Working on the Bushcraft Campsite


Tags: bushcraft,shelter,camp,camping,wild,build,building,survival,basecamp,wilderness,outdoors,woodcraft,rendezvous

Video Transcription


just hanging out guys having fun no it is alright you can do this too okay so what do you want to uh what do you want to pick this like shooting lane what do you think I would think somewhere where no one's gonna walk right right you don't have shots that a wild plinking around all right maybe an area that's got a backing mm-hmm at the same time I want to be close enough so like we can kind of do it from the living room yeah what about it seems to drop off down there I'm sure there's nothing back there yeah there is kind of a berm back there cool let's do it yeah dude shuttle yes original leather sheath and it walks into multiple you know different angles many at wrenches were dug with this thing huh yeah totally yeah I think sick [Applause]

don't make him like the same shit I gave it to you I did didn't I yes I did I told you yo Gary I took the one that I thought was the absolute best oh my god dude how did you notice that cuz that's what that's great when you design a knife that's the stuff you have yeah so I gave it to you I told you those one out of a hundred to hit where the plunge started at the liner and it gave it to either you or Gary I could remember but I saved it for one of you I gave it to you

Wow dude that's like nothing that's not even 64th of an inch no it isn't I told you starts at the liner yeah I thought it was a 64th but it's probably 100 and yeah holy crap man right on you know how special that is dude dude I'd like inspected that thing a thousand times - yeah that's the stuff that might mean LT would be discussing you know tails I'll have to remember that for sure yeah yeah like Morris the plunge Gary there it's in the handle yeah like there is no point in case they're blade so that their grind line goes Pat like if you look at like a moral 106 blank yeah they straight up grind their knife and so there's no more material because it's a tent it's a rat thing you know yeah I've seen it totally yeah it goes right into the handle sharpener

yeah so that was one nsk out of the whole hundred batch where the plunge started at the liner and I wanted it so bad but I already had so many unescape for that thing that's awesome and I never heard it better yeah I saved that pretty side cool I'm glad it ended up with you I wasn't sure what win but I'm glad you guys alright so alright guys we're going to tie some stuff up make a little range here I'm gonna grab the penny cans we have whatever oh yeah yep gallon jokes with slingshots get some metal cans for the BB gun think I have one metal can and my rock I'm not really a soda guy so I only found one in my house all right so I'm gonna tie up some fishing line for scam [Applause]

two half hitches for the win [Applause]

I think the beater knife this is what you use a beater knife for what I'm talking about

yep no big deal okay you gotta cut them all right now actually after I run the line then I'll put it through a knife go through a metal can this is little survival test well this thing's bomb-proof I can cut metal with it yeah yeah man no you'd never do this with a knife you cared about never cut metal with metal with a knife ago last one

yeah something like that have a bunch of extra second untied if I want whatever wanna hand me those cans real quick I'm gonna do the ultimate survival can cut can your knife be so hardcore I can cut through metal yes why not no more can touch your no to me tie this thing to stick that we can put through it that's a good idea like no way all your genius yeah do they know where I'm living now there's a pack of coyotes it was right behind my house every night no one night they go bonkers dude they go it's so crazy sounds like there's like eight or nine of them nuts it's awesome they even did in the front yard once that was pretty ridiculous I didn't expect that Mike dude you guys are like near the street


so when you hit it you know never do one of those no one's gonna sit weird I'll put the heart shot so it hangs lower yeah I guess you didn't even do it upside down so they put the whole little higher I already cut holes in the other one slips the middle holes and working out too good that'll be a trick shot gonna be a harder one to get this is I'm thinking we're gonna put all these on here and I'm gonna come back like next time we're here yeah I'm gonna bring more cans and instead of putting them on the line we'll have like maybe six we have right now on the line yeah I'm gonna tie string to the strength of this string and have it go to the tab nobody cans going underneath at a little different level swinging in the wind below it'll be multi-level autozone rope guess I'll help guys huh do you have it like on the thing I'm holding the work it's been looking at my lights off on the tree somewhere cool time already yeah I cut all the holes in the middle right now oh maybe it's not what's good idea Oh due to our inflation in the devalue devaluation of our dollar is so bad that like this is what soda cans look like now yeah dude when we were kids they were like it's like cereal boxes they'd gotten taller but they're skinnier now used to be like inside is all air yeah exactly they used to be like all there used to be like four inches now they're like an inch and three quarters because the dollar doesn't buy as much commodities they used to do so a low percentage but they don't want you to know that it'll freak you out I guess like psychology stuff you know you know they're like now 50% more like they're giving you extra and it's still not what it used to be it's like all the extras still not enough from what used to be dear Joe on I already got six on their six school yeah that'll be a trick shot you can make it in the hole mm-hmm untie this

