Making Corn Flour Cereal.wmv


Tags: Making Corn Flour Cereal

Video Transcription

morning guys dave canterbury pathfinder school we've been talking about in this 21st century long hunter series we've been talking about the versatility of different items that the frontiersman carried of the 18th and 19th century and we talked about cornmeal in several cooking videos already from flatbread or ash cakes to hush puppies that we did yesterday and what i want to do this morning is i want to start a firing a fire pit here in front of this lien and i'm going to show you how to make a breakfast type cereal with this corn flour that's very good and tasty and i think you'll enjoy it and it's just another versatility that corn flour that's why they carried so many things like that that we're so versatile was because they could use them for a lot of different things you know if i carry something like trail mix it's not good for much other than just eating that trail mix the same thing all the time over and over again with you know a bag of corn flour 1/2 a pound or a pound of corn flour i can make a lot of stuff so that's what i'm going to do today i'm gonna make myself some breakfast and stay with me okay guys so what we got to do now is get some stuff arranged in camp here real quick we got some room to work get our bags on hung up here above our head a couple good spots in the tree for that no Julie like I said I'll carry cornmeal with me and a couple other items like hot sauce and some seasoning things like that generally in my pack I don't carry a whole lot of stuff I mean the main compartment of this pack really there's nothing more than it's got my signal pot on the top I carry all the time it's got my wool blanket rolled inside here and then beside that there is a mesh bag with winter type clothing spare socks you know will underwear things like that just for cold weather you know cold nights but generally that's what takes up the inner contents of my pack it's not a whole lot most of my stuff is on the outside it doesn't take a whole lot to you know spend a comfortable night in the woods a good night's sleep you know if you've got a good blanket you got a good tarp and you can boat fire you can get by real good foods a bonus at that point so I've got a couple bags in here this one has pretty much a brick of brown sugar or Muscovado sugar which is basically the waste product or byproduct of the sugar cane process to make white sugar I think it tastes better than white sugar myself and then I have you know a partial bag of corn flour and again it's the same self-rising corn flour doesn't matter we're going to use it just like we would have used the other corn flour and Adeem a spoon which is in this pocket as well that's you pretty well set me up for breakfast

and then I've got another pocket on the side of this pack generally that has most of my cordage in it and that's just about it it's got a couple rolls of Bank line in it and I usually throw my multi-tool in there just for quick access and that's generally it and then I've got a sling on the front of this bushcraft pack that my axe actually slides down into makes out real convenient but doesn't take a whole lot guys so what we're going to do now is we've got our water heating up over here on the boil and we're going to basically have to cook this cornmeal okay we want it to be cooked so what we're going to do is we're going to make sure we got a good rolling boil in that fire and I'm only going to take a few tablespoons of this and put in here to begin with so I'm going to mix water in with it to make like a cereal is my plan alright and it works out really good that way a good nutritious hot breakfast if you had some hot chocolate mixing with you which I carry a lot of times to you know throw some chocolate in there and you pretty much got multi meal now all we have to do is wait for our water to heat up and it's on the book and one thing that I'll generally do while I'm heat my water up especially on cold days if I'm trying to cook something it's hot and I know it's going to take a little cook time that's why I'm boiling the water because I wanted to cook this flower into a cereal I'll get this cup I'll go ahead and put it down here to kind of next to the fire to warm it up so it's not already holding cold temperature when I pour hot water into it and cooling that water down immediately

I want that water to stay hot so I'm going to heat that container up as well when I put the water in there it'll be ready to rock and roll but I'm not going to use all the water in my container I don't want to actually cook this cereal over the fire I just want to cook it with the hot water and make it expand into like a mush is what I'm looking for that's the reason I'm doing it this way instead of just pouring water in the cup and cooking it over the fire I'm boiling a semi full container of water so I've got that for the day and then I'm going to add to the cereal okay water looks like it's pretty good to go now it's almost on the boil container is nice and hot that our flowers in here or cornflower now look what I want to do here is you know I like to make things as simple as possible and I like to make things easy so I'm going to move this far out of my way so you guys can see this because we got some smoky wet wood going on here it says Eastern woodlands unfortunately and all I have here is a piece of Bank line with a tea in it that I would use for trapping or anything else and this is you know it amazes me how difficult we try to make things on ourselves how we try to put clips and things on things and we try to put bales on them you don't need any of that stuff you just drop this toggle down inside there to the shoulders and pick that right up out of there okay now you see that you're going to say well how am I supposed to pour that well you could grab it with your bandanna if you wanted to but I'm going to show you an easier way to do it than that okay I've taken a fork stick right here and I've just jammed it in between my fire reflector and a log that's by my fire and I've still got this connected with this t-handle now I'm just going to drop it into this Fork okay pull my cup over here pour out what I want and set it down it's that simple guys it's not difficult it doesn't need to be difficult you don't need a bunch of tools the tea comes right out set it aside start my cereal here see what we got going on if you pour a little bit too much water in there it's not that big a deal you can always add a little bit more cornmeal to it but you want to let it cook so it's going to thicken up on you a little bit you can see what I got going on in here right now it doesn't have a real thick consistency to it it's looking like I need to add a little bit of cornmeal to it maybe but I want to give it a minute to find out cuz it's sticking it up nice now dee-nice

it's a pretty nice little it's a little bit runny but that's okay too I mean it doesn't have to be real thick it's just going to make it easier to clean your cup out in the end anyway it just needs to be some good food get you warmed up on a cool winter day so now what I'm going to do is you know I said I carry this brown sugar with me all the time so that's going to be my little additive to make it more like a sweet breakfast treat so I'll just take a chunk of this brown sugar off the cake I'll drop it in there little extra one for good measure here dropped a couple on the ground five-second rule problem okay set my sugar aside and I'll mix that brown sugar into this real good and you can see now it's starting to turn like a golden color from the sugar be nice well sit there for a few minutes and cool down take my bottle and move it out of my way for right now okay guys our breakfast is nice and cool now at least I think it's cool enough to eat it

want to scrape anything off the bottom it might be in there should get all mixed up good oh man that's dandy dandy fine good sweet-tasting hmm

I've always believed in keeping the simple guys and that's what the Pathfinder system is really based on is simplicity it doesn't take a whole lot to be comfortable in the wilderness you just have to have things that are multi-purpose and you know this corn flour cornmeal is very very multi-purpose we've showed three different ways to eat this three different meals and they're all delicious and all keep it going and all sustain you on a cold winter day or cold winter evening I hope you guys have enjoyed this video part of the long Hunter series on using corn flour to cook with again I'm Dave Canterbury with a path iron school I appreciate your views I appreciate your support and I'll be back with a video very soon I'm going to wrestle my cornmeal hey that's good you

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From the lore of bushcraft to all things related to self-sustainability, the Pathfinder vision is to pass on the knowledge of outdoor self-reliance. Providing basic to advanced self-reliance training and survival gear, our goal is to offer both practical knowledge and survival gear that will stand the test of time. From emergency preparedness to sustainability, the Pathfinder way is to share and educate.

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