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Blacksmithing Part 15 Making tools for Spoons and Ladles




Tags: Pathfinder,Survival,Bushcraft,Blacksmithing

Video Transcription

oh gosh Dave Canterbury pathfinder school so one of the things that I really like about blacksmithing is that a lot of the tools that you need to be self-reliant

you can easily make if you understand basic forging techniques the more advanced your forging techniques get the more complicated tools that can make today what we're gonna do is we're going to try a couple other things as far as techniques go because once you get certain techniques down that allows you to expand your repertoire of things that you can make once you've learned how to heat treat a knife properly now you can heat treat tools so now you can make punches you can make chisels you can make other types of sharp implements and once you understand how to temper them then you just have to learn how to make those implements you already know the tempering process so it makes it that much easier once you understand how to form metal then you can do a lot of other projects as well one of the things that we're gonna do today is we're gonna try to make a ladle or a spoon type looking device and to do that we need around them and we've talked about in the past video if you talk about this trailer hitch being around and it being a perfect party tool for that purpose now it doesn't quite fit my hardy hole because it's round and a little bigger diameter than the square hardy hole is so I really need to pound this down a little bit on four sides and make it more angular so it will fit my hardy hole but I've got to have something to hold on to this with to be able to pull out a fire bang on I have an old pair horseshoe nippers right here today from an antique store a garage sale or something I know I paid less than five bucks for these if I knock this pin out and adjust these jaws a little bit I'll be able to hold on to this just like this once I adjust those jaws out it will close further around this and I'll be able to hold it so I'm going to make a set of tongs to hold something bigger in diameter basically is what I'm going to do so the first thing we need to do is heat them tongs up and make the tool to make another tool to make another tool that's the way blacksmithing works that's what I love about so much stay with the guys this might be trickier now we've got cough

we're gonna heat the jaws they're not too hot out here I thought we would be but we're not now we're gonna get these jobs up we're gonna adjust those a little bit as well do was bend this jaw out a little bit so I'm gonna try to put it on my handle bang on a little bit to try to bend it over the whole tools get kind of hot you can see how much of a Bend we got there already now I'm gonna do the same thing to the other side I may end up having to put some gloves on for this it is getting hot it's not hot enough to burn through leather gloves but it's hot enough that I don't really want to hold on to it and I kind of have to hold onto this piece build a bangle

I'm trying to get those fairly even a little bit more now you see when I've got the handles completely closed well I've got the jaws down just a little bit as well so they're not quite so maybe I'll give you a look at our Forge pot here so you can kind of see what we're looking at oh my god you see that tool is very very hot it's ready to work so I'm gonna put a glove on and grab it start banging on it a little bit good grab our try to grab our trailer hits here and see what that okay let's see what we need to do here is we need to get that thing to where it clamps down on top of that a little bit better than that or it might hold the ball which that might be okay too so let's try that and see what happens I'll put another glove on here so I can move them both of these up okay so here's our ball that we wanted to grab with our tongs that's not going to put a very good hold on their four hands that's not bad right there I can beat on that and it'll hold for sure so with that being the case I'm going to put that ball in there and get it start heating up I'm gonna crunch these tongs this point what I'm trying to do is just make sure this story problem get standard goes down a little bit further in there so I need to get it heated up a little higher up depending on it there we go right there okay let's heat this dude up cool down

we'll get it a little bit straighter right there the crooked try to straighten that up then we're going to point you



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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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