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Review - Essential Bushcraft - Ray Mears


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Mitch, Mitchell, Alone, History, Channel, Survival, Nativesurvival.

Tags: mitch,mitchell,alone,history channel,shelter,hunting,bushcraft,survival,nativesurvival,native,fire,water,primitive,aboriginal,navigation,shooting,shooting tips,trapping,modern,frontier,pioneer,field dressing,butchering,trees,plants,edible,poisonous,medicinal,knots,sharpening,knife,trap,bow,arrow,hand drill,bowdrill,flintknapping,arrowhead,self reliance,nessmuk,kephart,boone,ray mears,last survivor,ns community

Video Transcription

a central bushcraft is the essential elements in raised opinion to make a smaller compact version of his larger book bushcraft there are many differences between a central bushcraft and his standard bushcraft book to which this video will not go over today claimed different quotes from people about the bill to work dedication page a note from Ray as he says here the smaller format edition of his larger book bushcraft has been prepared and response the numerous requests for more portable version of the book he's cut out non-essential text and correct any typographical errors that appeared in the hardback few new paragraphs of kit that wasn't available when the hardback was published or put into this edition etc talks about being at one with nature remember the essence of bushcraft is not mere survival but to be at one with nature I hope a central bushcraft this book will enable you to reach that state ray mears March 2003 my copy is signed by Ray Mears appreciate that so there's the contents so we've outfit such kit we have cutting tools water fire shelter cordage hitting the trail and living from the land now the preface is by Ewan McGregor he says that he went on a trip to honduras with ray and you just wish you had a copy before he one of this book

so this is the introduction he describes bushcraft he has quotes at the beginning of chapters this is a good one we learned that one cannot defy nature but must adapt and accommodate oneself to her nature will not change it is man who must change if he is to live in conditions where nature is dominant good stuff so this is how the book is laid out short introduction and that goes in the first chapter of outfit looks like he's in a nice little tent there the woodstove outfit he goes into what's important how to think about it this is a really great close one of my favorite quotes really of all time I learned how much of what we think to be necessary is superfluous I learned how few things are essential how essential those things really are Bernard Ferguson from Chindits Burma 1943 that's good stuff right there I really like that so this is the outfit chapter this is all bulk it goes into shelters sleeping bags and also it's a different kid first aid as you can imagine loaded some pictures of him preparing or rather using different shelters different kit things like that this looks like it might be from the mountain yay episode I'm Canada fantastic episode so he gets into cutting tools all about outfit still now he's into cutting tools he goes into the saw the knife the axe parang or machete very cool stuff cutting techniques this book is absolutely profuse with pictures on pot-hooks and I mean just how to do everything and which not just illustrations it's pictures that Ray took by the way he's a primary photographer for this whole book human talks about in the back he talked about what kind of film he used he's a real surreal photographer he's really into it right here he talks about using certain kinds of film fujifilm 100 100 f or practical 400 400 e and he goes into like his specs on what kind of film he used his f-stops all sorts of things it was pretty interesting actually if you're into photography he took all the photos pretty much it's a couple photos you didn't take which he mentions in the back of the book I believe it's the back might be the front of the book but there's a spot where he talks about like the the other photos oh hey they are very next page acknowledgments so anyways this this book is really quite special this is a seminal work in the field of bushcraft in wilderness living skills this is back where we left off those are the pot hooks and using a saws and I mean just loaded axe work how to fix Nick's

felling splitting you name it praying work spoon knife crook knife talks about shovels snow saws goes into water talks about how to find water all right and gives a picture to illustrate even within like a wasteland you find that one spot using the topography at one spot of water cuts in between the land yeah man absolutely fantastic book different ways of getting water different environments different ways of purification goes into different strategies fire chapter is absolutely loaded with techniques how to make matchboxes different types of matches different ways of letting fire ignition sources Neolithic period goes into foot steel fell rod different tenders spark catchers and things whether it be fungus or you know horse's hoof cramp all sorts of things like that goes into bow drill I mean in the pictures are just loaded great woods to use those in the hand drill pictures of natives that he's spend time in the woods with goes into other styles fire plough fire saw different fire lays signal fires you name it shelter I mean so this book is just loaded right it's just load it goes into conduction convection respiration metabolism he goes into into mechanics of how cold works on your body and then after that I mean it that's and that's very likely he goes into shelters different styles I mean top rate right here this is just this is it top shelf top notch this book is incredible incredible and it's just filled with pictures he's taken throughout his travels as an event tent in Central Siberia believe that was Mongolia great stuff man a whole chapter on cordage whole chapter on cordage so this is the book it's absolutely loaded I'm just about halfway through it just to show you what you're looking at so if you're on the fence about this book should check it out knots and how to make different style of rope I mean just pages and pages hitting the trail he goes into you know how to care for your feet how to set the pace mental preparation how to make a coracle I can attest to that my design was a little different but it was based off a raise that I did in British Columbia Vancouver Island when I filmed for history channel I made a coracle based off of that right there how it's done snowshoes I mean just loaded you know loaded this this book is some special and he goes into how to get calories it goes into living from the land shows a feast that these guys have put together I was a really good episode as well they made a shelter I was awesome awesome for uh for their region let's see if i can find that real quick there it is it's the same guys making a shelter very cool talks about hunting talked about wild edibles everything you'd expect he goes into fungus towards the end of this chapter right here fungi if in doubt leave it out the one would be like professor Gordon all of a sudden his vision was monochrome not lock and wipe a blue and white he almost died that day Gordon is uh thanked in this book by Ray his friend somewhere in here and during the introduction perhaps Ray has a little place where he acknowledgments i think it is he thinks some people like Rachel was his wife at the time I believe right here going helmet special thanks must go to god helmet first unflinching support and advice etc so fungi goes into food shellfish I mean you know he just hits all the places his traps in here lots lots going on and some of the traps this guy in Lapland unless I'm mistaken he saw me he was the husband of a woman and believe her name was Britt Murray she did scrimshaw and and barked and hides their reindeer hides if you know his episodes well he recognized some people in the photos that's pretty much it he goes into trotlines on how to catch fish things of that nature ice fishing of course like he says that day out open happy with one fish now that's a real result where you catch three fish five fish on what it was he was in Sweden good fan good times now feed the crew alright so that's the book this is one of the most important books on the subject this is one of my favorite books on the subject this is an absolute tome of experience tome of skills pictures by the author there's no cutting and pasting it's it's all here his skills he's used he demonstrates he takes the pictures of them being used of his colleagues using those skills incredible book a seminal work in the field ray mears a central bushcraft thank you right thank you for publishing this book and thank you as well for the original bushcraft to which this was based off of you have my thanks so raise the central bushcraft is one of my favorite books on the subject matter down in the comments below tell the rest of the neatest viable community what your favorite book on bushcraft is this Ben Mitch company to survival school sure to check out our website need it's available calm as always enjoy the outdoors take care

About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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