The 4 Tools of Survival


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Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

Tags: outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,hunting tips,nativesurvival,native,concepts,piece kit,c's,wilderness,tools,the 4 tools,camping,self reliance,pioneer,woodsman,nessmuk,axe,knife,bushcraft,saw,folding saw,buck saw,mors,spoon knife,crook knife,carving

Video Transcription

it's been eight survival let's talk about the four tools okay so I have four tool categories okay four tool types and these types allow you to do everything that you need to do in the woods so you can take care of every situation with just these four tools so you have a knife let's have a more robust more IQ couple examples here Morris or you can go with a full tang knife it's up to you but the first category is a knife now I'm not going to get into the best model and and what's what's worth the best value for the money and all of that you know basically if you have something that works for you and that's key something that works for you and all of these categories they are proficient with that you that you've mastered that you can use exceptionally well that you can use as an extension of your hands and your creativity and your mind and your focus and that's really all that matters so we have a knife okay obviously fantastic for carving obviously fantastic for making hand roll kits bow drill kits you know carving spoons you know carving couscous you name it right this does the the majority of the work and the wood this is the workhorse right this carves feather sticks you know this scrapes birch bark this is tons of uses for nice and the knife really is is this King you know so the next tool is a folding saw folding saw is key because it allows you to cut straight down without any wasted effort see with an axe if you want to cut something

you need to go in at angles alright because you're gonna double your work if you just try to truncate anything you're working on truncating is when you try to go at a 90-degree angle to the grain you don't want to do that with an axe I saw excels at that that's really what you want to use a soft for so for slicing and curved cuts and all of that a knife works really well I saw goes in truncates fantastically it would give you nice straight lines if you need them and it will save the the piece that you're working on you know if you have to chip it out with an axe you have to take a whole section out to break a piece of wood wear a sock and just precision go right through right so Sarris keep it can save a lot of work on a lot of tasks you know like bow making you can find a limb that works really well and just cleanly take that off just a few seconds with a saw you know with an axe you have to be careful and cut a certain way and you're probably cutting higher up the tree then you should be to get a limb off a little more dangerous for things like that so for very quick precision work a saw is amazing now another bonus of a saw is that it gives you a nice flat surface for wood that you plan on splitting so it'll sit nice and straight and it won't be lopsided or anything like that because if you're gonna cut something with an axe it's gonna be pointed at the bottom then you have to work to make it flat to make it sit and all in all this other business so saw is really good for setting up splitting wood as well the third tool type is of course the axe I just have two representations here 19 inch and a 24 inch and an axe is obviously key it allows you to to to fell trees if needed it allows you to allows you to build shelters very quickly with saving a lot of energy it also allows you to point and turn

saplings into steaks to cut points at the end of them very quickly if you want to stick them in the ground for shelter building like on wiki's wickiups you know teepees things like that it takes a long time with a knife to really get that done if you're working with a sapling that's you know three four inches across I saw it's not gonna get it for you the axe it's quick work you know a couple hits two three hits each side you know you're only talking four five six seven cuts job is done if that sometimes it's four cuts one on each side boom done so an axe really excels at beating up big wood you know and you can do it very in a very precise way to you know you can carve big things with an axe you know it paddles and things like that and you can really really get jobs done quickly where you'd be really Woodling away with a knife and he'll just take forever and you have an accent Oh

fly right through that stuff right so an axe can be used for carving it can make feather sticks all of that but it's it's a gross tool what I mean by that is that it takes care of a gross amount of material a lot of material at once you know you can take down any size tree with a knife it doesn't matter you've got to just keep it taunting it into the tree and keep chipping away little pieces of wood you can you can fell a tree with a knife ain't gonna be there a long time you know with with an axe a good 10 12 inch tree you know it really doesn't take more than like two minutes you know that's you know usually like a minute minute half is like my average flick at end for a tennis tree and I'm not even trying to go fast I'm actually like making each cut count and I'm going for accuracy and I'm going for safety you know it's not a speed contest I'm trying to do the best job in safest job possible and an axe you know just get to dunt minute a half two minutes take a whole tree down easy quick it's not gonna happen with a folding saw it's not gonna happen with a knife so an axe takes care of the big jobs excellent excellent the last tool group is a spoon knife a spoon knife so really keep because they now take care of a job that the other three cannot do very well and that's how all of these are designed to take care of a job that the others don't excel at spoon knife carves depressions perfectly I mean absolutely flawlessly and that's really key because depressions I wouldn't pull what make up your cups make up your couscous which is like a bowl and a cup mixed it can carve bowls right you can make canteens you can make tons of things spoons right so anything with a depression a spoon knife is absolutely beautiful it's fantastic it's really it's really a top-notch tool for making containers for making utensils you know for for making anything that needs to have a depression or a curve in it especially a a curve going into the wood you know an axe really isn't going to be able to carve that it's a big tool it's not gonna work that way you notice a tool like carve out a spoon you know it's it's not going to be easily done right I saw that's not gonna do it a knife a knife can do it you know you have to just keep kind of scraping at it and working at it and and really just trying to you know really just trying to ease the wood out of there by scraping you really can't carve you know exceptionally smooth depression like in a spoon you really can't do that in a very easy and controlled way where it comes out with the finish that a spoon that gives you a spoon knife gives you a perfect finish so yes it can be done but it's one of those things yes you can follow tree with a knife but you don't want to yes you can carve a spoon with a knife only but you don't want it you're gonna beat up your edge because you're gonna be scraping out that depression and you're just gonna wear away your edge and it's gonna take a long time where a spoon knife I mean willing talking a couple cuts three four five cuts you know ten seconds 15 seconds and your spoons almost done you know after that it's just you know just just perfecting it and just getting just getting the lines and everything just right but you can carve a depression and three four cuts done ready to go I mean so bowls couscous cups spoons anything like that containers containers are so important in the woods right it'll be boil out water and you know that's how we live every day we containers and the spoon knife excels at containers big time okay this is the four tools alright so again it's knife folding saw ax and spoon knife I mean it's perfect they're all balanced they all do their own job they do them perfectly a knife everyday task you're doing everything with that pretty much right then a folding saw precision cuts it makes things easy it gives you straight lines for splitting things like that really really quick and simple and it doesn't waste material right and axe big jobs you can build a cabin you build a full cab in the last hundreds of years no problem with an axe you can split a tree right down the middle with an axe right I mean tons of uses for an axe axe is huge and it gets huge jobs done quick and easy lasts as a spoon knife spoon knife is gonna carve containers for you all day faster than any other tool that you have it's been much native survival receive use constant support see in the next one take care

About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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