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Solo Camp : Primitive Cooking Duck, Bushcraft Challenge


Primitive technology is used to cook this duck to golden perfection. Bushcraft skills culminate in this cooking method; try it out post your results.

Tags: primitive,technology,survival,duck,breast,meat,bushcraft,abo,aboriginal,fire,firepit,nativesurvival,fireside,camping,wildcamp,woodcraft,selfreliance,alone,aloneshow,mitch,mitchmitchell,mitchell,ponass,ray,mears,raymears,native,cooking,woodland,nature,forest,camp,campsite,camplife,forestlife,primitivelife,wilderness,wild,woodslife,bushcamp,basecamp,challenge,solo,firstnations

Video Transcription



I'm going to join my dinner here I'm going to ask everyone that's involved in the new survival community to give us a try pronounce a piece of meat cook it up make a video if you have a youtube channel and post it on this channel of course in the comments like we always do in the community channel so we can all go there check it out like share subscribe all that if you have a Twitter if you have Pinterest anything like that take a picture of the meat cooking throw a link down there as well it's all about the community it's all about sharing different ways we do things and this is just a great challenge it's a great way to cook meat get out there this might not be aware you're familiar with I highly advise that you try the style out ah

got some fine roots salt pepper garlic powder onion powder okay so to think on your feet with us the wind is pushing everything that way there's a lot of heat going that way and the flames are very tall a much shorter upwind

so the heat will be more controlled it's less controlled by wind and it's just radiations that there's a few ways to do it I could have the meat just like this stick in the ground I could have it at an angle I could have a flat across I've done that as well using a really long stick that works good look at that golden brown goodness I love when the fat starts to sweat and weep

out of the skin that is just dripping my crazy

oh man is that looking good love that fat pooling right there just weeks flavor see how the sides doing look at the crust on that oh man I think it might be there I think we might be there that is looking fantastic that is looking pretty delicious just in case it's not cooked enough my roots are still intact I'll let that rest a little bit and while it's not incredible dog see what the verdict is I like medium-rare cut through the crust oh yeah

just shy medium just into the medium rare land look at that weeping flavor oh boy that's going to be insane here we go is the test and Psalm Possible's not like Doug Wow

the skin on real fatty skin it's like creamy when it's cooked like glop smoky flavor ma'am this is so good include stock it's really taking over as my favorite meat my favorite part of the duck brush is when I cook it with the fatty skin on I get a bite of each it's like a man it's like a creamy gravy like a sauce it's just completely so tender that the fat just liquefies in your mouth when you chew it and the meat is basically like like a red chicken breast it's just all tender it's just a really tender piece of meat just like a chicken breast except with the duck breast and it's red instead of white look like I'm about to have [Music]

an ass duck breasts primitively cooked i'm a taste out of this world i made this at the last minute survival rendezvous it was a huge it that thing works for meat as well as you can see does it have to be fish which is the most common thing to cook in that style it's very simple to do put a skewer to the trunk and meat pull it open split stick tie it with natural non poisonous edible plant I like to use pine roots other things will suffice you don't apply in your area I've used the youngest twigs the youngest shoots off of maple

they're real bendy we're great for that sometimes you have to if they're a little too woody and they snap you have to cut them go to the cut end put a little slit and just split it down the middle

same exact thing as I did to this split stick on that little twig and you can tie knots with that crust that cooks about being smoked like that sometimes called bark in the culinary world incredible way to cook really easy doesn't acquire anything but a knife and some sticks but more important than that is the quality of the product it is just so good when it's cooked this way it's really tender has a slight smoky flavor and keep flipping it over it just keeps basting in its own fat amazing this dimension in salalah school I'm sure to check out my website native survival calm and as always enjoy the outdoors [Music]

About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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