January Overnighter 2014 "One Year On" Part 2
This ones entertaining, made me laugh anyway ;)
Hope you enjoy!
Tags: bushcraft,firelighting,craft,carving,camping,hammock,axe,knife,hiking,wild,ray mears,bear grylls,cooking
Video Transcription
good morning people so obviously to following morning and me and village summer me and Bill of left camp left Jamie and Jordan bakit back at the shelf and we're just come for a bit of a morning stroll what you found just punch him practicing a bit of my tracking skills just you know was a leaf that I just moved so it's been a push down but there's three looks like a bit it was a look like a bit of dog yeah it's probably small dongles he adds another one never wears a pod yep actually yeah it's a pretty big dog looks it goes there's the outline on it there yeah it's gonna be to play that Labrador from last night all that great hunt we're going to wander around and see what could find fishy anything interesting only bring along for the ride hmm thank you for a proper look around camp later so it's been digging there don't know what nope just walking through this bit of woodland in there with like gardens behind those hedges really nice big houses a pond cool while have we got down there they call that's really striking today and I plug verticals right now for some sketch what exactly sound rather it's quite smaller these bits crazy
hang on in the stream here is that lady from the pond how is that so basically they've got a little shimmery for their garden pickles
well the daffodils are coming up with a lot of dead fall around here isn't I'll call vegetable fashion God with massive mana bell schedule the morning walk bit more day Jesus boy things love it so we've just found these little tracks and they are really quite tiny I squad good on earlier and we don't hit a dog that's the rest way too big to this squirrel and the claws are really big we don't think the squirrels too big to a squirrel too small to be a double think this is a really small dog please look at deeper clawed off yeah stranger than all that is these are dog ear run out and placing loved ones yeah real like golf course from the light of the Sun got these son two pitches so what you do later on actually should get a plastic bag or something and come up here with a spade and take some of the Sun you set it somewhere near the shelter and they like some trap ok cool yeah I is it gonna rain tonight be nice to do it over like a yeah we quite obviously that isolates good it did say it forecast with clear skies so paper pls doesnt ring I think we've had enough practice now he's a folder with this era el all the nearly normally grows near water doesn't it I kid getting confused Alvin all the light liquor I mean elman order what's this here oh one of them has these little yeah common which ones which curtain which ones which we're after our research we gotta go let's have a wandering the woman beginning to get some point it'll tail in for him I liked it I'm gonna got a call girl poked it wrong i'm not actually will work these ones are a bit sparse we'll go get cool okay so I figured I'd a show you the camp settle so obviously ruin build shelter this is a sitting area no the bush pot bulletin water off the bush box are absolutely amazing a perfect feel for people to have a cup of tea that's boiling away nicely now really not i'm really glad i got up and we've got bill and jordan sleeping in the sleep in it area over there jordan do something bill trouble i'll show you what we use that for later I've got my oil skin top set up he's dumb configuration and I'm under here and Jamie's in his attempt trying to convert him to tarps book will ever get there eventually so I'm under there I've always have a new law system on my biffle bag in there I got my am stumped pack elite four and A two seasons leading by Gonzaga as well it worked very noisy was toasty that's not and I'm man I was roasty yeah right i'll show you what we use the shore for so bill claims had a stream for us to get a water from the stream wasn't exactly what i was expecting show you this is the stream there but what really am deep enough really to submerge a full pot and that's what we had here was this this hill running down towards the stream and this tiny little stream just one the only police tremble running David so we've got the shovel and we've dubbed these holes
do you move to get the bush potty no matter that's filling up and it crystal clear until we get in the water from really good idea it's not so well think bills gonna keep those now the wolfpack well and all right there I've got a beast of a shelter Jesus think bills playing on extending the shelter at some point so we can get all of us in there make it twice as big why not we do now get more wood I cut these three bits left to over there for each bag over there there's like three dead trees basically cool so right then make it to work
go to do some make double shoot little bit that's that weird teddy bear down there in it yeah plenty Batman Chris shit
jesibl man
we're in the middle of a storm I need a serious storm oh my god thing good Thunder everywhere hey Liz tells do for the shelter Jesus Christ we stop here get the lantern on click my third
