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  • Trappers Cabin Season 2 Part 16 Last day for a few

Trappers Cabin Season 2 Part 16 Last day for a few



The Pathfinder School,Bush Craft ,Survival skills, Historical Lore, Primitive Skills, Archery, Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue

Tags: Bushcraft,Survival,David Canterbury,Dave Canterbury,Pathfinder,The Pathfinder School,Archery,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Primitive Skills,Fire,Water,Shelter,Navigation,First Aid,Search and Rescue,Signaling,Prepper,Preparedness,Self Reliance,Survivability,The 10 C's,Knives,Axes,Saws,Bow Drill,Ferrocerium Rod,Ferro Rod,Tarp,Hammock,Canteen,Cooking,Longhunter,Trapping

Video Transcription

I've got a good sauce kayo down here again we've only got two lancets out here and ever since I got on this pipeline I've seen two sets of keio tracks actually you can still see them fighting out white right here one set here's one set on the other side where this pair was walking his trapline together we're just pipeline excuse me in one of them is over here hung in this trap and this traps been here for two weeks and not caught and now there's one in it he's getting pretty feisty so I'm going to not approach him too close before I put him down we're gonna come out here and put him down you can see the size of his trap circle he's got it right here

he's uh not happy that he's in that trap at all okay so this is a watershed right here and when I came out here and set this Conibear that was water flowing through here you can see the water back there it was flowing right through here and into this was a tributary so I put a Conibear in there and there's a frozen Coon in that dude today so what to get him dug out of there and I can show you better what it looks like you see the whispers of that trap sticking up right there yesterday everything else I had beyond that we're killing traps like this double spring Conibear so I didn't even check those yesterday knowing you anything goes on traps it's gonna be stoned we have this raccoon and this one here so I guess first thing is you know I'm gonna have to wrap this series up for now for a few days and not be able to trap because I have to fly it to Canada to do some work with NatGeo special and then I have to fill out the SHOT Show in Las Vegas to do some seminars for morgue Nev at the industrial revolutions booth as well as help them with the release of the more carbon steel Garber so I'm gonna be gone about seven or eight days when I get back from that I'll look at the season I'll look at where we're at I'll look at the weather and we'll continue with the trapper's cabin series if we can and I'd like to continue with the trapline a little bit longer if I can as well by getting a few more sets back out there but we'll see how much time we got left when the time comes for now let's talk about this raccoon in a suitcase - raccoon here we've got if we were on the line with this trap and we wanted to get this animal out of the trap reset it and get it back in the ground to catch another animal we could carry a trap setting tool with us that I've shown other videos to get this in a while the traps don't carry a lot of paraphernalia with you on the trapline then you can also do this with a piece of rope and a piece of paracord will even work for that I'm going to show you how to do that right now at the end of this video so stay with me guys okay so I've got just a piece of paracord here it's about five feet long and I've got a bowline knot tied in one end of it and just knotted on the other end and all we're gonna do with that is we're going to come down here at the bottom we're going to take that and wrap it around our spring just like that pull it through and then we're just going to put it up through the other spring just like this now what we can do is we can stand on the bottom of this trap pull this spring up to this one and slide our lock over and then repeat on the other side okay so I'm sure you guys can see this so now we're just going to take this put it up through the spring just like that we're gonna put our foot if we can get it in there between his head and its trap and then we're going to pull this spring with our hand just like this get it up to the top and we gotta hold it for a minute just enough to get it over the

and then we're good that's one side so now all we have to do is come in here we tie our rope to the other side and do exactly the same thing okay so I just took my guard burger and stuck it in here and kind of separate that leg from the side of the trap now it's going to allow that to lift over the top now now we should be able to come in here get our foot in here take care of business a little difficult when you got an end them on the trap just like that now you should be able to get that trap loose get it off that animal got this well I get it pretty good right there get it out of there and now we're ready to go reset this trap and you try to catch again just untie record put it back in our pocket and go

About the Author



From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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