sustained again okay what pound weight 15 pounds 15 right mono yeah so it's gonna stretch a little bit yeah I had like 60 pound and a hundred pound as well but seemed like a waste of good cord yeah

good line for this yeah yeah I mean I don't think I have any I have 20 pound at my house that's as high as I go for freshwater fishing I try to be as stealthy as possible so I'll use like the lightest line possible six pound fluorocarbon that's probably as much stretches you're gonna get out of it I never used it a buddy of mine swears by it what do you think about the spider wire great brain stuff no good I mean for bass fishing and stuff yeah man but I don't know this fishing in Northeast waters they're they're they're sensitive for sure I mean you're not gonna catch trout height right I got an offer on it you're not gonna catch trout for sure on braid I mean it's just there's no way you know it's there so they're easily sketched out you know and everything around here it's not like California or Florida where you're catching 15 pound bass that way just in case I want to undo it something yeah it's only a single yeah you could if you have to you could always just like cut it and then tie it looping it Rita you know so yeah so not so good on the braided I've never I mean it's good again for bass fishing but I used to work Harvin it's it's got the you know most invisibility in water and it's got the least amount of stretch I mean compared to mono anyway but yeah that that to me is where I'd put my money you know [Music]

okay so I'm also gonna go off right here when the percent cotton survival bandana tactical bandana so just a little walks enough this tonight so it's gonna mark the shooting Lane oh so we know like you know probably I'd like to have these going all the way down oh I got you yeah I was like alright mate listen mark here yeah exactly so I'm probably just gonna tie it like that maybe yeah you don't have put a knot if you get ported and threw it


shuffle the camera so you can see or I want to move the camera over there alright I'm gonna go to the side that still has its own hole we get in I got the loot drop stay away should be shot all right we have it ma'am see that not the shooter I oh yeah yeah yeah totally


that's good on the ground - hello say never never do target practice so there's the cans way over there I'm gonna zoom in yeah you know I'm gonna change to night vision hold that thought guys BAM look at that night vision cans yes all right man before take a shot with the first one [Music]

yeah see what and then shoot over there now

so the steel yes I'm gonna voice you wanna zoom out sweet man damn a zoo and try to get if you get one oh you missed did you ever be be pushed back really pull the hammer back and you feel clicks yep you got that time all right come on man

no no no I put you on the spot now wait up missing put you on the spot because I got a place that's funny no no three misses well oh man go for it go for a small again I can't really see the sights - I'll select the car that was yeah you broke it man I think the difference was is that you had the light on my left front side a little bit expectancies forward yeah when I'm wearing the headline of it just like it's too much [Music]

you see those sight I'm gonna hit ya you guys feel baby no nothing oh that's not having the first time see I think there's gonna be fun man at the rendezvous

all right now get you insane my fingers are so numb I can't even feel like the safety or the trigger at all like this I don't feel that that's dissipate it just like it's okay yeah this is awesome BB gun shooting in the night yeah there we go I got it come on man too slow on a branch that's pretty hard to see except crap shot all right brutal man yeah I'll take them kind of addicting

