Goldenage Bushcraft Campout - Gear, Fishing, Firepit Cooking
Tags: bushcraft,camping,wildcamp,fishing,gear,kit,axe,saw,outdoors,woodcraft,carving,kuksa,firepit,survival,primitive,overnight,group,solo,weekend,3day,trip,outing,rendezvous,gathering
Video Transcription
so if I monkey a real quick the tools I brought a grandpa's Brooks we're gonna wilderness axe designed by Ray muse I brought a takedown bucks aw that's a adventure sworn it's made out of cherry wood and for a knife I brought native survival knife
this is the prototype curly maple those are my cutting tools saw axe and knife three classic cutting tools so for a cooking pot I brought in Billy can have a bandana and total paper in there and your my utility pouches I use these for all sorts of stuff I use them for um like tool tools at home my carving kit I put the knife scent and stuff like that tons of uses food pouch tool pouch fire pouch whatever this one smells good inside this one I'm gonna be quick here is a bunch of spices like tons of spices and some birch bark in case I needed to light a fire I always have it there like bouillon cubes salt pepper garlic powder onion powder brown sugar flour taco seasoning it's pretty extensive it's pretty extensive
and then the other one I have that's a food pouch these made out could Dora so they're you know water food stuff like that I have a bunch of teeth I don't drink coffee anymore I got out of coffee lots of tea bags bananas oats mixed with walnuts that I broke broke up in there a cinnamon oatmeal mix to go with that some wheat pasta garlic onion a couple potatoes some carrots so I'm making a making a chicken soup put them in I also have flour and stuff so I can also fry chicken if I want to I can batter it up and everything
these pouches are awesome they just hold provisions like me miss babies yeah and then over here my have a sack I keep like the unstable food like the meat and stuff my keys and glasses and stuff my battery is almost dead three minutes left then they go fast let's go my dealer in there I have some chicken breasts thank you tenderloin number right the tenders yes we are in bacon keep inside a plastic bag and inside my haversack I get asked that a lot where I keep my meat so that's where I do it right there packing he's my haversack for that kind of stuff then I have some almond milk because it's it's freezing out here obviously but even if it wasn't almond milk would be fine
it's not it's not animal milk like cow milk or other types of milk because that will go bad and almond milk doesn't so I like almond milk I'm kind of getting away from dairy anyways that good for me I just have a couple of oranges in here as well inside the valuable pouch in front this isn't a viable heart attack so I put that pouch in there pretty much it Franky's my glasses someone asked recently about glasses yeah I started wearing glass glasses recently I guess I got glasses right before I went to Vancouver Island because I needed to my eyes it just got worse I think I might have messed them up on that blizzard overnight I messed my eyes up pretty good and they I don't know are they kind of like not the same and then as good as it used to be so I've glasses enough so yeah good times on that not really all right oh yeah first aid kit in there and in here I'll show you what I have in here real quick one minute left oh boy I have a nesting cup like glacier I make this handles years ago I have a video on it's custom handles their handles a jump they're like four pots I want to want a mug handle so I made my own out of Co hangers see that it's made my own you can learn how to it's on my video it's very easy I have my canteen stay nest I've got two of them one on the bottom on the top I don't have my water and this yet because I have a gallon behind me I'll have some oil with me top and bottom all of that stuff and my spoon got uh closing on it that I did with birch bark the old way like the saw me do that's it that's pretty much my kit set for my 12 by 12 tarp my King James New Testament waterproof of course and my military frying pan
actually II think is empty right now yeah BAM stainless steel it's good Rick yeah right on add a gallon of water I didn't know we're gonna be in a water sauce and I'm pretty much good to go I think my wool blanket with me got my sleeping bag I'll show you guys that later it's a canvas bag that's it all in all done
okay I got the fire going a little bit ago so my head down over there I don't think as many people have 23 dollars who hiked out the iron Jim Wow impressive
on my my name is survival rendezvous who's that I have I don't want to coming up pretty soon you should come yeah you should definitely come yeah yeah cool I always hike out a big iron Dutch oven nice the thing weighs like 30 pounds dude I've got the same size what I pack it once or twice yeah this is this cooks are as well Jim's good looks good they work a little carving handy here for coffee canteen in that pouch near you you side poach yeah well let's hope you have planned Mitch I think this I'm really excited with the BB gun stuff and yeah the Autry yeah I'm gonna have a tournament kind of like n-c-double-a so I'm gonna set up like brackets and stuff and and we have like shooting competitions and things like that would be the gun that's gonna ball so everyone's donating prizes I'm doing a jug of maple syrup I've heard many things for many people I'll bring some several thing I don't know what I'll bring yeah yeah you said you're gonna bring something Shane said he was bringing something
Keeks is bringing a steak for everybody I'm like that's not really a donation prize it's just a prize for everybody I guess Keeks is one of my students who's yeah go into the route school and didn't do my alder house this is soo cool dude what's the matter oh yeah Mikey you don't have any like fresh green box what's the size of the log you use that King yeah I notice there's another water around like that yeah I have a cutting board yeah yeah I got one in my in my my extra big for my about this Jim make it necessary scouting kit yes it's the light like I've always liked having a plate or something in this pack give it some structure you know this time dear yeah me Paul that's the duck fat yeah and a tip that's awesome he almost it was amazing I love stuff like that and like create story why stick I have a little grill I have a little dinosaur heavy I got the little square great yeah that's why I have my kind of a bee sting that's the longer I got the half I win this for a sausage cooker back up nice Wow well already made huh yeah zero five can't perfect ya know I've only ever cooked sausage right I learned