saw and a 2-pound axe I can do a lot of work with that and I may not want to carry these all the time if I were just carrying a small backpack I may choose to go with a smaller axe or hatchet and I definitely may not go with both the buck saw and the axe but along with my belt knife that gives me a pretty good set of tools and I generally have a smaller knife on me as well either a pocket knife or a small more of some sort that I can use for finer Carter

tasks so that gives me a pretty well-rounded set of tools and I don't have to add a whole lot to the Rokon to begin with to get that now in the front of this package here which sits right up underneath this seat well I have a bush pot with some coffee a little bit of fat wood stuffed inside there and a rag to clean things out with and then just a small cup as well so I've got a way to disinfect and cook food disinfect my water all those types of things I have with this bush pot bag and you could use any metal container for that as long as you've got a spare larger metal container that's bigger than what you might have in your backpack or in conjunction with like a canteen or something like that and that just sits right in the front here like I said this just happens to be the right size that it nests right underneath this rail so that when I shove this bag up against it it's all in one spot and it's held securely there so that makes that real simple okay so all that leaves on the back of the Rokon is a single package and again I've just got it hooked in here with a simple net you can buy these anywhere on the internet just a simple cargo net and I've got stretched over the top of this rock and then I've got a six by eight canvas tarp here again cheap enough to buy any hardware store and my emergency gear is rolled up inside this tarp so let's pull this off and throw it on the ground will unroll that all right this portion is pretty easy

I've just got things wrapped up in here so that it stay relatively driving if you get somebody to the tarp it's six foot by eight foot and then I've got a wool blanket roll inside that tarp and this is a queen size wool blanket now inside this Queen wool blanket we've got about 100 feet of paracord an emergency space blanket reusable a spare pair of wool socks and a bag that has a couple things in it it has another roll of paracord probably another 75 80 feet a fair cerium rod and some fat wood so now with this I have the makings of a shelter easy enough I have the reflectivity of the space blanket here I have a tarp and I have a heavy-duty wool blanket with that I can construct a pretty decent shelter in some pretty inclement weather and again all of this fits very neatly into things and rolls up into a pretty good water small ball there that I can put on the Rokon so when we're done everything goes right back on top of here and one nice neat little package ready for the next time that I need to use it and it works out really really well so this has been the kit that I've been using running around trapline Scout and things like that a little bit this winter so far haven't had to use it yet but if I do I'm confident I've got shelter a way to make fire a way to take care of my water for disinfection and for rapid rewarming from the inside and I should be all set okay so keeping emergency survival shelters very simplistic we have two 55-gallon trash bags we filled with debris that are four inches thick compressed that battle's conduction from the ground we have a nice big wool blanket we can throw on we have a six by eight tarp over the top bus that is heavy-duty enough that is going to trap some warmth they give us a little bit of convection underneath here from the reading heat of the fire we could also use our reflective space blanket either underneath us with the reflective side up we can put it on the inside of this tarp if we wanted to to help reflect heat or we could put it on the outside on the backside of our fire if we didn't have a fire wall or a fire backer we could use that space blanket far enough away from the fire not to melt it but close enough that it would reflect some heat back toward us and then be trapped with this canvas tarp and the reason I prefer canvas tarps is not only because they're heavy-duty but because they do trap and hold heat very very well again they're easy to drag things around on if I'm collecting debris if I'm collecting sticks for fire if I'm collecting smalls for firewood I can pile all that stuff up on that tarp water it up and drag it through the woods and I'll have to worry about anything getting tore up in the short term again this is for short term stuff on my Rokon but it's a very good example of what can be done even in a backpack because a 6 by 8 canvas tarp like this from a hardware store doesn't really weigh all that much for the security that provides because I could throw this thing straight on the ground fold it in half lay in front of a long fire with a wool blanket and as long as I'm dressed properly for the conditions and the grounds not soaking wet I'm going to be fine for at least one night all right folks I'm Dave Canterbury with self-reliance outfitter in the Pathfinder school and I'm thank you for joining me for this quick video today on just a couple emergency pieces of gear that I carry on the Rokon when I'm out away from the homestead or away from base camp doing some type of a truck or Scout where I may get hung up over night break down something like that or decide just to stay out there overnight I've got plenty of stuff in that kit to keep me going and really the majority of this stuff could be carried on my back if needs be but having that conveyance makes it very simple to also travel tool heavy as well as cover heavy and that's my main philosophy make sure that I can increase the level of the tools that I have and the level of my comfort by adding those items to conveyance is more important than adding a bunch of junk that you don't need I appreciate your views I appreciate your support I thank you for everything you do for our school for family and for business all of our sponsors instructors affiliate friends and I'll be back with another video since I can't thanks guys

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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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