A Hot Toddy with Marcus


Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,camp,camping,snow,parachute,wild,wilderness,wildcamp,firepit,fire,primitive,skills,survival

Video Transcription


it's up guys this is kind of an interesting

addendum video as it were I'm about to make some tea and Marcus had a piece of advice for me which I thought was pretty interesting so I'm gonna make some tea and he was telling me I should put some whiskey in him what is it called yeah so - it's a drink called a hot toddy a hot toddy hot Tottie I'm sure many of you have heard of this but yeah basically the sun's starting to go down a little bit today and got a bit chilly here I got my jacket on and as we were cooking up a brew for a cup of tea I whipped out a couple of small bottles of Jameson because it's st. Patrick's Day today so I thought we'd celebrate the Irish hot time oh that's cool man have a have a hot toddy well I gotta go warm my tea up so you're ahead of me on that one no I'm looking forward to it I'm gonna throw it on the fire try this out man Tony the British they don't they do them with tea the hot toddies I'll let you guys know how it is hold that thought alright so pull Mike up off the fire it's probably dreaming the edges I'm gonna pour this into another cup myself I'm prepared for two cups every time I do I always have two cups yeah I put one on the bottom one on top now I know why ray when he put a tot of rum on ya way before he called it on on his Vanek and he's in Canada all right a tot of rum is hot you know enemy I took a Christian I taught my to be a unit volume that I'm not remembering interesting so this is a Hut Todd toddy you know toddy Cheers it's nice yeah mine is that it's cooled down a lot mm-hmm first time for me yeah it's good yeah whiskey and tea you can do it the ROM you can do it with bourbon whiskey like I said this is a Jameson Irish whiskey Irish that makes sense st. Patty's Day well guys just want to do a quick impromptu video with Marcus here grew up in Britain correct yeah yeah southwest of England city core Bristol Bristol we have a Bristol around here in fact I was in a pub in in Cambridge Massachusetts about ten years ago and there's this couple a kind of girl from London and you could tell that they were from central London she was an accent and I went over said hey guys I'm I'm Marcus I'm I'm from Bristol and she looked at me she said Tennessee

I mean I'd been here about 10 years of that plane cuz of you now 20 and so you already lost your accent people think I've lost my accent yeah so I can still hear ya I think to Americans you can hear it to Brits they think I sound American

well that's funny you know access the funny like that when I visit my family down self my stepmother has family and law South Carolina tell her things like that let me go down wow it's a kid we should go down for like two weeks at a time

I would pick up their accent within two weeks yeah it's just it's just a funny thing and then when I came back up you know was already like my buddies would start making fun of me because I suddenly have a southern accent I'm like I don't went down there for like ten days like how is it even possible you know so I'm not surprised where you moved here we're here for years you know it's mostly gone by that point cool well right on listen mission needed survival my buddy Marcus just wanted to share this hot toddy I'll tell ya right on see you guys the next one Cheers [Music]


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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