in an old boy scout book something I have to call the ready with the racket girl yeah yeah and I am to make alone watching sir phone around exactly you weave it crossmembers yeah they gonna like that one night I got my good that's how I got my gig at earthworks I was a jest hatchet sight and Frank was out there and Frank just like I came out he like picked this thing up he's like you break that and I think is the rocky grill yeah I was like yeah he's like what are you gonna do with it I was like I put it the fire already made it cooked right on I used to stick those tools but somebody ended up finding out what my campsite yeah I used to gather like I had like yeah you know I had I better made five or six different ways to cook food you know different primitive contraptions I had them all so I'll make this first pot I'm gonna leave this kettle ha it was him yelling man coffee ship from Hawaii just a toilet to go with me camping I got café Bustelo Mitch's and on coffee yeah I don't drink coffee anymore but you know what I changed my mind I gotta try that yeah dude it's amazing macadamia and out my god try it hey chog of chunk rayon said boil it hole takes longer before home and leave it out you could dry it and use it again boils faster I chop a few slices off the one at whatever one I got going throw them in the water when I put it on the fire and then let it boil come to a boil everything make my coffee everything with the chocolate is flowing in there and then settle to the bottom I you know this much each time just a lot it just goes well I end up doing the most is taking my Paco and just soaring it yeah I can a bunch of dust and I just throw that him you know if I make him coffee throw it right in yeah and like when I filter out the grinds for the coffees I guess they get to the hotel to you know and I don't even pay attention to it I like take work school at marble-sized you go oh yeah Bert ones oil rig crew that I can dry it out yeah nice and drop I read my Scout manuals oh I thought a trash bag and I'm like I'm pretty alright with threatening bits of trash when we're not picking so no worries good thanks goes to a landfill or just recycling that's Ross and the recycling center there says Mike I can't think credit for it but because my girlfriend had to drink out of a water bottle with you like a handful of times when I go camping is most the time when I do it for years since I've started a national crime from earthworks yeah she hasn't for six years no exception like an ecological class so just like one everybody filter your water noni Robbins and that's what he's doing to this project I'm doing on Boston where I saw that pipe that goes out into the ocean I'm so sketched out about it now I'm drawing a nice Anton they did the test for who's got the cleanest water in the country and she stamped a mess know what best tap water in the country it's good to know
come on we got the most expensive not some of them water peace like it comes from right outside my door spring right over the deck there [Applause]
it's like literally like my whole income is just living in Rondo but it's worth that I gotta see if I can put the there you go you're at the next step now you collected my food anywhere Mike I have some kielbasa bacon just kind of like a local yeah I got my little pantry right here actually we usually hang a bear bag right around here off one of these and then dirty dishes I put in the bench I just pop the top the logs or whatever at whatever point I got nervous that one's gonna bring bacon so obviously brought bacon is that gonna bring something for breakfast I'm like what if no one yeah nobody can't have that I'm bringing bacon
I brought a dozen eggs in a box that's crisp easily yeah yep I love that as like a tradition with like the first instructors I was working right breakfast everybody brings something for breakfast and you don't tell anybody and you see what you guess put on the end up everyone defeat a bunch of baby we did that Pennsylvania potluck okay that was good back to baking everything went in the pan yeah this is gonna my big brainstorm this week at my boring job I love it my job's got nothing to think about every day which is hanging out in the South put stuff in jars putting over $1 whatever and my head just going during the weekend I think do it my gear learn about how to pack this thing about how that it's gonna go together some repetition that was mine man I leave my job and I need to like go sit in a dark room somewhere like my job is at very worst boring and at best like it's hilarious I work with cool people and like it's a cool enough spot to work but I get all the time I want just in my head thinking about what I'm gonna do on the weekend working restaurants long enough
I used to work at a factory things go what he was always even they're made for all that working when I urge it their minds a gun factory with Jeff man all I could do was think about anything else that was just held out I was just like a greasy basement running the machine as big as like from me to that tree right there huge machine walking all around it oils like to eat eaten by the Machine yeah it is boring and repetitious but if you do it wrong like you could die yeah you're interviewing for the job look what happened to the guy that we used to work yeah right they hired me on the spot I should have move that painting on the wall as your spot looking Dana
yeah you look sharp man it's a pretty good fit I wasn't quite long enough for these ape yeah but yeah works for me yeah when people show up to our course is my jacket like that on I'll be like all right there's a professional yeah you look like the real deal [Applause]
we bought your plate I did my cutting board
I forgot my blank that I was so bummed out of my driving away from the housing squat right get up [Applause]