oh my god part two of the storm shelter it is it's Tom Shelton it's eased off slightly now and went full of really really low from the noises i left the cam about that also god bless the Queen fuck Queen buggy technically means what cold the new mom is quite cool don't you just get white man fire on get a proper blaze on these on these be dry yet I'm Sonam Nair a little bit logging roads only two o'clock in the afternoon he's pitch black in here oh yeah well it was class this morning yes when it was really not small it was sunny it was really hot and now it's just not we're all walking around our t-shirts in the middle of January like that's not right but hey you can't have it all right down there I found someone in that this morning yeah someone took it from the tree up there they was sitting in my god is god got a bit of paracord and then hung get by the neck and pegged it the floor and then another time when fucking roll mattoon dog was when some people all set a party up here in those fucking bottles everywhere packets of crisps fuck pockets and everything listen to remedy yeah yeah they didn't touch it everything was fun even Easter hidden this thing is still in I know need a job and clearly respect to the fucks i don't know you I don't understand that this idea I think I think with the shelter if it wasn't i think because it's so fucking like elaborate and like proper doing their thing fucking as you choose if it was something shit they probably would have been destroyed because you see the kid shelter they just stay up fucking asian snow bit ago yeah blow the Doyle she will be stood lots of character
well there's this one is the only one on al shabaab so I imagine a lot of people know about it because it's constantly talking past they be good more people knew you that going yeah I want it I want to come up one time and someone actually genuinely comes up or I turn up when they're already there if okay bill this where's my rent where was it where was back shelter that you were standing and it was quite on the other side before we come down to the valley and it was a it was like a really nice lean to light and his mate fetched it with a new branches proper good and then some guys just came down go ahead plenty allowed to speak bring the Ring Road you more power basically a conjunction of meat rolls joined up my Brenda basically goes where the whole of the sea center or the whole remain seated yep and with you Susie stop saying basically World War 2 the going is he polish anybody fought for us anyway he survived the wall come back to England there are no pinch you looking supporting know what to leave so we set up a tent in the one of the on one of the BB all ovens on the road so we feel tempted but I don't think I know about this big I really look Matthew yeah he lived there for years music kept so often deep we can have a free bungalow free wrench like will miss under a victory will look after you just like know where you going annoyed for beers ago oh I think so on the news did they have to get the day off to get rid of it because they all seem like disease possible of disease your shit the answer to get it all done they're the fucking I think I his wife and giving him a fragment of the longevity of his master's forever close to the authors still desired his health still held it distance from the road to shifting it's begun in the months following Emperor decision to retire from the Great Crusade the time a it be stored the honor of war master upon him and noble primark Horace it continues still or around him in silent motion shifted slowly cold likewise the ice and in the darker moments cannot find himself wondering where the new in emergent ways of things would take him and his beloved Legion Michael can't go one chick in the cold and it okay go chicken in the car and the car game bro Madeline Francisco yeah you say watching and so you got no damn it here we go my signature on okay go haha chicken call and the cocaine go check in the car and the toggle chicken corn like okay go vention reckon it's again take it okay people so it's the following morning and we just stare all packing up note head out morning breakfast and a cup of tea and stuff just raining so I'm not looking forward to taking to start down than anything else so really pleased these top tell me a little bit drivers your technique step down what you do standing about standing that give me some stuff but yeah the shelter's hell but really well and then well done built yes yeah that is pretty good pretty harsh weather but we've been a right and we've had worse hoping that this year we gonna get some decent weather because last year was pretty grim most of them i would say we didn't have the best way they put it that way wet rain wind and we started as you mean to go on my supposed but yeah harder to get on with taking this down so i hope you enjoyed the video it's gonna be a pretty long one because we got a lot of footage but i know they all see you in a couple of weeks I've been I went on next out yeah but we're definitely coming out next month for another overnighter so I'll definitely see you then so hope you enjoy the video and I'll see you again soon bye bye
About the Author

A love for nature, Traveling, Camping, Bushcraft, Wilderness Living, Adventure and Exploration.
It's all about just getting out there and experiencing what nature has to offer.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my channel!
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