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Yew Self Bow Christmas Gift for my Daughter


NativeSurvival Community Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxv1HGqDaf04BnpDIdQ4L1Q/videos

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Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

Tags: nativesurvival,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,hunting tips

Video Transcription


hey it's machinist survival I'm out here like quarter one in the morning it's like 23 degrees it's a day before Christmas Eve I'm working on a little u-boat for my two-year-old daughter for her Christmas present stay tuned this is a very poor birch bark tank a fire with but see if we can make it work very thin Marcus I swear she's gonna want to be shooting from

all right you can see I'm getting quite thin

I'm just working it back to the handle now now you gotta work on that a little bit get the transition deeper sooner but it's just starting to bend now so we're on our way all right you can see it's got some flex so need some more work right here so where it's not bending I'm just taking it down a little bit want to have a little bit of flux you know I'm not really expecting this this bow to be like this you know impressive shooter or anything you know my daughter's not even bill to pull it back so if I can just get a string on it you know and have it like be a real bow you know what I mean we can like pull on it a little bit and my guy I think she'll go crazy you know I'm not expecting to be target shooting with it or anything but I mean it's coming along you know so let's see we got now I mean I'm literally like pushing it with like fingers it's so thin it's not too shabby at all all right so I'm gonna leave this limb alone I'm gonna go the other one it's what has incredibly tight grain it's very smooth it's very slippery wood it's not a wood that I work off and you it's not really something that we find in our woods like ever actually my brother-in-law

just doing some trimming we're doing some landscaping to his yard he has a you so while we're working on it I spotted a little stave inside of it you know one of the branches I sealed both ends after I cut it off with paint so the moisture wouldn't go out the ends they would go out crossways you know perpendicular to the xylem and phloem in the grain you know in the plant all the vascular tissues are running up and down and if it allows if if it's allowed to have moisture leave its end it goes very fast and that causes it to twist and all that when it dries so you want to seal the ends and it slows that down because then it has to find its way through the to the side of it right so slows down the drying process makes it more stable that's it my REM working on it trying to get over both for my little girl and some cars because I'm in the woods in my backyard and I didn't go hiking a quarter-mile in the woods to work on this bow you know at 1:00 in the morning not that I couldn't but I'm all set with that it's no need for that foolishness it's cold out so I can't have all these shavings in the house right so come on side and it's cold out here so I built a fire so I'm just just working down the slim you know just thinning it up that's a lot shorter than the other limbs so it can't be really the same so you have to you have to kind of mind that realize that the limbs are different so different lengths because I put the the middle of the bow where the arrow is gonna be and then you put your hand underneath it well that means at the bottom Lynne it's shorter than the top one just how it works right my hand is taking up some of that one and it's its handle so it's a different way so they're gonna react differently so you can't match it you can't make it the same

and looks we have to make it the same in performance and you know I mean I'm really not gonna push it I mean this so thin it's less than a quarter of an inch you know last thing I want is this thing to break so I'd rather have it you know barely flex you know and have a quarter-inch brace height just so she can walk around with it and feel like you know feel special rather than target shoot him with it in the living room which is what I envisioned that'd be awesome I think this might be a good good first bow but think I'm an afternoon maker you know a bow that we can shoot in the house oh because I really want to do that I just want to make a small bow and like hunt like her stuffed animals with her and stuff anyways but um yeah so it's just really coming along this is the bottom line right here as you can see nice and thin they'll do

so I'll do the same to the other side all right so just made a little bow line throw that on there I heard a crack right there that goes the outer bark I hope you got it was looks like it's the outer bark alright let's see if we can finally get it set here

nice there it is little little bow for my daughter you guys closer you was actually quite beautiful nice heartwood and sapwood handle the other side let's cut this thing off it's interesting actually I took off the outer bark and I haven't violated any growth franks and it's actually has a nice yellow tint to it's beautiful so I'm gonna take the rest of this outer bark off for her as well I think it's gonna look really nice but uh this is a cool little bow I'll take that gonna get that on the light for you it's not too bad considering it's a little uh little kids bow you know real little I mean she's two years old so she's gonna be like walking around holding it all excited so that's really all I'm looking for you know she has a little bow this is really cool I just made my daughter her first bow all right just one last look at the bow sweet well there's been much needed survival appreciate your views comps you support see you guys in the next one hope she likes her a Christmas present take care


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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