definitely don't move yeah you're my caller balance that would have been a trip and a half get your camera ready most was gone right now I'm filming you always Oh John Lennon said that once in really creepy way when he's like yeah how like people try to get the crowd going because they're filming we're filming you everyone's got quietly like they're scared just bought that is like a podcast so like if you you should get a podcasting on your phone just listen to Paul Carey podcast now yeah actually the hot episode was a response to my question I saw yes yeah it's super cool you can add some questions on Instagram and I'll answer but not many people ask him questions he answers he was always a Mia's Chief Inspector yeah he left cuz Ray was too into the money there's a story I've heard Paul likes he always says it on the same but he gives it away you know a lot of free information there to have because that's I love that absolutely absolute inspiration I have one of his uh PK wins one of the he's actually he's a really really really nice guy he's brilliant really great under well you stop by right yeah I'm sure he's amazing no they just so done never have sausage grease in which I was gonna say you'd get some dripping some sausage I guess I will I'll be tasty tasty tea there's no shelf right there yeah nobody somebody fiery sweet and savory tea well remorsefully but podcast Isetta listen to earlier we appreciate this is uh just yesterday but is founded by guy goes by KGB prepper it's a Christian podcast it's called truth yeah he did a great one Gary Gary imma kill you sir I got a campy insisted funds of Scripture he goes over and goes with doctrine and stuff yeah actually I think I have one of his one of his sure he wanted me to make him a Bible or something right I think he made the t-shirt for Leafs Christian bushcraft page on Facebook yeah I think KGB primer is a major crop I made him a rock especially just for him he was all happy I've got one Elise nice it's beyond amazing yeah he's he's learnin he's learned it all from a register all right and I just won was one of my boys yeah I tried the adventure on the meet be nice if they dating responsibly didn't even there's my email back gonna pay a top price I was a villain villain wanta will trade you a hat attacks a night just told me who's that they got me judge my guy yeah he's he's some kind of wizard there's a couple of guys I'm friends with online from Sweden and Finland who are just like real traditional artists Osmo and ogre Olsen both these guys are fantastic only Jim actually got me to follow those guys talk about AMA over the baton just the best of the best I want them to the best guys you never heard yeah Rogers the loving mother and almost the dismissive on rye whiskey in there splash everyone wants it whose moonshine is that again to have some of that fire fire I would have it recovered maybe I'll bring that all the Japanese before Rocky's death what sake that sort of salsa is a Brazilian liqueur drink it's it's pretty strong stuff right yeah have you Brazilian ever may make up arena the water giveth
they're serious in generati in LA 52 holidays a year Skullcandy that's a nice axe looks like a small boys like axe head but yeah like a hatchet handle like like some brie handles or something smaller than it should be what everybody that's act the action you got a bigger handle you know it looks too big for its perfect good call yeah I tried to do that with the L well no no yeah sort of handle that okay straight I got a straight handle for it though it's a little thicker too cuz the eyes a little bigger
Woodleigh nice have a 24-inch ooh that's a really heavy head on it the sausage they're kind of unfair to him that we hire he originally was like on a computer and then they all came by that is his company in the news last night broad VR yeah he originated wasn't like some like legit a fishing rig yeah god bless yeah dude yeah lamenting as I take it in New Hampshire to fish those dreams for trout yeah very cool yeah I have a nice throw line a lot you did a lot of stuff this spot is perfect for throw lines and casting and everything because you never hit a branch above you I'll show you guys what I mean look at that look at all that space the cast right there we'll throw trees and stuff out there for if there is any fish hang out around very cool look it right here - dude they kind of look like tadpoles but they're snake oh yeah see it they keep hitting the surface it's a tadpole you see every time I throw my lure and I think something's falling from the trees that are coming to run up to the surface look at that they're pretty advanced - they have four legs look at him dude he's huge just tell waggled it's it's got four legs already small eggs if there that's in here there's definitely 3 and I can't see him he's moving his tail street now he's really quiet he's huge he looks like a yeah no they're moving fast - every time they hear something hit the water I was passed and I could see a bunch of little bubbles almost gonna throw something in each other it's down it he still not you can see him running for it I feel I'm talking right when I drop it near that ice line yeah I wish I knew there was water here man would've brought my fishing kit yeah hit little hits they're probably like bluegill or something I got a I got a smaller setup I can scale down I want to see them chasing it though they're super lethargic I don't see him chasing it so yeah it means lougle and portraits have covered a nice so I think everything's really really lethargic right now yeah there was pickle here they probably come out with it it is more like trout they're a little more active in the cold water
yeah it just probably grabbing the tail hit that one felt big enough to grab it hmm it's like that's what dude you fish in Boston you you this would never work this does not look like a living thing and they know that right you fish out in the woods and they're just like something moving something shiny something like you're on the ice [Music]
you always take the closer to the photo to
I could feel something trying to grab this feeling one with it they're probably just like chillin in between the rocks there when you Chris on a cruise by and they're running up and nipping at it yep what's the base on that you put it bullion in there to water and I got some boiling tubes usually I put a couple cans of mushroom soup nice yeah chicken stock and water I might as well we have some stock yeah if you need some water it's something on the back side of that tree yeah I do actually I bet I've been grabbed something's ice pick it over there he's gonna turn it wait what yeah you just turn the spigot on cool Mitch I have the pea bone over there so what do you what do you recommend right on the polls let him go down a little bit yeah I'm gonna actually wait to set up right now you should drop it right now yeah like instantly don't even hesitate yeah those embers are money for that right now mr. filter that coffee is pretty good Micah yeah no it's a great game next let me know when you're gonna you know I'll bring the next oh my god as a kid in coffee just the first time and you going right on the embers yep nice do it up look at stake nice fat loin let's watch the end of the tender quite a porterhouse right on I wouldn't
which one you think huh three minutes each side hit the spa Gary the time can be happy no and at 12 inches it's it's a piece of junk
