Canvas Tipi Weekend Campout


NativeSurvival Community Channel:

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Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

Tags: shelter,hunting,fishing,bushcraft,survival,native,nativesurvival,fire,water,navigation,primitive,aboriginal,shooting,shooting tips,trapping,modern,frontier,pioneer,field dressing,butchering,trees,plants,edible,medicinal,eastern,woodland,knots,sharpening,sun,moon,stars,trap,bow,arrow,handdrill,flintknapping,arrowhead,self reliance,nessmuk,kephart,boone,ray mears

Video Transcription

just let go no stuff isn't very dead we are as mission 8 survival tonight going to be trying the canvas tarp TP on an overnighter stay tuned okay so I have the TP door very wide open it's not all the way to the edge but it almost is you can see just a couple feet on each side open start a ground pad on top of the canvas floor and this is what my fire looks like and in a minute I'm gonna have some chorizo delicious cup of coffee oh yeah fire-roasted

man I was good Oh

it's a living Oh

it's our logs on the knowledge risky you know I'm just hanging out having some good thoughts I'm in a good place nice and warm have a great fire to look at great force to listen to you know it's fantastic this teepee is really working out well I'm very happy with it thus far and you know this is still just the first night that I'm sleeping out in it so whilst you know well we'll see how it goes but uh so far I'm really liking it's a really nice and warm in here I don't feel any wind at all none the only coolness i feel is from conduction because i don't have my blanket underneath me but uh yeah just hanging out and and looking forward to it throwing my blanket down kicking my boots off I'm racking up you know okay so i just checked my phone perhaps i'll shut the camera off and it's 30 degrees so it's not super freezing by any means but it is below freezing and it's like 230 in the morning 244 think it was 244 in the morning and it's supposed to be getting snow it says that's six in the morning and that's probably going to turn to rain by like nine in the morning so pretty soon you know like three hours from now it's probably going to be snowing how cool is that seeing as it's going to rain I figured I put a tarp up above my fire my GP do you hear that there's a fissure in the forest alright well have a long live fire going the small one small logs runnin well nice graceful set up set it going straight down I have it going to the edge then going down to the corner fish my head it's going to be like right here I'm sleeping and that of course will be my view so my face is going to be nice and warm I thought is nice and run just hang out on my blanket come along drawings on now I'm not even wearing my pants over them not wearing gloves not wearing my jacket not wearing my hat nothing crazy woman here super super nice just get my boots and things like that rucksacks right out there I've actually tons of stuff behind me I have like my bull I have my guitar I have my guitar back there I mean that's just ridiculous so there's just an absolute Tyranny I'm fully laid out fully laid out i'm just-just bailey reaching the peak if I really try hard so I'm fully laid out and I have bows and guitars and I have a sack all sorts of stuff behind me as you can see my jacket tons of stuff back there crazy so I think I'm going to turn in I'm on my blanket now everything is well all is good see in the morn no not sure if you can hear that but start of snow or possibly rain not sure which one or sleep so I was nodding off i kept falling asleep leaning up while i was reading so i was just about to lay down and and the precipitation just started so take it why not i'll have one more little snack it's like roasted marshmallows but meet its better although i am quite the marshmallow aficionado I have been known to eat a dozen in a city all right yum yum yum alright so I'm gonna enjoy my late night snack oh yeah mmm oh it's so good so like I was saying and enjoy my snack it's a just short of 5am and I'm going to go to sleep listening to the storm rolling alrighty morning it is TP did excellent it was crazy warm and the fire died down then I got a little cool but that's how wool blankets go



About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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