Bushcraft during Hurricane


NativeSurvival Community Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxv1HGqDaf04BnpDIdQ4L1Q/videos

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Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

Tags: hurricane,sandy,native,survival,nativesurvival,bowdrill,in,rain,fire,skills,primitive,aboriginal,outdoor,hunting,fishing,outside,hobbies,outdoor recreation,shooting sports,shooting tips,hunting tips

Video Transcription



hey so much in native survival we're gonna work in our bow drill today during a hurricane

we put a piece of birch bark down to get myself a surface my amber to land on okay so I'm just tweaking my tinder bundle which happens to be made out of cattail and jute twine and this is why I tell all my students always carry enough material to make a tinder bundle that's going to be dry and carry somewhere in your rucksack on your person or the case is

what lead inside my hand hold reduce some of the friction comparative nothing touches the ground but I want stop my fire ok so I noticed that my my boat was getting a little tighten it up a little dust pile down there hopefully all night for me see if we can get an ember pressures on raining it start hurricane can't even see my pile so doc see if we can get a number you

broke my kid alright well Mike it broke off right here at the edge so i made my spindle a little narrower and now i'm starting another spot on my heart so I can try again it's working on my depression it's my spindle has a place to sit you know when you do enough of these you can do them in the dark during hurricanes whatever the case is it's not a big to do it only takes a minute to carve it it just has to give a spot for my spindle to not slide away when I initially start bowing in the first place I start spinning my spindle alright it's just basically done just feeling on my thumb to see what spot needs to be brought down a little bit make a nice nice little depression for Cales try it again first you gotta do is burn it in downes off my amber I should burn in I'm going to car my notch

alright so I know it's really dark get to hang in hang in with me here let's see if we can get this going notches cut get some dust from last time see we can make a number bloating flame all right so who got a number excellent

this is not been easy I put it right in my bundle okay just fell picking it up putting a right my bundle very small ember not much to it see if I can coax it to life

if you guys can see it see if I can coax it to life here it's getting close Yeah right there make sure the phones and leaves there's my bundle on fire alright so this is ben mich in a survival that was a boat drill during a hurricane my heart board literally broke in half while i was doing it i also broke out one of my depressions I to wreak arval that but it really pays to carry one tinder bundle with you and your rucksack have a sack wherever it is even going to hurricane you can still get a fire going appreciate views comc sport see in the next one take care you know as I walk out of here the wind is just really powerful and hurricane it's been upon us for a while now I'm walking without a headlamp really in tune with my environment listening for branches out of cracking so I can make sure I can roll out of the way not get hurt you know I really appreciate all of nature's moods this is a rare mood

and I love it I love it all it's such a mysterious knife


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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