it's a trinket it's a toy I don't the way he talked about splitting mad wood firewood this and the other and you know those North men wouldn't believe what I got done with my 12-inch two-bit blah blah blah dude I don't I don't I don't believe you
sorry Nanak I don't I'm gonna be said for singer when doing the green Vinny anything really must be tight behind tannins man you should put that soon what weeks old man you know whatever you like green bananas like green bananas oh he's going he's going into the science of it Gary I think I'm in trouble I just base my information off a taste [Laughter]
that's my science if it dries my mouth Oh like cheap wine I don't I don't eat it the YouTube those are hot coals now youtubers you think yeah you know I can do - you might have to pick it up go and stir underneath and bring some of the coals that you're not using so kind of shift it around because they listen them up you know I'm starving it's an interesting axe the snow what it looks like over there did you find that head Jim my grandfather's oh that's that big dude when he was young he was canoeing and found it at a straw campsite toss to the side with a broken handle so I took it back putting the handle on it so genuine Norland yes awesome yes one of the ones that they don't have the Norland stamp on it no it's a good fine that's an amazing can use a lot of history there
and you finally did that's cool man so it's like a happy and a sad day all at once
it's awesome it's one of those things as soon as you see it you know right you saw her you decided to have it huh it was that what far Raven what out which one was in the Boston or the other empty what is it Burlington yeah yeah yeah Vermont yeah so I mean you've done it and if you work for them you did stuff one
oh we do like just like a demonstration Jeff and I oh yeah that's cool for the Raven wilderness go through bring a Brent two items just like a general Q&A we endorse their products different things oh oh you're looking about for them the film is good like a lot of fiber in it in this guy they said that it's 80% static in an ayah and it's 20 percent sugar holder right there oh man ready are you kidding me oh yeah please
nice work first time I roll one restaurant enjoy it man yes when they come out of your audience let the questions okay you do pictures their own YouTube channel hundred thousand subscribers that's what the guy what you think - what he does is he shows all his clients like he did to me he brought me through a whole like folder of all the war all the all the different clients [Music]
there's beer the the whiskey is it is 110-proof daughter no can I use your hand to see you this up yeah that's actually Micah Stan but I am yeah all that kitchen gear that's this group here believe it all around the wire yeah I really like these cups as much as I don't like rep throwing things on the outside of my pack this wood right so I'm back to the I almost brought the guy out I might be reverting back to the guy but I brought the around Klean Kanteen and I got the old glacier Cup with the custom handle this awesome I'm like I'm like circa 2010 in my rig right now I love probably like a video that I watched maybe 30 times oh really something I didn't think anybody remember I showed you the handles that I mounted on the on the cup one of the cups that I have really yeah I was like yeah cuz you know you were saying you wanted thicker wire and longer handles so anytime I buy things now and bonded this one yeah Wow cuz I broke the handle my Swedish cups and I was like who's gonna make them longer I guess yeah give you some wrong orientation and when I find likely quarts
okay yeah it comes out to write their rooms for anyone to take it off slack just cold hanger yeah no it's awesome you know I wouldn't have thought of that just coat hangers handles I do I would have done that I brought them in raw linseed oil I did with Stanley Stanley cooker
Stanley adventure pot yum idea it's an ollie camp cut but Pleasant yes I wear the GSI the Ollie camp is the older Butler's the same model absolutely I do that almost Stanley cooker but there's no I like a cause like I can't get a water bottle I've got a dependence on the cam with Mesa where a zebra pop every time I meet somebody carpeting smaller for me for you yeah really it's a great I'll show you my you're like a super dealer or something like he's got a bunch of these across four bucks that nothing's gonna bring four bucks a dozen I got em I drill holes and I throw up on it it's like that's my new friend dude your bra thank you so much yeah yes dude yes with it you rock the end the shape of it sure can't bend it this way right because I beat and yes the grounder that I put a little bit of bacon fat in here and run the jute twine up it through the hall and then burn a lamp yeah with a great little multi kick yeah
what are you drill it with what kind of bit because I mean going through stainless is not fun no I do it with a little like you rock man I used to go to this place in East Providence
sadly they closed down Pokey's steakhouse you know okay so you'll get yeah Oh keys man okay i es okay I Oh Keys goes at a place called China market yeah they got all the zebra stuff yeah and so I've had like he used to have these spoons yeah yeah and you know to eat the soup and stuff just like that thanks man using it as like a like a look like just throwing it in my made for my maple tapping kit and using it it's like a little missus hat yeah that's cool he's got a heck of a crank huh what's that yeah there's a heck of a crank on it yeah do that I think you serious yeah he'll sit right up as that lamp boom I think school may be fun to carve when he's out of wood yeah put a savage crank into it you know look at that get the grain to go that way handle would be run out if you didn't you know absolutely grain going right to the course of course yeah to do it right absolutely
the base down lon it is B business poncho we pull the different babies yeah it is not launched right as a people thought oh my gosh but people want the beaver dam right there yeah he said they take care guy seen you see you next weekend get back safe in yeah probably
just mopes using tomahawk worst case the name of katana with the book The Times credible
it has weight to it [Applause]
that's the way to it grab a little lower yeah guys wait to it I'll tell you that as Ray's name on it so that
yep you can do in quarters and then in eighths and sixteenths 30 seconds and if you really want to be specific in anal you can do 60 120 seconds in the water is
About the Author

Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.
You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.
