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Collecting Back Sinew and Some Meat from a Roadkilled Deer



Tags: Pathfinder Survival Bushcraft,Deer Sinew,Pathfinder

Video Transcription

back in the woods oK we've got two dead deer here and I've got an agreement with the Jackson County Sheriff's Department got if they get a fresh road hit deer that's not dead I'll come out and kill it if they've got one that's fresh dead still warm I'll come pick it up no I got to last night at the same spot that we're both roadkill one of them's pretty messed up in the face this one's not too bad I'll spare you the gore of the other one that guy's head tore off by the front end of a truck I'm going to use these deer for a couple things number one I'm gonna put meat in the freezer that didn't cost me anything

didn't even cost me an arrow our bullet just cost me some gas number two I'm going to use one of these deer to help train Bacardi to get her used to being around dead animals see if she'll drag a dead animal get her to drag it down by camp and then when I get deer like this most of the time what I want is you know I don't know how many bones are busted up in these deer I usually don't even cut them I will cut the skin off the areas that I want I'll take the haunches I'll take the back straps I'll take the sinew and things like that and I'll leave the rest of the coyotes or I'll leave the rest of the buzzards whatever the case may be I may use some of the meat for a buried bait or some of my traps grind it up and use it for a bait for some of my traps buried but I want to show you guys these I have special tags I don't have to tag these through o DN a-- or anything else I get tags from the Sheriff's Department that they give me when I picked these deer up so they basically don't go anything against my hunting license they don't go against my tag for the year they don't cost me anything but gas to go get these deer you can make that arrangement pretty easy with your local sheriff's department if you've got a way to transport dead deer gets a little mail here the best thing you can do with this thing leave the skin on it it really is to protect it if you're trying to save the meat

okay that's a big chunk of meat right there that will harvest this tail we'll use that for a kind of tracking this other leg is broken right here that could present a problem find out here just a second now you can see there's some guts in here coming out right here where the anus is and I don't want that part of it I'm gonna get right beside that split that off just take the hunch itself these deer haven't built up enough fat reserves yet to have much towel on them there's that bone right there and snap that bone off at the joint and there's another good piece of meat you can see there's some massive trauma right there where that deer got hit look at that that deer got hammered and bled hard right there that's probably where that deer got hit was right there in the front end okay now we're looking for are these pieces that run along the backside along the backbone I'll show those to you here real quick they're really clearing they're white right here right here and right here

that's backstrap sinew and that's what we want

so we're gonna do is we're gonna cut into that just like that okay see it coming off right there now we've got ahold of there this is all sinew as well right here these pieces are all sin you cut that out of there now we'll have to clean the meat off of this you've got to send you on the backside that shiny silver is to send you and then you've got the meat on the front side so you've got to clean that off and you've got a little more you can harvest out of here as well there's some more right there there's a good clean piece of sinew right there okay that's what the back Center looks like and it runs across over the shoulder blades and back to the rump back here and that's the part you want to harvest and this back strap right here it's some pretty good meat now this this dude's cut up pretty bad but this back strap right here is like a choice cut of meat along this backbone this piece right here that is one choice piece of meat right there get all the send you off of that clean that up and cook that up oh man that's some good eating right there we're gonna save that okay best way to handle this sin if it's really with a fillet or a boning knife and you handle it just like you would a fish fillet if you want try to keep that whole piece in tact it's okay I'm just going to cut it in half to make it easier you can see how tough that is to cut and what you're going to do with this you're gonna lay that out get you a piece of it just kind of pinch it with your thumb and go through there just like that and get down as far as you can to the white because that's really the part you want is the white and you can scrape any little pieces of meat that you have on it off afterwards you can scrape them off you can see I'm losing a little bit so I can come back and get that again this stuff right here is what we don't want on there okay this is the part we do want okay now

we can scrape the rest of this off just like this cutting the meat that's left on there when you cut that off I'll just cut that piece off to get some meat attached to it cut it off okay now this is a fairly small deer we get a little rippling this stump yeah this is a fairly small deer this isn't a big deer by any means a bigger deer is gonna have more sinew on it than this and I didn't get the whole piece this is basically just for demonstration purposes

these are deer that would have laid on the side of the road and rotted or being eaten by the buzzards now once we've got that pretty well clean all we need to do with that is lay that out to dry it'll dry like rawhide just like this once you get all the meat cleaned off of it it'll dry like rawhide hard and then we can reconstitute it with water and we can split it into finer threads at that point if we want to but this stuff will do everything from sewing up your deer to sowing moccasins to making sutures if need be that piece is about probably nine inches long maybe ten something like that so that's a good little piece of send you out of that small deer and then we can take this stuff here that we cut off of that use that for buried bait for coyote or whatever the case may be state law in Ohio requires that you bury any meat baits so we can shove that down into a dirt hole set so you can get a whiff of that rotten meat but it's still buried and then we've got another piece of sinew to process here as well guys I'm Dave Canterbury the Pathfinder school I hope you enjoy joining me for this short video today like I said you know these two deer were Road kills they would just lay there and got eaten by the buzzards or ran over over and over and over again by trucks and cars and things like that I went and picked these up you can do the same thing I didn't get a lot of meat off of the one deer because it was busted up pretty bad but I got two good hindquarters off of it and it'll be pretty safe hanging right here by a hook as long as it doesn't get above 50 degrees and it stays pretty cloudy this meat will be fine the best thing you can do to preserve this stuff is leave it in the skin like this and the bottom will just dry out and crust over and delays over when it gets dry and that meat will be good for days and then I can't come over here and cook it at my leisure we didn't cut the one backstrap out of the one I'll probably cook it up later as well in a cast-iron cooking video we'll make some kind of a deer stew or something like that I appreciate in general for this video I appreciate everything you do for me for my family for my school I'll be back to another video as soon as I can you

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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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