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How to Tie The Alpine Butterfly Knot


In this vid we tie the Alpine Butterfly Knot, an extremely useful knot for making loops for the Truckers Hitch, to create anchor tie outs in the middle of a rope or isoate and remove a frayed location of a rope from the working length.

Tags: bushcraft,woodcraft,camping,camp,wildcamp,rewild,wilderness,survival,primitive,technique,tech,style,technology,ray,mears,adventure,trip,semi,permanent,knot,tying,tarp,shelter,skill,skills,alpine,butterfly,trick,tricks,tip,self,reliance,pioneer,boone,longhunter,nessmuk,kephart

Video Transcription


okay oh yeah Alpine what up it's an old friend butterfly Alpine butterfly it's really easy to untie because it's easy to break the back of the knot I saw this on a video on there's a YouTube video quickest easiest way to tie it one two three

yeah wraps three wraps sure reach under grab the second make a co-head middle one all the way around all the way around through and then you pull the other two Oh and you did that in the middle of the rope over there yep snazzy there's a long enough top or on bottom what's up just a long end up top it doesn't matter you can tie it right in there oh yeah you go ahead anyways in the rope you want know how the metalder the middle and over all of them yeah and then back through the middle and back through the middle again yeah and then that's it

just pull it I'm grab the other two ends yeah look at that cheese daddy look at that cheese

yep it's Mountain burn really hot now I know why I got a good cool I say it's a good night to know if you guys man they have damaged my rope I kept trying to isolate a damaged portion of the rope yep yeah I used it for my Skyhawks you can also use it truckers trucker's hitch application so let me see it real quick actually I'll show the camera real close not as tight Alpine butterfly from Gary go over the hand once I have to yeah I have three my grab in the middle go to the right I'm gonna go all the way around and go all the way through I'm gonna pull that and the two standing ends just cleaning it up a little bit sounds a little sloppy X on the back really interesting pattern in the front two shoulders with an X in the middle

it's cool alright let's eat [Music]


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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