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- Acorn Processing Part 3
- Ode to a lost legend - The Mora High Q
- Installing Broadheads to Port Orford Cedar Shafts
- Large ALICE Pack Mods Part 10
- Climbing Owl Head Mountain Adventure - Part 8
- Making Primitive 2 Ply Cordage
- Polish Lavvu Winter Overnight Part 1
- Wool Blanket Bushcraft Cot
- Smoking Wintergreen in a Pipe
- Bushcraft Day Kit
- The Outdoor Shelter Rooms Mentality
- Hunting Grey Squirrel
- Custom Belt Quiver
- Simple Wool Blanket Pocket Survival Shelter
- My Long Distance Adventure Hiking Kit
- Primitive Rabbit Dinner - The Green Stick Grill
- Shooting Session with The Samick Sage Recurve Bow
- Wild Edible Plant - Crab Apple Flowers and Sassafras
- Rainstorm Bowdrill Kit - Part 2
- Survival Challenge - 1 Minute Fire
- Primitive Bushcraft Dinner - Burdock Roots
- Carving a Birch Bushpipe Part 2
- Plantain BushSmoke
- Survival Trapping - The Pen Set
- Making Crab Apple Bannock
- Lightweight Hiking Kit - Ruck Mods Part 2
- Survival Fireplace Part 1
- A Golden Rule of Knifecraft
- Primitive Trapping - Mcpherson engine Twitch Snare
- Root Cordage Bowdrill Fire - Part 1
- Bear Bag Tutorial
- Wild Edible Plant - Autumn Olive
- Swedish - Finnish Fire Torch
- The NativeSurvival Knife Pre-Order August 12th 7pm EST
- Survival Technology - Primitive Bow and Arrow - Bushcraft Skills
- Primitive Bushcraft - Salmon Dinner
- Making Maple Sugar - Woodland Bushcraft
- Underwater Tracking of Lake Mussels
- Large ALICE Pack Mods Part 7
- How to use the Fallkniven DC-4 to Sharpen a Bushcraft Knife Part 2
- Canvas Tarp Tipi Part 9
- Making Sweetfern Tea
- Beginner's Survival - The Tipi Fire Lay
- How to Carve Effecient Feather Sticks
- Long Term Survival - Shelter, Fire and Cooking Kit
- Wild Edible Plant - Crab Apple
- Large ALICE Pack Mods Part 1
- Racking a Squirrel Hide
- Primitive Lake Mussel Dinner - Fire's Heart Oven
- Getting a Bushcraft Knife SCARY Sharp
- Wild Edible Plant - Trees in Winter
- ALONE: Making a Trotline Survival Fishing Trap
- Canvas Tarp Tipi Part 2
- Tapping Maple Trees
- Hiking to Thoreau Falls Adventure - Part 10
- Climbing Into a Canoe Solo on Open Water
- Making Acorn Bread for Survival Part 1
- How to play the Native Survival Dice Game
- Smoking Mullien for Asthma and Lung Infections
- Rock Boiling Water for Primitive Living
- Wild Edible Plant - Wood Sorrel (SilverFox)
- NativeSurvival Knife Pre-Order is Now Active
- Winter Tarp Lean To
- Solo Bushcamp - Winter Bushcraft, Primitive Cooking
- Acorn Processing Part 1
- Large ALICE Pack Mods Part 6
- Making Maple Syrup on a Campfire Part 2
- Retrieving A Stuck Arrow Without Damage
- Fixing a Broken Nock on a Survival Bow
- Jacklore Bushcraft Knife
- Maple Sap First Harvest 2013
- Making Blueberry Leaf Tea
- Long Term Survival - Quiver Kit
- How to tie a Tripod Lash
- Primitive Beach Survival - Periwinkles on Embers
- Replacing Tap Water with Wild Stream Water
- Lighting Feather Sticks with a FerroRod - Winter Fire lighting
- Bushcraft Wildcamp - Foraging, Wild Garlic, Primitive, Stick Bread
- Reunion with my Mom - After Filming History Channel's ALONE
- Dad and Daughter Wildcamp: Campfire Cooking, Rock Fried Duck
- Wilderness Fitness Rewilding - Part 2
- Solo Camp : Primitive Cooking Duck, Bushcraft Challenge
- Climbing Owl Head Mountain Adventure - Part 7
- Sweetfern BushSmoke
- The Horseshoe Wool Blanket Rig
- Carving a Birch Bushpipe Part 1
- Wild Edible Plant - Blueberry
- Carving a CornCob Bushpipe Part 1
- How to Light a Fire MasterClass
- My EDC Kit (Every Day Carry)
- Wild Edible Plant - Birch, Maple, and Pine (Buds)
- Bushcraft Review - The Jacklore Classic
- Primitive Fish Dinner - The Leaf Oven
- Time Well Spent - Family Bushcraft
- Bushcraft: Bucking Logs
- Cooking Meat for Survival - The Arch Grill
- Native Survival Spring Rendezvous 2015
- Making Billy Can Popcorn on a Fire
- Canvas Tarp Tipi Part 8
- Making Primitive 4 Ply Cordage - Method 2
- Making Pine Needle Tea
- Long Term Survival - Cold Weather Kit
- Ultralight Hiking Cook Kit
- Teaching a Child to Make Fire - Part 2
- Winter Basecamp - Bushcraft Cooking, Roast Beef, Titanium Dutch Oven
- Polish Lavvu Winter Overnight Part 3
- Rope Snowshoe Bindings
- Making a Quinzee Winter Survival Shelter
- Scouting a Beach in Winter
- Wool Blanket Sleeping Bag Zipper Mod
