How To: Bushcraft Parachute Setup


Ever wonder how to setup a parachute for camping or bushcraft courses? In this video I show my method.

Let's head to the forest!

Tags: parachute,woodcraft,bushcraft,camp,camping,how,to,setup,rig,fly,put,up,use,course,class,tarp,gathering,area,shelter,knot,knots,ray,mears

Video Transcription

hey what's going on this is Mitch ronita survival today we're gonna set up a parachute for a living room that's a big tarp don't go away [Music]

all right so here's the parachute parachutes are massive they take their own rucksack this is literally like a hundred litre rucksack and it holds my parachute so I'm gonna bring it over there and dig it out Oh snuck back yeah that's that's a version 100 litre model the body itself is 70 liters and each rocket is 15 so 30 insides so yeah parachutes in there it's pretty simple really basically you attach to a ridge line so you have to make a ridgeline way up in the trees and then pretty much drop it down to the ground carabiner the parachute to it and tighten up those the ridge line it's pretty simple stuff but getting that ridgeline up can take like an hour of just throwing rope so be prepared so here is the the top of the parachute so I just put a locking carabiner on it and I just attached my ridgeline to it everything's ready to go so I'm gonna break this down then we get a better get that Ridge up Oh


I'll try again yeah yeah little pouch there's a nice get in there that's the B that I got stuck you're gonna nail yeah katal about you drop it where it is yeah buddy


hey second time with all thanks you know instant experience I'm like you know on the phone grenades and last suet oh yeah I tried it now I gonna do that side [Music]

right on and was that like the second time hey doesn't usually happen that easy that fast I'm happy for it Nick is extreme in robberies hopefully we can get this the second second half and wants to do the other one he's gonna use a rock aiming for like that that's the spot okay so this is the knot that we use it's just a it's almost like tying up a box from the bakery like a baker's not you're just you're gonna pull the rope parallel with itself yeah I take a cinch and go 90 degrees do the same in the rear yeah and then when you come back around the other side just do a nice tight square knot yeah

right here with the branches are coming out exactly got left trunk where it takes a turn a little bit and some branches sticking out minutes

no dice the first time is a little short get one note off [Music]

ma'am nice work man it is we both guard ours on the second shot nice work okay so now what we're gonna do because the Rope is high near that's the ridge line that rope is over there you tied it off to the tree over this I did perfect okay so it's not tight and perfect yet anything like that but it's just secured for now and we're gonna tie a walk to this rope just chuck it over the ridge line so we can pull down the ridge so we can click put the pasture to it and then we're going to go to each side pull them up tight lash them for real and that will raise up the parachute

right on so I'm gonna do this just click the parachute to it lock it off now before I whip this out and get all the ground and we're gonna spread it all out I'm gonna revisit my knots make sure that they're good and ready to go so I don't tug on this and lose one of my lines it's for a quick anchor I'm gonna just do two half hitches on this real simple to do that's plenty many things it's just gonna be going around the trunk and the cross at a ninety degree right here

crossing at ninety and go around on the inside I'm gonna cross again a 90 but on the underside that's on the outside so it's over and under it's really simple you can put quick releases in it to all sorts of stuff which I'm not going to do today because it's holding up a pullout the living room so mine and it just cinches tight the harder gets pulled harder it pulls harder holds it's cool right

pretty close over hand in it I'm beautiful

thanks though guys let's put it over here not in it hopefully you guys can see that you can't I apologize it's just an overhand loop it's literally I just tied a looping overhand knot there are other ways to do loops that are better but it'll get the job done so technically the Rope is on the back side of that V up there so I'm gonna make sure I come around this side I'm gonna go around the tree I'm going over what I just what I just went around all right so see how I just went on the tree I went over that's gonna hold it down

it's gonna hold it down I'm gonna go back around the tree that's my anchor over here I'm gonna go keep a nice and tight I'm gonna go up to my loop I'm gonna put my my rope through that loop all right that's gonna allow me to crank down on this really heavy I'm looking at the ridgeline I'm seeing how tight it is that's pretty solid but that's why I put the backpack right next to the fire pit so it's going right up where it should be the tallest point be right over the fire pit now I'm gonna just put a quick release right there because I might tweak this so I'm not making it permanent yet I'm making it permanent yet so I just put a quick release in it trying to film this for you guys sorry let's put a quick release right there nice put another one through it basically just I'm just putting a loop through it pure simple stuff all right I'll show you how to do that again so here I am I went through the loop I pull down tight I'm gonna pinch that I'm gonna go around and just pull a loop through there like overhand pull look through it that's it make it smaller do it again

it's done hey can you guys give me a hand

get more hang on this name it on this side

besides hey this hike might be okay [Applause]

I'm just doing this really a light right now just maybe yeah exactly we're just testing it I have to raise up the ridge line or whatever we'll see but it's all radial from from that center point so it begins I'm gonna bring you around I'll show you the knot I use just a quick release two half hitches it's right now what we're centering the parachute and make sure that it's gonna cover the benches and stuff so we're all well working on pulling the parachute on the ridge line towards me to make sure it's covering the benches

all right pull it what stuck on a bench perfect Annie

it's rope rope against these trees - yeah all right well I think that's enough anyways you see how we're we're over the bench so that'll work out right there and then if you blow it that way just to make sure I can trained on and stuff make sure it's covered I think I want to go a little higher on the parachute though maybe we'll tie it like like I hide almost tie like that all right

let me give you guys a close-up I'll show you what would not I use okay so this is the knot I use I'm gonna undo it so guys can see what it looks like from scratch so I go around the tree and go over

make it clean I'm gonna go under but I'm gonna pull a bite through it so it looks like this same sounds quick-release tighten it up and it will hold two half hitches strength but I can always just undo it at the end of the day done so right about maybe about there is right I'll put another quick release in it all that done

just barely maybe maybe not even you know go out for this little scraggly one day you want to do this not keV no but I'm watching you we're on the inside under on the outside just literally his first time dying myself so you gonna go over over and you come on the inside on the inside yeah pull all that through but you wrote belongs on that side exactly now if he's holding this by itself it should be nice and clean

yep right okay yes and now you want to go on the side your life yeah now you gonna do under exactly you put a bite I'll just pull the buddy that's it lost in a row on tighten it up all the way let's see yeah that's how you do house man thank you and now quick release you pull the tag gone you're awesome I'll do it again coming together it's coming together so let's sit on the other end a lot of space under there all right guys this pin Mitch with native survival hope you've enjoyed this video hopefully it will help you set up your own parachute I really isn't a lot of work it's very easy it's just a Ridgeline you can just throw it up on each side and have the parachute attached to it pull it up nice and tight and then just all the tights so it's easy huge space under there I mean it's probably 15 20 feet across inside it's huge

so plenty of room put the fire right in the middle and when we're done we just Hank everything up so it's nice and clean for next time simple stuff simple knots phenomenal living room alright thanks a lot hope this helps you out catch you guys in the next one later [Music]


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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