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Bushcraft Recipe - Chocolate Rum Bananas


A bushcraft dessert I based off Ray Mears' recipe he made on film in an African episode, he used cocoa powder and whiskey, I use milk chocolate and rum. Ive made this for many years, you can also watch a vid from 4 years ago at this link:


Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,ray,mears,survival,skills,alone,history,channel,show,aloneshow,chocolate,banana,recipe,cook,cooking,fire,firepit,camp,campfire,bbq,campcook,dessert,woods,adventure,expedition

Video Transcription


right on so Shane hooked it up guys Bam Bam Bam oh oh chocolate rum banana and it's vanilla mad river and what's what's the deal with this you know the guy used to bring in whiskey in a room for everyone to try we really well so before I was leaving my job yeah ray uses knockout whiskey and I've always just used rum because I prefer a rum to whiskey this is what I do this is what I do anyways so I split it this is what I do each everone way to I split it man has kind of do that man well we all got our own way okay I'll show your mind then you can show me us I open this up yeah I think the way the bananas are if we can get this girl to sit flat we could just so I don't need all that so I'm gonna put some back so now I'm gonna take some chocolate I'm gonna stuff it in there stop it stop it the baby bananas are so sweet to you they're perfect for baby she's gonna spill all over me I'm sure what I mean after I put it right in soak it all in I didn't cut all the way through so it's gonna be no I don't cook it that hot I just warming up it so it turns the the banana

soft it so it's like yeah it's like pudding you know not so good that's why I do it anyway everybody's got their own way

last time we made them at my camp we put the coffee brandy on him afterwards that's cool yeah I had vanilla so that thing's fully pulled to the gills want to grab that for me so spill it smells delicious

here's the top to it alright so chocolate rum banana now it's gonna go right on the grill and now I'm gonna just put it right over yeah that's perfect actually

and all I'm not gonna do is melt the chocolate so it turns it caps it all in liquid chocolate it just seals everything in then I'm good to go then then you spoon it all out and you get chocolate and rum all in one shot banana yeah so I kind of like the sweet let's see how how Shane does it just sit right so everyone's got their own style chocolate rum banana rum I totally got this idea from Ray watching today's Africa episode so I still slice the banana down the center yeah the same way sure find it down the center I try to just find where I think it's gonna sit flat sometimes it's not down the center but this kind of looks like it's gonna sit flat that way yeah and then I just kind of squeeze it like this it's like a baked potato basically same thing yeah cuz I want to kind of before I put it on there I kind of want the skin it generally peel off oh yeah I've noticed that if you do that but then it almost kind of melt in the chocolate too out of my right right so I kind of squeeze it around a little bit yep plop it up push it flat to make sure it's gonna lay flat sure and then same thing throw confident when I break the chocolate up a little bit to just sort of melt year but right on right a little bit better cuz it will melt a little longer so

all pieces yeah I love this stuff I make it home sometimes my wife surprised me one time she bought everything we needed she was like you want to make your uh your own bananas I'm like no no we're a surprise but I think what she yeah there is plenty to make there's chocolate chips if you don't want to cut up the so crunch chocolate loosen bananas sits flat so what I generally do for alcohol is I just kind of fill the cap up about three-quarters interesting just drizzle across the whole top of it right on I you feel like a bowl is melted chocolate over the top and it kind of sinks down in the banana yeah put the rum on top that are all kind of incorporate oh my god yeah oh yeah stand him up in front so that sides melting I'm going to turn it around slowly click - sighs it's not a race this is a very slow process it was good oh yeah man what a combo fire when you prep it firewood heat you four times war times huh oh look at that that's gonna be terrible I can tell oh look at this oh my Oh liquid happy give it the old squeeze oh my goodness can you guys see that I don't know if you can can you smell it can you taste it can you oh man here we go

oh my i'm sure i'm so overexposed but it is what it is oh boy so good isn't it no I did he makes run that's not super sweet to which is why I don't really like rum but you make rum that's not super sweet you know him for like vanilla rum that's not hamper Sudan no but Kevin's been over there singing for a while and I was so good thanks man sir man you rock shame yes chocolate from bananas it's been a while since I've had it

dude I just I saw a ray do it I just forget I get a shot I was pretty happy about it

one but two my goodness my

but you so when it was any New England Northeast to ignore the eastern originally but now I go to New England I go a and why any you know whatever whatever it means you yeah yeah yeah [Music]

About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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