- Primitive Skills Cooking for a Survival Situation
- Dutch Oven Camp Cooking: NS Lost Pond Bread
- New Forest Scout
- Blacksmithing and other Classes Montage
- Gathering Wild Mussels
- A Long Rainy Bushcraft Night Part 1
- Making Primitive 4 Ply Cordage - Method 1
- Forest Sunrise
- Dressing for Winter Survival
- Canvas Tarp Tipi Part 7
- Primitive Sharpening a Survival Knife with Rocks
- Primitive Cattail Roots Dinner
- Wild Edible Plant - Garlic Mustard
- Survival Hygiene - Bucket Washing in Camp
- Canvas Tipi Weekend Campout
- The NativeSurvival Apothecary Concept
- Wild Edible Plant - Onion (SilverFox)
- Bear Archery Youth Bow - Sophie's 5th Birthday
- Old 1957 Recurve Bow - Winter, Shooting, Testing
- The Survival Resource Trimming Rule
- Using a Survival Fishing Kit
- Wild Edible Plant - Garlic Mustard (SilverFox)
- Navigating by the Stars - Shooting an Azimuth
- Hiking Tip - Retracing Your Steps
- Wilderness Camp Design
- Old Town Canoe Refurbishing - Repairing Seat Strut
- Knife Sharpening with an EDC Stone
- Rainstorm Bowdrill Kit - Part 1
- Civilization Growth - The 100 Year Situation
- Wild Edible Plant - Wrinkled Rose
- Bushcraft Daycamp : Stalking Wild Turkey, Fieldcraft
- Steel Trap Dying and Various Sets - Part 1
- Wildcamp, Bushcraft Campout, Spoon Carving - HD 1080p
- A Long Rainy Bushcraft Night Part 2
- Fireside Blanket Bed
- Making Survival Arrows Part 1
- New Woods Winter Scout
- Carving a Birch Bushpipe Part 3
- Beaver Stew with Special Friends
- Orion the Maple Syrup Maker
- Wild Edible Plant - Eastern Red Cedar (Berries)
- Canvas Tarp Tipi Part 5
- Wool Blanket Bedroll Kit
- Wild Medicinal Plant - Mullein
- Best Budget Heavy Duty Bushcraft Knife
- History Channel's ALONE - Info
- Bear Archery Montana Longbow
- Making Chaga Tea and Bannock
- Making Acorn Bread for Survival Part 3
- Climbing Owl Head Mountain Adventure - Part 3
- Large ALICE Pack Mods Part 3
- Winter Bushcraft Camp Building - Wikiup, Axe, Knife, Snow Storm
- Bushcraft during Hurricane
- Latitude's Role in Survival
- Helping Sargefaria Build His Maine Trapping Cabin
- Cattail Roots in Winter - The Harsh Reality
- Seasonal Rain Scout
- Chilly Overnight with Friends - Part 1
- Apothecary - Gathering Sweetfern
- Lighting a Survival Fire - ONLY Feathersticks
- Traditional Archery Setup - Installing The Nock Point
- Hiking Tip - Alleviate Knee Pain
- Making Maple Syrup on a Campfire Part 1
- Primitive Bushcraft Dinner - Tarzan Steak
- Catching Rain Water Off A Tarp
- My Bushcraft Kit - Size Matters, Gear Talk
- Axecraft: Split A Firewood Log
- Making a Bushcraft Camp Fire
- Stumping Session with The Samick Sage Recurve Bow
- Making a Bannock Loaf
- Yarrow Wound Dressing
- Dumped Canoe Self Rescue in Real Time!
- How To Burn Logs Properly In A Fire
- Bushcrafting during Hurricane Sandy
- Teaching a Child to Make Fire - Part 1
- Day Hike with Malc Part 1
- Carving Perfect Feather Sticks
- Assessing Maple Tree Damage From Tapping
- Survival Bow Shooting at the NS Autumn Rendezvous
- Maple Harvest 2014
- Making Garlic Mustard Survival Spice
- Axecraft: Proper Firewood Splitting
- Making Cattail "Charcloth" for Survival
- Complete Tutorial: Making a Bowdrill Kit and Fire
- The Hobo Snowball Survival Water Generator
- Titanium Cookware Debunked
- Wool Blanket Survival Tarp
- Wild Edible Plant - Cooking Cattail Roots
- Bushcraft Camp Overnight
- Bushcraft Review - The Adirondack Wilderness Knife
- Canvas Rucksack Kit Rundown
- Survival Skill Burning Green Living Fire Wood
- Making a Survival Bow STEP BY STEP with a Knife (3 of 4)
- Polish Lavvu Winter Overnight Part 2
- Staghorn Sumac Bushsmoke (Green)
- Woodcraft Wisdom - Fire idle
- The 4 Tools of Survival
- Rock and Stick Cooking - Bushcraft Lunch, Sausage and Twisted Bread
- Carving an Oak Pipe Part 2
- Wild Edible Plant - Red Clover
- Hammock Knot Tricks - Siberian Hitch and the Quick Release Knots
- Rabbit Stew Lunch In The Forest
- Staghorn Sumac BushSmoke (Red)
- Maple Syrup Indian V Tap Harvest
- Woodlore, New Forest, Mora Bushcraft Knives
- Making Acorn Bread for Survival Part 4
- Primitive Cooking: Ember Oven
- Gransfors Bruks Leather Guard and NS Leather Patch
- Building The Star Shelter
- How to Use a Flint and Steel Kit
- Bushcraft Kit - Packing Tricks, Tents, Canvas Rucksack
- Old Town Canoe Refurbishing - Finished!
