A Long Rainy Bushcraft Night Part 2


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Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

Tags: shelter,hunting,fishing,bushcraft,survival,native,nativesurvival,fire,water,navigation,primitive,aboriginal,shooting,shooting tips,trapping,modern,frontier,pioneer,field dressing,butchering,trees,plants,edible,medicinal,eastern,woodland,knots,sharpening,sun,moon,stars,trap,bow,arrow,handdrill,flintknapping,arrowhead,self reliance,nessmuk,kephart,boone,ray mears

Video Transcription

all right here's what I have base is wider than the top so it creates a good footing a good foundation for my ember you won't fall over that way and I don't want to go halfway you go just shy a pathway let's give it a shot all right

here we go nice

all right I'm going to transfer that to my tinder bundle now I'm going to take my feathers out and get them ready so I can make a fast transfer

okay Eddie I'll wrap up and down so what it doesn't want ignite Oh

you get a little more cattail put that in there before goes out Wow there's a one ignite on me but how's it going out yet yes got it put some curls on there some more curls on there okay so my Tyne on there



all right success a fire is definitely sustaining itself now beautiful beautiful now I can start drying off warming up cooking some food and Watson now that it's a great feeling nice and warm start to dry off you just see the water steaming off my legs

steaming off in a hurry oh that feels nice

now we're talking alright so here's where I'm at now I have my socks and shoes drying off next to the fire now I really like the pants that I'm using because they zip off the bottoms and turn into shorts and that's great because it allows me to take off the bottom

and dry them so I can get my pants really warm really comfortable really dry I can get the bottom of the legs that were on the fourth floor all day getting soaked completely warm and toasty and then put them right back on and I'm sitting really nice here so I'm I will blanket just relaxin I have some large logs right next to it that are steaming off drying off as well they're going to be going over the fire pretty soon things are stabilized warm dry all as well okay so here's my cattails is some of them you can see all the beautiful white starch in there they cook very quickly especially when they're cut off from the large bases those are all about the same size which means they all finish about the same time


nice one the food good

loaded with stock good stuff

loaded it's like eating porridge anything to do hmm

I would

that is delicious and then join my dinner get back to your little walk I think it's a good idea to take longer to do a task you're going to do it properly so by building a fire splitting some wood gathering everything I needed ahead of time really working hard to make sure that I know I'm going to get a fire it really pays off compared to making a fire and hoping it's going to work out and then if it doesn't work out I'm in trouble it's always a good idea to take the time into a way first time well I've successfully turned a awful situation into a relaxing comfortable situation now one of the do is reorganize my camp one more time I'm going to set up I'm going to sleep down well I set up my bedroom seeing us up and hanging out my living room all night it's a lie boo cheapy it's pretty nice in here this is a wool blanket that I put down this is my wool blanket so it's like a carpet a lot of space in here put all my gear in here well here's the view from inside my bedroom very comfortable in here I have the convective radiation heat coming in absolutely beautiful in here alright turn it in see you more good morning

time to pack up and head out for my next adventure

About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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