Bushpot Jambalaya and Hushpuppies




Dave Canterbury, David Canterbury, The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,David Canterbury,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,The Pathfinder School,Archery,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Primitive Skills,Fire,Water,Shelter,Navigation,First Aid,Search and Rescue,Signaling,Prepper,Preparedness,Self Reliance,Survivability,The 10 C's,Knives,Axes,Saws,Bow Drill,Ferrocerium Rod,Ferro Rod,Tarp,Hammock,Canteen,Cooking,Longhunter,Trapping

Video Transcription

afternoon folks I'm Dave Canterbury with self-reliance Outfitters in the Pathfinder school and welcome back to our bush pot cooking series what we're going to do today is we're going to up the stakes a little bit we're going to make a little bit different meal and take a little bit more ingredients and a little bit more time to prepare but it's going to be well worth the weight in the effort what we're going to do today is we're going to make Bush pot jambalaya jambalaya obviously is a Cajun dish and it is not dissimilar to other Cajun dishes like etouffee and gumbo the difference is with jambalaya is it's generally a Spanish style rice it has Spanish and French influence within that Cajun dish it almost always has some type of sausage in it so we're going to use some sausage in this recipe as well and then it has some other type of meat sometimes as well as the vegetables you know the norm it's got the red peppers in it it's got some bell peppers in it we're going to use our vegetables for that because we have those peppers in there and then we've also got some Obey garlic and herb here we have a package of red beans and rice Cajun sides by noir and then we have some more of our red potatoes to thicken things up we have some Martha white mixed with onion hush puppies and a bottle of oil we'll talk a little bit more about storing some of this stuff here in just a few minutes stay with me and we started all right so to our half bush pot of water we're going to add this noir Cajun red right or red beans and rice and quite get it opened up there

well once we difficult just doing enough all right red dumped us in the pot and I can already smell the seasonings in that bathroom into that pot we're going to add just a good sprinkling of vegetables maybe a half a handful just like that old bay what I would call a DAB pinch and a dab and just enough probably aren't very much of a measurement but just a quarter size piling them on my hand is all I would then we're going to get this on the boil okay so while the rest of our stuff is boiling over there I bet you always wondered what to do with them Hickory Farms smoked sausage that you get every Christmas in the mail from somebody this is what you do with and things last for a long time great backpacking food great camping the distinction of jambalaya two other popular Cajun dishes like a fa and gumbo or that it almost always includes sausage sometimes it includes seafood as well but it always includes sausage so we're going to just take our knife we're not going to use this whole thing because we don't need to but it's easy enough to save so we're just going to come in here and thin slice this sausage just like this with our knife yes I'm cutting it right in the plastic let the haters hate it keeps it together better that way and I'm careful

I'm not gonna put this in my soup all right I've got the one left tears come off the back end get him off all right now we got our rind and all that good stuff off of there we got to worry about that now now what we're going to do is we're just going to take it we're going to cut these things in quarters for the most part again it don't have to be perfect okay got a bowl to put that in that's fine if you don't don't worry about that it's not that big a deal you can just use a board to lay it on or a piece of wood whatever the case may be just quarter this stuff up pretty good so you're not cooking a whole chunk in there remember that this stuff's already good to go as is so all really all we're really doing is heating it up to release the flavors into our food all right took it away there get some sausage in there give us a spoon to stir him up with a little bit and we've probably boiled long enough now it's been probably six seven minutes so now I'm just going to let this thing heat a second again here's where our potatoes come in because we're going to throw just a little bit these Idaho and baby red potatoes in there we're just going to kind of sprinkle it in get thicken things up just like that not a lot probably a full military spoon if I were guessing stir that up to create a stock now thicken things up in there

as it simmers and now we're just going to let it cook down now we can also add some pepper beef to that and I think we're going to this is not something that you would have to do necessarily you don't need multiple meats in that jambalaya