- Wild Edible Plant - White Clover
- Lost Pond Overnight Part 2
- Skinning a Fish Fillet with a Bushcraft Knife
- Primitive Bushcraft Dinner - Tarzan Ham Steak
- Building a Long Term Primitive Shelter - Part 1 (Wiki)
- ALONE: Skinning a Sea Otter
- Canvas Tarp Tipi Part 3
- Mullein Flowers BushSmoke
- Lakeside Skipping Rocks with my Little Girl
- Patience: Fire Self-Rekindle
- Large ALICE Pack Mods Part 12
- Making a Primitive Hand Drill Fire
- A Morning Spent Fishing
- Carving an Oak Pipe Part 3
- Making Acorn Bread for Survival Part 6 (Acorn Biscuit)
- My kit for Warm Winter Drinks while Camping
- Alone, The New Survival Show I filmed for History
- Apothecary - Gathering Wintergreen
- Making Acorn Bread for Survival Part 5
- Hiking Tip - Bandana Cooling System
- Turkeys Roosting in the Forest
- Canvas Lavvu Overnight
- Climbing Owl Head Mountain Adventure - Part 2
- Canvas Tarp Tipi Part 1
- Old Town Canoe Refurbishing - Painting the Hull (Part 2)
- Hiking to Thoreau Falls Adventure - Part 6
- NS Winter Rendezvous Part 1
- Wool Blanket Lean-To Survival Shelter
- Wild Medicine for Flu Part 4
- Old Town Canoe Refurbishing - Painting the Hull (Part 1)
- The Ultimate Feather Stick Tinder Bundle
- Old Town Canoe Refurbishing - Painting the Hull (Part 3)
- Long Term Survival - Sleeping Kit
- Rare LT Wright Genesis
- Modified Hunter's Cooking Fire Lay
- Bushcraft Review - The Ray Mears Knife Woodlore 2
- St Croix Canoe Adventure - Part 3
- Wild Edible Plant - Cattail (Pollen)
- Bushcraft Basecamp - The Star Fire Lay
- Wild Edible Plant - Partridgeberry
- Mike Barton discussion about Dick Proenneke
- Starring in History Channel's Alone
- St Croix Canoe Adventure - Part 1
- Wild Edible Plant - Cattail (Roots)
- Tree ID With Only A Glance
- Winter Tree Identification
- Handmade Raccoon Quiver Cap - From Hide to Quiver
- A Winter Night Out in the Forest
- Stevens 12 GA Shooting Session
- ALONE Season 1 cast members Wayne and Mitch discuss surviving on Vancouver Island
- Yarrow BushSmoke
- Canvas Tarp Tipi Part 6
- Storm Tarp Lean To
- Woodland Lunch - Beef Stew
- Squirrel Hunt - Primitive Cooking
- Solo Wildcamping - Thunderstorm Overnight
- Bushcraft BaseCamp - Nighttime, Group Laughs, Dutch Oven
- Making Survival Arrows Part 2
- Survival Trapping - The Dirt Hole Set
- Wild Medicinal Plant - Wintergreen
- Wild Edible Plant - Yarrow
- Bushcraft Wildcamp, Primitive Cooking, Duck on Embers, Coffee
- Gathering Clover to Smoke in a Bushpipe
- Maple Tree "Twig" Tap Harvest
- BushPipe Gift from Soulmirrors
- Bushcraft Review - NativeSurvival FerroRod
- Primitive Bowdrill Fire with Root Rope
- Making a Wool Blanket Rollsack Kit
- Kuksa Carving in a Forest Camp - Handcrafted with Axe, Knife and Buck Saw
- The NativeSurvival Knife at
- Bushcraft Review - Primitive, Wilderness Living, Survival Skills Book
- Wild Edible Plant - Making Autumn Olive Fruit Leather
- The "Canadian" Fillet Style with a Bushcraft Knife
- Making Acorn Bread for Survival Part 2
- Making a Bushcraft Spoon
- Wilderness Fitness Rewilding - Part 1
- How to Find and Use Quartz for Survival
- How to Site a Bushcraft Camp Fire
- NativeSurvival Knife - Mid/Late Summer Release
- 4 Bushcraft Knots everyone should know
- Bacon Miso Soup
- "V Slash" Maple Tree Tapping
- Making Autumn Olive Lemonade
- Chilly Overnight with Friends - Part 2
- Making Wintergreen Tea
- Wild Edible Plant - Sweetfern
- Bushcraft Review - Waterproof New Testament
- Frozen Swamp Scout and Day Camp
- Cooking Crabs: History Channel's ALONE Party
- Apothecary - Gathering Mullein
- Axe Handle Wrap
- Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Sept 2015
- Lightweight Hiking Kit - Ruck Mods Part 1
- Axe Feather Sticks
- Starting a Fire with Flint, Knife and Chaga
- Yew Self Bow Christmas Gift for my Daughter
- Group Bushcraft Camp Overnight, Dutch Oven Cooking
- Making a Survival Bow STEP BY STEP with a Knife (1 of 4)
- Flintknapping an Arrowhead in the Forest
- Making an Improvised Filter
- Polish Lavvu Winter Overnight Part 4
- Making Staghorn Sumac Lemonade
- Old Town Canoe Refurbishing - Making a Canoe Crib
- Using a Compass to Follow an Azimuth or Bearing
- The 1 Log Fire Challenge
- Survival Trapping - 90 Degree Twitch Snare
- Climbing Owl Head Mountain Adventure - Part 4
- Shooting the Bear Archery Montana Longbow
- Primitive Steak Dinner - Racquet Roast
- Wild Edible Plant - Red Mulberry (SilverFox)
- How to make Fire with a Magnifying Glass
- Farewell; till we meet again
- Old Town Canoe Refurbishing - Maiden Voyage!