Wow / yes the last one you nip to kind of move the Bottomley and then I'm still learning how this I've never shot this gun before I only shot at once with my brother-in-law's there's recent diet I'm still learning how it's ironsights line up yeah I've just let's trying to line them up dead well you usually want the front men to be just a hair above the bathrooms but at the same time you can tweak it whatever you want yeah yeah which is why I want to have that box so where do you also where do you want that white site the weights items in front yeah I want to go out right in between there we want it right in this notch and right here and you want it not to fill the notch but the fill a notch was a little bit of a crown oh man all right yeah didn't know that my 22 telegonus fiber optic sights yeah so I can see like right now I can't get the sight to know yeah well it's supposed to be I don't know a BB gun is that fear no it's not the original hole is it so meeting it on the sights of our shooting below every time yeah exactly and me putting it slightly higher than it should be well she's not even really it looks like I was aiming in the middle I was shooting it I was aiming the way it's post it was going well yeah I was aiming low I am bad at this yeah you got it man oh I think yeah I didn't see it move yeah I think a couple of small ones yeah I aimed at just this one only once and I thought I missed it but I must have one it's so clean wouldn't even hear it or anything is there doing this one yeah yeah alright then nice that's a pretty quick plan too yes I got these jugs yeah so I figured to hang those off for the slingshot guys probably gonna bring mine if I can find any find any rocks let's see but I think I was a bag of rocks for my son shot like in my basement

nice dude adjustable not even in frame now you guys are all by yourself over here holding them yep so this the cans I have a milk jug hanging for the slingshot boys or for guys I have trouble getting cans I guess yeah that's me that's that's my job right there and being


on my hooks I used one that I always use where I go through a I go through the eye and then then I go around the standing end and it creates a loop I pinch it I go around and around I do it like seven times and then I take that piece all the way at the end and I go through that hole I made yeah hold it and I pull it tight and it winds down to like a barrel that's like seven wraps all the way to the eye and they clip off any extra so it's not stinging out sitting out or anything like that so they use I don't know it's all but the blood not my dad taught us have you got a little kid you know half-blood I think to where you where you take that loop you come through you go back around him but then you go back through the loop back created you know oh sure same thing

one's easier to tie one's not you know what the other one where you move it back through twice tends to break off a little more especially with knots like fluorocarbon mmm lying like fluorocarbon all right well I think we got the range good to start it looks good man and we've got six could just knock this off and hang these up or you want to think about yeah yeah Lumia six two big targets and next time I'm gonna bring a dozen cans with me and we'll do another string of cans and while string off probably in between every other can I'm probably gonna drop a can so they'll be doubled the amount of cans one on each level so in between each hand they'll be ones down throw it so they'll be at this six now and they'd be like 14 if you count the two on the outside its kind of thing one two three four five six seven yeah thirteen cans two levels thirteen cans

I think that'd be good right on the shooting Lee like the more times I I'm out here hanging out working on the stuff and having rendevouz and all that stuff the more times I'm working on it I'm gonna like next time if I bring orange paw I'll put it on a few more trees going further back and I'll come down and I'll rake all the debris up on the whole lane so there's no leaves nothing it's down to the Duff you know I mean yeah so it looks like a lane there's no leaves no branches no material no debris at all on the ground it's just clean so be a stark line of like leaves going leaves leaves leaves and then it's like this clean-cut Lane going through the forest that even someone's walking sideways they're gonna know they're got to walk in the lane you know I was gonna bring my rake actually to do that today but me and the snow on the ground so that's not gonna work I think is kind of no yeah yeah ever wakes no yeah no thanks

all right guys so got the infrared light on so you can see what's going on the middle of the night here or middle the dark rather yeah so we finished up the BB gun site we have the the living room area set up pretty good and we're just heading out of here right now today and got some work done someone buys this in the spring that's it is it this is what I teach classes yeah this is Richard Shan on a wilderness adventure no it's not an adventure at all of a day trip yeah kind of a day trip hung out zero degrees the shooting BB guns in the dark with numb fingers you know ten hours got two hours worth of work to out twenty minutes we hung some cans exactly hung some cans kicked around some logs you know super productive today dark out at this yeah a little bit a little bit dark no anyways guys well thanks for hanging out I see guys in the next video later later


About the Author



Mitch is a Wilderness Living Skills Instructor, he has been featured on The History Channel's program "ALONE" and written articles for Outdoor Magazines; he owns and operates The Native Survival School which provides woodland living and survival classes, as well as offering quality outdoor gear he's designed. Defintely, he is a master at bushcraft's techniques.

You can find all his videos on his YouTube channel.

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