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Journal of the Yurt 10 Visit with Jeremy Janey PF School Intructor





Tags: Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,Survival,Bushcraft

Video Transcription

all right so brother Jeremy came to visit me in New York today so we're just sitting here shooting the crap and my buddy Dan Stein winter sent me a great big giant hunk of chaga tinder fungus from up north today so I'm drying it out by the dried it by the heat of the stove here and what anyway we're talking about your poly prose you have a guy yeah yeah no doubt hopefully those come in because I'm looking forward to those 100% Mir now or the marina whoa yeah did you get did you get the wolf powers or you gave somebody else I'm trying to think I can't remember it because I ordered things from 33 degrees north and ice breakers so two ice breakers makes really good they do and the shirt and stuff I got this t-shirt it's that's who that's from ice breakers Michigan also I got online I'll if you want post-it but I got online I ordered stuff I'm gonna I am going to cook up some anest moocs insect repellent so I'm off to the Everglades I've got everything coming for it it should be here this coming week and I got enough to make at least three batches oh cool so we can kind of play with it and also I was talking about making a like a waterproof for leather for us to use the Pathfinder school and I actually think I figured out what all I need and we've got it all at the house accident so could we did some some soap making and lip balm and odds and ends at the house here over the weekend that did some plan around with different things and come up with water I think some pretty good cool I hope your wife likes that drops Binaca oh is this our pack oh she's gonna love that because she's been wanting to get a frickin I got it front of package direct oh that's awesome dude I was gonna get for jazz Townsend and I thought now I'm just gonna get this thing coming out back a for Mitch he plays out pack a wolf and then she wants to get some alpaca one anyway and that's her whole thing so that fits perfect man she's gonna love it she's giving me grief anyway cuz I told her something

give me the devil and I said I said I didn't tell him - what's the dude on the run man that's the day they're there like that they're cool so but she's gonna she's gonna love that so matter of fact I just found her book I gave it to her for Christmas because we don't ever wait you only just gave him stuff you know it was actually a book on natural dyes and how to basically from the sheep wash it ready to process it all the way up through the ocean and so she was she was absolute in love with that she'd been telling all her friends about that that's cool how long you think our balance counterbalance um how long do I think is gonna take to Gerard I don't know it's fairly dry but dance that it wasn't quite dried out enough yet so I think if I leave it for hours this stuff has to be bone-dry to catch a spark yes he said it he said man oh man he said once you dry it out he said it catches a spark amazingly so and it's supposed to be very medicinal - I haven't done a lot of research on this to me or the saga here mm-hmm

you know in Ohio but it's supposed to be very very medicinal tea so I thought you know multi-purpose piece of gift you know it's a fire-starting implement plus it's medicinal

so mmm-hmm we'll see what happens I was getting more into doing research at the day on those trees you know we're always talking about all the other properties trees and I'd come across a reference online I wish I could back up with it but you know we talked about walnut and possibly being a like an irrigation for a woman I've seen a reference to oak oh yeah

Oaks Oaks hugely yeah and I figured the tannin you know everybody complains about that tannin but from what I've read up on it it's did you have to have a huge amount of tannin to actually do anything to you and but they talked about how great that was yeah oak is good that was one of the five trees when I did the original series of any is on medicinal trees that was one of them I did was the oak that's really really good that actually the research that I did in one of the books by Matthew wood talks about the oak leaf was actually the original symbol for medicinal herbs because oak is so good yeah as a medicinal and I've seen that and overseas and like some of the pharmacies and stuff you'll see those symbols like that well you know and up until recently I never knew that does make sense some of the older European countries but then and I find that interesting I mean I agree

yeah you know 100% when you talk about especially in the winter you have something that you can go to and absolutely and still use the plants are hard to find the winter trees are always there huh yep I was back in the back today I'm doing laundry and I had that bucket of black walnut holism sitting on the porch of the head shed back there and a squirrels been getting in there and pulling on my super squirrel pulling him out taking him over on the ground tearing the husk off of it and taking the nuts so I had by the way well I had a half a five-gallon bucket it's by 6 left in there so I took one of the small live traps back there today mm-hmm and put the rest of the nuts in it oh yeah that's all right come get them now pal I'll have you speaking of which I'm glad you said that I found a woods rat's nest oh really and I set some traps out forms coli traps I'll hopefully go able to do some videos on that here soon every day I've been having to greet the crows up here in the morning and I have yet to be able to sneak out there with shotgun before I scare them away but I mean these things are the size of vultures man I've been waiting to blast when I'm sorry crew I've got a crow call Wyeth come on here try that

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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