- Goldenrod BushSmoke
- Wild Edible Plant - Onion
- Making a Survival Bow String from Bankline
- Wool Blanket Stretcher - Wilderness First Aid
- Night Advocate
- How to Make Charcloth for Survival
- Bushcraft Basecamp - Cooking Deer Stew, Coffee, Wildcamp
- Pocket Knife Carved Bowdrill in Snowstorm
- The Ultimate Bedroll Kit: Fire, Water, and Cold Proof
- Hiking to Thoreau Falls Adventure - Part 8
- Camping with some friends
- Primitive Bushcraft Dinner - Caveman Steak
- Maple Tree Sugar Ice
- Old Town Canoe Refurbishing - Patching the Hull
- Bushcraft Knife Review - The Sospes Knife Mantis Outdoors
- Anorak and Tunic Talk with BushcraftBartons and others
- The Best Mora - DISCONTINUED
- Canada Trip 15 - Foraging Scout
- Canada Trip 13 - Plant ID Hike
- Canada Trip 14 - Beach Combing
- Canada Trip 11 - Carving and Fireside Music
- Canada Trip 12 - Multi-day Road trip
- Bushcraft Camp Gathering, Heavy Storms, Rabbit Roast, Carving Part 1
- Bushcraft Camp Gathering, Pigeon Roast, Duck Stew Part 2
- Bushcraft Camping - Spoon Carving, Dutch Oven Cooking, Fireside Music
- Bushcraft Camping - Grouse, Bacon, Packing up camp
- Bushcraft Dinner - Lobster Surprise
- Snow Wildcamp Weekend - Natural Wikiup Shelter (part 1)
- Snow Wildcamp Weekend - Natural Wikiup Shelter (part 2)
- Snow Wildcamp Weekend - Natural Wikiup Shelter (part 3)
- Steak and Onions - Survival Cooking Style
- NativeSurvival Knife (GEN2) Preorder Begins 3/2/18
- Bushcraft Campsite Work (Part 1)
- Bushcraft Campsite Work (Part 2)
- NativeSurvival Knife (GEN2) Preorder is LIVE - While supplies last
- Intimate Review: The NativeSurvival Knife
- Goldenage Bushcraft Campout - Hike In, Setup Canvas Lavvu
- Another day working on the Bushcraft Campsite
- More work on the Bushcraft Campsite
- Working on the Bushcraft Campsite
- Goldenage Bushcraft - Winter Camping Sled
- Goldenage Bushcraft Campout - Campcraft, Shelters, Fox Den, Firewood Cutting
- Goldenage Bushcraft Campout - Massive Long Log Fire, Bacon, Homefries, Eggs, Hike Out
- Bushcraft Daycamp - Snow! Parachute, Fire, Tea
- Primitive Shelter: Thermal Mass Fire Pit
- Interview with Marcus from the New England Bushcraft Show - NativeSurvival Info
- Goldenage Bushcraft Campout - Fire Starting, Fried Chicken, Spoon Carving
- Goldenage Bushcraft Campout - Venison Stew, Onion Rings, Bannock, Chicken Soup
- Bushcraft MeatFest! - Salmon, NY Strip Steaks, Bone In Pork Chops, Field Garlic
- Bushcraft Daycamp - Chicken Soup in a Billy Can, NativeSurvival Promo Code
- Interview with Marcus from the New England Bushcraft Show - My Workshop details
- Interview with Marcus from the New England Bushcraft Show - How I got started in bushcraft
- Primitive Dutch Oven Clay Pot - Bushcraft Daycamp
- Bushcraft MeatFest! - Ribeye Steak, Bacon, Chicken Thighs, Cheesburgers, Field Garlic Wild Edible
- Group Wild Camp - Tree Clearing, Bushcraft Parachute Camp
- Primitive Cook Meat on Embers and Rocks
- Tournament Time at Camp!
- Woodland Scout around Camp
- Wilderness Camp Shelters
- How To: Making Pine Bannock in the Woods
- Overnight at Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp Part 2
- Woodcraft - Handcarving a Kuksa
- The Best Bushcrafters Discussion - Ray Mears, Mors Kochanski, Cody Lundin
- Archery Tournament at the Bushcraft Camp
- How To: Bushcraft Parachute Setup
- Group Wild Camp - Fire Lighting, Setting up the Bushcraft Camp
- Overnight at Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp Part 1
- Bushcraft Recipe - Chocolate Rum Bananas
- Dutch Oven Eggs and Potatoes, Bucket of Coffee
- EPIC Bugout Vehicle - The German UNIMOG
- Group Wild Camp - Elk Chili
- How to: Managing a Wild Camp on Bushcraft Overnights
- Intense! Knife and Tools GONE WRONG
- Group Campout Weekend Wrap Up
- 3 Days at a Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp - Part 4
- 3 Days at a Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp - Part 5
- How to Make a Simple Adjustable Pot Hook - Bushcraft Skills
- New NativeSurvival Knives Available
- All Access Tour and Instructing at the New England Bushcraft Show
- 3 Days at a Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp - Part 2
- How Celestial Navigation Works
- Survival Dinner - "SHOW US YOUR STEAK" - Primitive Cooking
- How to Setup a Tarp Without a Tree
- Forest Scout From Camp
- Dutch Oven Cooking at the Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp
- How to Make Fried Onion Bread and Beans in the Forest
- History Channel's ALONE Keynote Talk with Mitch Mitchell, Zach Fowler, and Alex Rebar
- How to Tie The Alpine Butterfly Knot
- 3 Days at a Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp - Part 3
- Bushcraft Skills - Spatula Carving
- How to Setup a Tarp for a Storm
- 3 Days at a Semi Permanent Bushcraft Camp - Part 1
- Bushcraft Paradise - Adventure to the INSANE Woodcraft Store
- How to Make a Wild Medicinal Pain Reliever - Black Birch Tea