but jerky is just dehydrated beef you know at least this kind this so all we're going to do is tear that up we're just going to shred it we're going to throw that right net mixture as a simmer and that's going to rehydrate this give us some chunks of pepper beef in there as well as the pork and just add a little bit of flavor to things so just shred that up into smaller pieces you want a good handful of this about as much as you added sausage that's what you want to put in there and beef if you're going to do that okay while that's simmer we took our cup from our cup and bottle and we put about 12 ounces of Missoula corn oil in that cup we're going to heat that up and that's how we're going to make our hush puppies okay so to make our hush puppies it's no different than we've been making our biscuits and things like that we're going to take that bag of mix shake it up real good we're going to open it remember we can always clip this down with something and save for later and then we're just going to pour a little bit of water into the bag to make our hush puppies let's throw that around with a fork just like this and when we get a ball in there on our fork pull that ball out form that into again just about like we did with the dumplings yesterday we want the consistence to this thing to be about the consistency excuse me to be about the same and we want got a little bit dry there in the middle so we'll kind of push them together here we want this thing to be about a golf ball size may be a little bit smaller than a golf ball all right

and then however many of these we want to make we're only going to make a couple okay whenever oils got bubbles coming up like it does right now it's ready now we're going to do is we're going to over there with them hush puppies and we want to drop in here splashing so we're going to take a spoon we're going to set them in there and see what they do they should cook pretty quick and float to the top if that don't happen you're old not quite hot enough that's what we want right there got him floating around the top sizzling away cook them one at a time you got a small container you're working with there cook them one at a time put one in let him cook for a little bit and flip them over with your spoon Philly Browns on both sides get him out put another one in we just dropped our last hush puppy in there they sink to the bottom when you put them in there and then they float right to the tops like that one dead your wheels hot enough that's what's going to happen every time they stay on the bottom your oils not hot enough they should float up to the top within just a few seconds okay guys I got it dished up beautiful jambalaya and hush puppies cooling down to share with the dog we'll be right back okay folks look here we go just a little bit of old bay garlic and herb on top of everything here oh yeah next to their van oh man look at that we tell you what for if this you don't get the first bite there you go go ahead mm-hmm honey it's okay eat it hey is it too hot for you too spicy hey what happened the less delicious ma'am it is hi it's got some kick to it it's Cajun where's your other you gotta bolt yeah let me give you some of the bolt here I'll give you some money first listen cool now see if heat out of both real oh that's just a little bit too picky right there mister you'll eat it out of a bowl like it's free but you want you two up top a table come on now man let's go through please I feel like I owe ya hush puppy mmm-mmm-mmm golden brown on the outside perfect on the inside here you go hush puppy for you mmm

wow it has a meal fit for a creole king this car

good folks for sure good okay so we pretty much finished everything off here Rufus is eating the rest of it right over here

out of the bottom in the bush pot and now let's talk about how we clean up the mess all right real quick and easy first of all the oil I prefer to use lard for baking and oil for cooking so I do carry some oil with me a lot of times in the size of the container I carry really depends on how long I'm going to be out doing what I'm doing but an old pop bottle like this makes a perfect container for enough oil to be able to deep-fry hand in a cup so take a 16-ounce bottle like this fill it up with corn oil or wherever your oil of choice is and then you can pour it right back in here and seal it up duct-tape it if you want to and keep it in your pack now you cannot use this oil if you fried fish in it for anything but fish or it's going to taste like fish guaranteed the cooking bread and things like that deep frying hush puppies and things like that in there you're not hurting you can use it again to cook with tomorrow and you can cook fish in this oil but once you cook fish in it it's done for anything else but fish so remember that now I've scraped out this bush pot really well now what I would do is I would take this thing and fill it up with water if I had water which you want to camp near a water source anyway that's one of the four or five W's that we talked about in the past so you want to camp near water fill this up with water get it on the boil and boil this thing until it's a rolling boil that's step one then we're going to go to the creek we're gonna clean it out the rest of the way

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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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