Mushroom and Plant walk in Sweden


Video Transcription

so I thought I would shoot a little bit of a vlog style video today I'm in South Sweden and email I've been here for about three weeks I had some work to do here I taught a basic class here week before last did a canoe event at the out craft canoe center here an email and over the weekend and then taught a pathfinder Scout by canoe this past weekend and today I worked with a Norwegian television broadcasting company to do a little bit of training of one of their hosts for a survival show and we filmed that today as well and I thought I would walk up here into a wooded area close to the canoe centre and just kind of show you one forged a few mushrooms to kind of show you that and also some of the plants because I want to show you the commonalities of this area to the US and I think it's important for us to understand how transferable and how viable these skills are and I'm looking right in front of me here now and I can see lots of plants just right here on the side of this dirt road in front of a hostel that's behind me here that are the exact same plants that we have in the US I'm seeing dock plants I'm seeing dandelion I'm seeing stinging nettle that's three right there I've seen yarrow walking down the sidewalk so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna walk back into the woods back here do some mushroom foraging and then I'm gonna come back up and show you a few of the plants that are also very common to my area in the US I think I'd be a good vlog type video I walked out of here earlier today because we were filming back here in the back I found a really really nice example the no oyster mushroom out here it is over here right by this tree I'm gonna show you this way and then I'm also going to turn the camera around and show you that that's a beautiful oyster mushroom right there let me turn this camera around start again from mushroom you sees right here there's only one here I'll probably be more growing this tree before it's over with but that's a really good example of a quick edible mushroom very common that you someone was as well it's growing on a tree right here

that's growing up out of the rocks can't really see any leaves on this tree it looks to be pretty dead I can't identify it directly from the bark but there are some commonalities and the trees here as well they have lots of birch obviously and spruce

they have lots of beech and we're going into a beech forest to look at some other mushrooms okay we've got a garlic marisa mess right here and there's several of them right here and it's got a black stem white gills and when you take this mushroom and squeeze it and smell it it's gonna smell exactly like wild garlic so it's pretty hard to mistake that mushroom for something else again it's got a black stem you can see the top of its really small which is kind of like a nipple there on the top but it's not gonna give you a lot of calories or anything like that but it's a very good seasoning mushroom because it has that garlic smell and flavor when you cook it and there's three or four of them individually growing here around this area again this is also common or available certain seasons in the Eastern woodlands of the US so it's very good to know garlic

Marrissa --mess there is a giant king bowl a right here unfortunately it's well past its prime hoping they'll be able to find one that's in better condition I think some of the mushrooms here I'm just a little bit late on finding them another king bowl a again well past its prime unfortunately very desirable edible mushroom they really really get big over here but again this one's well past prime but an extremely good edible mushroom if you can find it early enough there's a good-size patch of stinging nettle right here again very common in my area of the United States edible plant as well as use for cordage very very common here in South Sweden I've got a dock plant growing back here behind that another edible medicinal good sauce patch that's thinking neville right here there's a patch of dandelion right here pretty easy to recognize wild edible it's not flowering but there's lots of it right here by some stinging nettle another wild edible very common in the US very common here in Sweden there's a really nice stand of willow shoots all nice straight shoots obviously we can use this for basket making if we cut the straight shoots also got the properties of medicinal value there and the axilla casas and things within the willow that give you an aspirin type pain relief right next to a birch there that you can see somebody's strip some bark off puff or a fire at one time or another but that's a really nice stand well oh right there chickweed right here looks a little bit like cleavers without the velcro feeling on another edible plant that is common here as well as in the eastern portions of the US here's another medicinal plant coming to the US this is yarrow get it for lots and lots and lots of things I've got videos in my additional plant series about this plant but again very common here and you can see right behind that there's just a ton of dandelion as far as you can see alright guys well I appreciate you joining me today for this quick vlog video I'm out here on the edge of the lake and you know in Sweden walking across an old bridge here you can see in the background here there's lots of cattail as well just another common plant to my area of the Eastern woodlands also here in email-- in Sweden and I think it's important for us as a woodsman to understand that because it enables us to travel comfortably to different environments understanding that if we know these things they're transferable especially on latitudinal lines or areas of latitude across the world we can go to and we can look at these plants and understand what they are what their uses are edibility medicinal value uses for cordage for building things all of those types of things as long as we understand these different species of plants we're going to find them in different areas of the world as well and I thought I would just shoot a quick vlog today and show you some of that like I said I've been in Sweden working for a couple weeks now and I've got a couple more days I've got to go over in Ireland and then I'll be back to the US I'll try to get another video up I appreciate your views I appreciate your support I appreciate everything you do for school for a family important business all of our sponsors and structures affiliates in France I'll be back to another video as soon as I can thanks guys

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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

Here you can explore the world of survival knives, survival kits and simple tips on outdoor self-reliance. We are always learning and enjoy passing on the knowledge we acquire.

There is no substitute for having a plan in the event of the unexpected.

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